Cover of this month's Total Film.

That's cool and quite creepy, especially Batman's left eye.Cover of this month's Total Film.
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I just love how this movie looks.Cover of this month's Total Film.
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The whole vibe the film is giving off is awesome.
ok. batman HAS to protect against guns. so the closest to your idea is ironically Black Noir. that's the best it can be. Batman going after guns and knives, he HAD to have Kevlar or something
Damn that Seagal GutSENSEI!
I bet he used the same hair gel as Cameron Diaz in theres something about MaryHe really should just leave the helmet off, and work the make up, with what he's got going he's much scarier.
I know. This thread.....
I bet he used the same hair gel as Cameron Diaz in theres something about Mary
Well in BVS Batman actually saved Martha from a flamethrower with his cape.I would even buy that the cape is made of exotic high tech anti-ballistic material. Not enough to prevent severe injury at close range but enough to prevent slugs from penetrating, maybe fire resistant as well. At least then it would have some tactical advantage.
It looks like he ate the whole Japanese culture. He's one with it now.SENSEI!
... I guess ... the issue is similar to the Daredevil one. None of these superheroes are allowed to be small, street-level operators anymore (especially not Batman).
There have to be explosions, flashy tech, larger-than-life set pieces and warehouses full of heavily armed opponents surrounding the hero.
It will never happen, but how I would love to see someone take Spidey or Batman, strip them back to their fundamental motivation to just do something and integrate them into the ecosystem of the mundane criminal underworld as the ambush predators they are. Spidey motivated by a sense of responsibility and guilt, Batman by vengeance, grief and rage.
Terrorizing drug dealers, beating on violent criminals, rescuing regular people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Adopting bad neighbourhoods, and tipping off the police. No need to 'save the world'.
That's it! That's the poster for this movie!Cover of this month's Total Film.
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i got you brothers: