The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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Xizor would be great! Hadn't thought of that. I don't mind Qi'ra showing up, but not as the villain. The big bad villain arc really doesn't work for the character. Somehow the Pykes seemed more threatening in CG animation than they do in CGI/live action.
The pikes would've needed to be fully CGI to look right like they did in the CW. This show obviously didn't have the budget, thus compromises were made. Now they are basically humans with masks/CGI heads.
What happened to the youtube video you posted that I just refered to above??

Why did you remove it?

Sorry I thought someone else may have posted it earlier on in the tread. I didn’t want to repeat a topic). I originally saw it on an easter egg video on YouTube:Screen Crush.

I honestly hated that kitchen scene. That made me feel like a lot of people here do in thinking "Boba Fett can't even catch this tiny droid?"

As far as directors go, I know they matter a lot, but I can't ignore the fact that Jon Favreau so far the sole credited writer on the entire series. I see that Filoni co-wrote Episode 6, but that's it. This is all Favreau which is honestly mind blowing after The Mandalorian. He's the one writing and creating this crap.
Mando is going to come in and probably serve as some damage sponge, taking a bunch of hits like Harley in TSS while Fennec/Black Christ serves the finishing blows. Then Boba will be in utter shock having Nam-like flashbacks to his bounty hunting days, hindering him even more useless.

The incoming cameos might be the only saving grace of this show. The action is even more retarded than the dialog.
Would the series bug me less if it was about some character I didn't care about as much? Probably. But bad writing and poor execution would still keep me from enjoying this series as anything other than a live-action version of a Saturday morning cartoon. Or as an unintentional spoof. There's nothing about the story that hasn't been done *better* many times before in film and television. The appeal here is supposed to be "it's Star Wars!" That's not enough. And it's supposed to be Boba Fett; a character fans my age were clamoring for more of since the OT. This isn't him.

I get that you accept the show as a rebrand, but I don't want to do that. If the series was blowing me away in quality, then sure. But accept a rebrand just because it's campy and unintentionally funny? Why?
As I said because:

1. It doesn't sync with the original theatrical Fett (but neither does the Daniel Logan/TM version that George changed him to)
2. The campiness and unintentional humor is *genuinely* entertaining and is actually quite charming.

Now I'm guessing your response to #2 above will be "no it most certainly isn't" which is fine, but also too bad. Being angry or disgusted about this stuff isn't any fun which is what this series is primarily about. But as I mentioned to Wor-Gar recently nobody really needs any new SW content, it's all gravy from here on out so if any of this rubs anyone the wrong way there's still a ton of other stuff to enjoy.

The whole point of these shows and movies is to extend the fictional universe that we grew up with. I can't enjoy them that way if they don't actually feel like an extension, and especially if my subjective evaluation is telling me that the quality is subpar.

I can understand that.

As for Slave I rebranding, you bet it's more annoying than losing Wingreen's voice. Ships don't need name changes. Wingreen was never gonna live forever, even if the PT wasn't the reason for switching Fett's voice actor, so the character would need a new actor eventually anyway. That's part of the deal with continuing stories on screen. But the ship name change is totally different. Whatever their reasons for it, they didn't need to flaunt the rebrand so overtly when it wasn't necessary. We all know why they did it, and I'm not going to pretend that I don't know.
We can also assume that George changed Fett from a white actor in a suit with a white actor's voice to a non-white face and voice for political correctness just like they are doing with Slave I. Because *nothing* suggests that George made any effort to cast someone that actually looked and sounded like the character we saw in the OT. And if you can accept a politically correct Boba Fett then a politically correct "Boba Fett's Starship" doesn't seem like that much of an additional stretch. :dunno

All I ask is that the change be an organic one (like putting new actors in Vader and Chewie's suits when Prowse and Mayhew were no longer able/alive that actually had similar physiques as their predecessors.) Or Ewan McGregor at least trying to speak with an accent and cadence similar to Sir Alec. And so on. And having Fett specify the class of his ship *when it actually made sense within the context of that particular conversation* is something that I would call an "organic change." Same with his reformed character simply renaming it to fit his new ideology. That to me is much better than pretending that it was never called Slave I and going back and re-recording Aurra Sing's dialogue in TCW where she called it that (which is exactly what George did with Fett's lines in ESB:SE, which you seem to accept.)

