Bale is the perfect BratMan.
Bale is the perfect BratMan.
Guys guys relax Turd is just messing with you Turd is literally TDK Joker he says one bad thing about Pattboy and you fellas are all losing your minds lol
Grant it you guys put up a valiant defense of eye makeup but The Turdker is literally using chaos magic on you!
Damn not only is he The Turdker he is also Scarlet Turd lol
I just saw a leaked video that there is in fact a Pattinson suiting up as Batman scene.
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Who cares about him starring in twilight, Keaton was Mr. Mom for Christ sakes lol. People were pissed that he was going to be Batman and that was way before the internet.Nah he’s not but I find it funny how people are criticizing the guy for the twilight stuff when that was just a movie. Not like the dude lobbied to play the part. The eye makeup is just paint . You know what is stupid? Damaged tatted on your forehead .
and come on now . Leto joker had hot topic merch up the ass. Suicide squad was pretty much hot topic the movie. Also every superhero has merch at hot topic. So every superhero is emo now?
You can get revenge by just mentioning Boba Fett to him.Guys guys relax Turd is just messing with you Turd is literally TDK Joker he says one bad thing about Pattboy and you fellas are all losing your minds lol
Grant it you guys put up a valiant defense of eye makeup but The Turdker is literally using chaos magic on you!
Damn not only is he The Turdker he is also Scarlet Turd!
He’s playing you all like a harp from hell!
The Turdquin!
Who cares about him starring in twilight, Keaton was Mr. Mom for Christ sakes lol. People were pissed that he was going to be Batman and that was way before the internet.
The eyeliner thing is stupid. “I can’t wait to see how Batman puts eye liner on every night before he fights crime.” Said no one ever. The other movies not acknowledging that aspect just works out better. Somethings are better left unsaid.
As far as Letos joker goes, I don’t recall seeing any goth/emo kids rocking a shirt with his Joker on it. Tattoos aren’t emo or “edge”, but mascara sure is bruh. This Batman looks like he definitely appeals to that crowd.
Guys guys relax Turd is just messing with you Turd is literally TDK Joker he says one bad thing about Pattboy and you fellas are all losing your minds lol
Grant it you guys put up a valiant defense of eye makeup but The Turdker is literally using chaos magic on you!
Damn not only is he The Turdker he is also Scarlet Turd!
He’s playing you all like a harp from hell!
The Turdquin!
Lol so just cause he wears eye liner “ which isn’t even eye liner it’s paint “ it’s emo . And come on . The cringe joker was all o er hot topic. Harly Quinn was the top Halloween costume. I like how black paint around the eyes is the thing that’s emo . But cringe leto joker with his stupid tats and damaged forehead tattoos isn’t. That’s as edgy as it gets.Who cares about him starring in twilight, Keaton was Mr. Mom for Christ sakes lol. People were pissed that he was going to be Batman and that was way before the internet.
The eyeliner thing is stupid. “I can’t wait to see how Batman puts eye liner on every night before he fights crime.” Said no one ever. The other movies not acknowledging that aspect just works out better. Somethings are better left unsaid.
As far as Letos joker goes, I don’t recall seeing any goth/emo kids rocking a shirt with his Joker on it. Tattoos aren’t emo or “edge”, but mascara sure is bruh. This Batman looks like he definitely appeals to that crowd.
Imagine Bruce removing his mask and having Selina laugh at him and say “is that eyeliner?” Then Bruce goes “ITz not EyeLiNeR itz PaiNt!!”
Also Tattoos aren’t “Edgy” or emo lmao. You think emo kids made tattoos relevant? You’re giving them way too much credit. They’ve always worn a **** ton of black eye liner. That’s their calling card lol. This reminds me of the goth vs emo southpark episodes.
It looks moronic , especially if he walks around with it as a civilian.
I get it he's a trapped emotional intense little boy, maybe there's a less banal way to convey it. ..Then him walking around with his stupid emo raccoon eyes
If that were true, it'd be fine.HE DOES NOT LEAVE THE BATCAVE LOOKING LIKE THIS.
Now let's talk about the real problems. Selina Kyle wears a ******* sock on her face as a mask.