for my lonely nights
why crows, you shouldn't have.
"From the crew who watched Doctor Zhivago Warner Bros proudly presents The Dark Knight Rises."
Here's the thing: Indies, Vertigo and MAX titles do that. Not the main universe titles. The X-Men had a period in the 80s where they had such stories, but then they had events with demons led by the clone of Jean grey, whom Cyclops abandoned. Captain America explored politics with Gruenwald's run and Brubaker's, which people love to cite, but have never read. Iron Man's best run has been Ellis' 6-issue Extremis, which was a fairly boring story, the Knauf run which needs Tony as Director of SHIELD to work, and Fraction's run which is basically the MCU version with more blood and guts.
Main Continuity comics rarely explore these themes, and when they do, it's nothing more than what you'd see in a Saturday Morning Cartoon. In the end, they'll always wear their bright suits, punch a monster and be done with it. If you wanna talk indies and imprints, sure, I ain't dissagreeing. But like I've already said, superhero movies will never have these themes as their focal points. CBMs yes, super-hero flicks, no.
TDKR has slowly redeemed itself for me over time. There's still things I don't like about it but there's enough there that I do like that I accept it as the ending to Baleman.
The one thing I really didn't like about TDKR was the action/fight scenes. Damn, those were bad.
I never quite understood the hate for TDKR.
Maybe because I never understood the orgasmic love for TDK...
The one thing I really didn't like about TDKR was the action/fight scenes. Damn, those were bad.
Sewer fight was great.
You just knew he was gonna get destroyed and everything Hardy says during is ****ing gold.
for my lonely nights
why crows, you shouldn't have.
Unfortunately yes. It's a shame that I look back on that old cop's line ''son, you are in for a show tonight'' and think....''wweeellllll...''
Future kids will watch TDKR for the first time and expect the older cop to hand the rookie a CW blu-ray.
TDKR was the start of WB/DC bad decisions where the dip in quality was noticeable. Each subsequent movie from them with arises on got worse and worse.
TDKR -> MoS -> BvS -> Suicide Squad -> Wonder Woman
Dunno how Justice League is going to be, but I'm sure it's going to be another shot show based on their horrible record. I'd imagine if it's awful it will make SS looks decent, BvS look good, MoS look excellent and TDKR look like a master piece.