Broke and happy
As a kid I was like WTF is this lol
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Was in a couple of best buy?s today and was very surprised at how pathetic the movie section is. Was able to snag a couple of Marvel SBs, but they had almost nothing to pick from.
Back in the day, they had isles
So that new Dark Crystal show was captured in 8K.
That?s definitely in a small group of bleeding edge productions.
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It was bad albeit creepy for my age.
I loved the robots though but for me it was all about SW toys as a kid not BH lol
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Its bad, and doesnt stand the test of time at all lol
But I love it, purely for the nostalgia and robots. And the story is actually pretty cool, creepy like jye said.
I want it in blu, the dvd is horrible! but am not part of the disney movie club or whatever that is
Its funny you say that, when I first saw Raiders that's exactly what I thought. That silly lava ball did stick with me as one of the better images. Not sure why lava ball was formed in the first place though.