I'm starting with '75... Because I'm old.
75: Jaws*
76: Rocky*
77: Star Wars*, Close Encounters of the Third Kind*
78: Superman: The Movie*, Grease
79: Alien*, Rocky II
80: The Empire Strikes Back*
81: Raiders of The Lost Ark*, Superman II
82: E.T., Blade Runner, The Thing, Poltergeist, First Blood, Rocky III
83: Return of The Jedi, National Lampoon's Vacatiom
84: Terminator*, Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom, Gremlins, Romancing The Stone, Beverly Hills Cop, Ghostbusters
85: Back To The Future*, Rambo II, Fletch*, Goonies
86: Aliens*, Top Gun, Platoon
87: Lethal Weapon*, Predator*, Robocop*, The Untouchables*, Full Metal Jacket*
88: Die Hard*, Rain Man, Beetlejuice, Who Framed Roger Rabbit
89: The Abyss*, Batman, Born on the 4th of July, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
90: Goodfellas*, Total Recall, **** Tracy
91: Terminator 2*
92: Unforgiven*, Batman Returns
93: Jurassic Park, The Fugitive, Cliffhanger
94: The Shawshank Redemption*, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, True Lies
95: Braveheart, Heat, 12 Monkeys, Apollo 13
96: Mission: Impossible
97: L.A. Confidential*, Good Will Hunting
98: Saving Private Ryan*
99: The Sixth Sense, The Matrix
00: Gladiator, Cast Away, X-Men
01: A.I.*, Fellowship of The Ring
02: Minority Report, Signs, Spider-Man
03: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of The Black Pearl, X2: X-Men United
04: The Passion of The Christ*, The Incredibles*, Spider-Man 2
05: War of The Worlds, Batman Begins, Revenge of The Sith
06: The Departed, V For Vendetta
07: Zodiac, 300
08: The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Wall-E, Tropic Thunder
09: Up*, District 9, Inglorious Basterds, Watchmen, The Hangover
10: Inception, Toy Story 3, The Town
11: Rise of The Planet of The Apes, Captain America: The First Avenger, Super 8, X-Men: First Class
12: The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, The Campaign
That is my list. Those with * are ones I feel are absolutely among the top "classic" genre movies ever made, certainly in my lifetime.
I learned a couple of things doing this... not so many * in recent years. And 1987 is an unsung year of kick assdom.
And Khev, THOR was marginally better than GREEN LANTERN.

I actually dig both of them, but neither is all that great.