The Batman (June 25, 2021)

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Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

Had [Batman Begins] been his only movie, I would probably view him as the best film interpretation of the character.

At the end of BB he even gets Rachel to apologize for being a ***** and he takes her rejection like a man, even shares a smile with Alfred about rebuilding the mansion.
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

Hated almost everything about tdkr. What a crap movie. Nothing in that movie felt like batman to me. Absolutely nothing.

If TDKR is "crap" then the average MCU movie is toxic waste. Forgettable toxic waste.
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

With the way Brolin delivers his lines so far...


I liked his speech in GOTG.

I just thought he looked like crap.

The voice does sound "deep" in a sort of generic way for a big monster/creature. (one of the reasons I like Bane's voice so much)

However, I thought his delivery was cool, especially when he said, "The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics BORE ME!"
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

Kitchen scene is effective, nothing special about anything after that imo. Magneto's escape is barely a scene iirc.

Yes, the drama in TWS and CW was very effective to me. I can't think of any drama in the x-movies that was any more than plot service. Wolverine's story is drawn out and obvious, Jean Grey's is vague and poorly ended, Cyclops is barely one-dimensional, Rogue has a weird freakout because...she flies a plane for a minute? Nightcrawler is sympathetic. :dunno

I love the whole concept of Magneto's escape. It's not just a cool scene but there's a nice set up before that in another great scene with Mystique. Ripping the iron out of the guard was brutal, using that to murder everyone in the prison while he floats away like a boss is a lot more unique than most action we're getting in superhero flicks now days. I get why people don't really rate it that high these days because they love they high octane fast paced action, but I prefer well thought out action scenes.

Wolverines story is drawn out in X2? I don't see how when we're finally learning about his past by the end of the movie that's resolved, Jean Grey turning in the Phoenix at the end is a bad ending? What exactly was vague about it? I consider that to be one of the best parts of the movie, Cyclops barely played a role for me to see he was one-dimensional, and Nightcrawler is a good example of what persecution the Mutants go through as well as being the comedy relief, same for Bobby Drake.

X2 has tons of drama that isn't plot service, like the entire scene where the X-Men and the Brotherhood are camping out together, and Bobby Drakes house scene.

TWS I thought has solid action but the everything else like the quips during serious scenes, the acting, and of course the villains are all subpar like most of the MCU in my opinion.

CW it's just a bad movie in my opinion.
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

At the end of BB he even gets Rachel to apologize for being a ***** and he takes her rejection like a man, even shares a smile with Alfred about rebuilding the mansion.

And in the rooftop scene with Gordon following that he sounds all cool, calm and collected.
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

If TDKR is "crap" then the average MCU movie is toxic waste. Forgettable toxic waste.

Ok? Thanks for saying that. I don't know why you'd think I'd care. Before Spider-Man came along I didn't care about the mcu at all. Thought all there movies were decent at best cept for like 3 . Sooooooooo yea.

Maybe I hated tdkr was because I felt it didn't properly represent my second favorite hero of all time and his mythos?
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

Ok? Thanks for saying that. I don't know why you'd think I'd care. Before Spider-Man came along I didn't care about the mcu at all. Thought all there movies were decent at best cept for like 3 . Sooooooooo yea.

Do you like the Spidey costume?

I don't like the black lines and belt. If they get rid of that and leave the rest the way it is in CW and HC, then it'd be perfect, imo.
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

All cape**** is automatically a 4/10 for being cape****. Doesn't matter if you're Batman or Spider-Man.
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

Do you like the Spidey costume?

I don't like the black lines and belt. If they get rid of that and leave the rest the way it is in CW and HC, then it'd be perfect, imo.

I like it but I feel like the one they used for the production of the movie looked better . It better black webs and a better symbol. I appreciate the moving eyes they gave the mask since now he can convey emotion and not have to take his mask off a lot
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

There's a Swamp Thing gameplay reveal for Injustice 2.
But people are still talkin' about Batman movies.
SSF are sad individuals indeed...
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

I love the whole concept of Magneto's escape. It's not just a cool scene but there's a nice set up before that in another great scene with Mystique. Ripping the iron out of the guard was brutal, using that to murder everyone in the prison while he floats away like a boss is a lot more unique than most action we're getting in superhero flicks now days. I get why people don't really rate it that high these days because they love they high octane fast paced action, but I prefer well thought out action scenes.

Wolverines story is drawn out in X2? I don't see how when we're finally learning about his past by the end of the movie that's resolved, Jean Grey turning in the Phoenix at the end is a bad ending? What exactly was vague about it? I consider that to be one of the best parts of the movie, Cyclops barely played a role for me to see he was one-dimensional, and Nightcrawler is a good example of what persecution the Mutants go through as well as being the comedy relief, same for Bobby Drake.

X2 has tons of drama that isn't plot service, like the entire scene where the X-Men and the Brotherhood are camping out together, and Bobby Drakes house scene.

TWS I thought has solid action but the everything else like the quips during serious scenes, the acting, and of course the villains are all subpar like most of the MCU in my opinion.

CW it's just a bad movie in my opinion.

Yeah, I'm not trying to crap on 1&2 but none of the drama resonated with me. The Bobby Drake family scene was particularly hacky to me. Magneto's escape well executed but I'd never rate it as an action scene. If you didn't think Winter Soldier was an imposing villain, the action wasn't great, and the humor was too much we're just not going to find common ground. Which is fair enough. :duff
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

At the end of BB he even gets Rachel to apologize for being a ***** and he takes her rejection like a man, even shares a smile with Alfred about rebuilding the mansion.

To be fair, I think he was so distracted that he didn't hear anything she said. Still stunned after she left, Bruce just smiled at Alfred so it would seem like he was paying attention to him.

Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

>MCU Fanboys: Da MCU is da best!!1 Da quips and smol Tony and da Stony slash make me moist.

>FoxMen Fanboys: Da FoxMen tackle, like, real world issues and are, like, above, like, everythin'! Dey're simply abov'! Men who control one of the Four Fundemental Forces of Nature are, like, da best allegories for minorities!

>DCEU Fanboys: Look at this shot and the symbolism behind every millisecond. Y'all too stoopid too understan'! Da Snyderverse is deeeeeep.

>Pretentious Fanboys: Well dear chap, none of that mainstream crap appeals to me. For when I watch a movie based on characters with capes and underwear fighting mutated monsters, and somehow not killing psychopathic murderers after decades, I expect a top notch cinematic experience. I long for real world issues to be explored through the eyes of titanian heroes!

There, I saved you the time that'd take you to read every nerd conversation about CBMs ever. Now go... dunno, do something.


PS: Not a reference to anybody here, just a general jab. Try IMDB, Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook and the like for such comments.
Re: Ben Affleck Batman film

Ok? Thanks for saying that. I don't know why you'd think I'd care. Before Spider-Man came along I didn't care about the mcu at all. Thought all there movies were decent at best cept for like 3 . Sooooooooo yea.

Maybe I hated tdkr was because I felt it didn't properly represent my second favorite hero of all time and his mythos?

TDK could have literally not been a Batman movie