Prime Clone
Super Freak
5 years since Josstice League
10 years since TDKR
25 years since B&R
30 years since BR
10 years since TDKR
25 years since B&R
30 years since BR
Says the Wor-GarF kids, Lambchop.
BTW, kids are more resilient than people give them credit. Its the parents that are f'd up.
Coming in 10 years…. A tale of the Dark knight simply known as “B”!5 years since Josstice League
10 years since TDKR
25 years since B&R
30 years since BR
BVS Theatrical Runtime - 2h 31mWasn’t the biggest complaint against the Snyderverse that it was too brooding and serious?
Or is Snyderverse a childish version of brooding and serious while The Joker and The Batman are the mature version of brooding and serious.
All the reviews on YouTube are saying this is a winner
I mean, it's still Batman. There's 0 reality in any capecomic. Guy would've left DNA all over, weathered his knees a year in, and gotten his head bashed in after his first serious fight with 10 guys ganging up on him. I get the point, but I think "grounded" is a better word to use.I want 0 comedy in this movie.
I want 0 bs over the top action sequences
I want 0 bs homages easter egg add ins
I want 0 after credit bs teasers...
I want dark stark realism, good character sketches...
Moar black eyeliner!
Batman isn't for kids. This is a positive review.
So she hates anything not made by Disney?
But her review was positive all she said not meant for kids.So she hates anything not made by Disney?
Caught an early screening. Lots of similar plot threads to the Dark Knight Trilogy and even Joker. Probably will be second only to TDK for most fans. (For me it's third after Battfleck and Bale).
Pattinson is a bit like Keaton in that he lacks the physicality.