Speaking of Ringo, dums and hands: if you think the guitars have been an education, wait'll you start really looking at drummers' hand positions. I got to sit very close to a drummer at a club a couple weeks ago. We non-musicians tend to think, two hands, five drums, five sounds. Then you see that different grips produce different sounds, and that each drum has its own repertoire of possibilities. Left hand palm up with the stick between two fingers, right hand palm down with the stick between thumb and forefinger, stick laid flat on the drum head. It's all fascinating.
Anyway, Store-room has hand sets for sale for a very reasonable ten bucks, and I got a couple of sets. Two of the hands have rings, though not Ringo-accurate. They are a smidge smaller than Hot Toys hands, barely enough to be noticeable, but enough to be advantageous for Ringo. (My own plan for the Lads is 3 HT Slims, and a Medicom RAH regular for Ringo converted for HT wrists.) The ad says they'll fit any of three types of pegs but come without any pegs of their own, but in my case at least, they lied. The hands each had a Hot Toys peg included.
If you want to have the guitarists form actual chords, then Ada's hands may be a way to go. I was very pleased with her hands, but they do have rather long fingers. They almost could be either female or male.
I'm heading into a very intense three or four days, but when I get back I'll try to shoot some photos of various hands on the Slims for everybody. I'll also try setting up my drum kit to see if it has a stool, I didn't even notice and though I took it out of the box to inspect, I didn't set it up. I also have an older 1:6 Japanese model kit of a drum set, so I'll check that out for a stool and let you know what it is and who makes it.
Pjam, got my shoes (I only could get 2 pair) and they're pretty good but may be large on a TT.