Bear in mind that your take and preferences are more than valid, I'm just calling out my different perspective for the sake of discussion. :)

You make a good point about the redundancy of piling on, and I've done enough of it here that it's time for me to back away from the thread. This last episode, despite arguably being the best of these first four, pissed me off the most, so I have nothing positive to say. But since you asked the question of what did people want to see from this show, I'd like to answer that question. Then I'll try my best to avoid more piling on.

I wanted to see Boba Fett being Boba Fett. I wanted to see the character I was introduced to (with a good amount of marketing and fanfare) more than 40 years ago but who was given very little time on screen. That character was a villain. A guy who collected bounties; sometimes by ruthless disintegration, and sometimes in whatever manner allowed him to wear the victim's scalp as a braided trophy. He worked alone. He said little. He had a reputation that merited respect from the most feared and evil man in the galaxy (Vader). He was cunning and proficient. I wanted to see *that* guy as a crime boss, to make up for the lack of getting to see that guy as a bounty hunter.

But none of those characteristics are present in the current iteration of the character. He's not a villain; though we'd have every reason to think he was going to be as a *crime boss* on Tatooine. He's a good guy, in every sense of that phrase; he explicitly says he would like to see fewer people die and he only goes after bad guys who threaten him or have done him wrong. I wouldn't be entirely opposed to eventually ending his arc by turning him into the good guy anti-hero, but only *after* OG Fett got plenty of screen time being OG Fett. Instead, they bypassed that guy and went straight to the nicer guy version.

He isn't a man of few words now; he speaks a ton. He isn't proficient; he's clumsy enough to ineptly chase a rabbit droid through a kitchen like a ******* clown. He isn't cunning; he comes up with the stupidest ideas and fails to spot vulnerabilities. He certainly isn't ruthless. He's not a bounty hunter. He doesn't work alone; he believes in being part of a tribe (even though all that got him was a dead tribe). He isn't respected; characters even tell him this to his face.

This is quite literally a completely different character in every way except for name, a helmet, and some armor. There's nothing about this show that makes it more compelling by having the main character be "Boba Fett" rather than be some completely new character who gives up a life of bounty hunting to pursue more autonomy with some benevolent intent. His name and legacy were simply the hook to reel in longtime fans (aka "suckers") like me before unveiling the bait-and-switch.

Robert Rodriguez talked about how this great character was underserved for so many years, and that now they get to give fans actual stories of the Boba Fett they grew up wanting more of. Well, for me this isn't anything remotely similar to the Boba Fett I grew up with, and I already enumerated the reasons why. It's a rebrand into a more soft and cuddly Boba Fett. And for anyone rationalizing it as "character evolution," I hope they at least understand that while that's true, this "evolution" comes without having been given any further glimpse of the original version of the character beyond the few minutes we got in the OT.

It also barely qualifies as an evolution since the end result is a complete departure from virtually everything the character used to be. It also comes at the expense of exchanging one of the few notable and awesome villains in the Star Wars universe for another version of Din Djarin (but nowhere near as cool). A villain with great design and attitude, with plenty of mysterious intrigue, is now going to be the protagonist to make way for a villain that's probably going to be... Emilia Clarke. Yay. No thanks.

There's a profound moment in this latest episode. Boba Fett tells Fennec that he needs to retrieve his "Firespray gunship" from Jabba's palace. Everyone with any functioning brain cells knows that he didn't need to say anything other than "my ship" in order for both Fennec and the audience to understand what he was referring to. But the rebrand of Slave I takes precedence, and the writers happily played along with the corporate edict. Everything in this show is a rebrand, and they're not disguising it. And the vast majority of fans will re-calibrate their perceptions and associations to happily accept Disney rebrands because they have a compulsive need to enjoy whatever carries the Star Wars label. And Disney knows it. Well, God bless the fans who can enjoy this. But I've been learning that I'm not one of them.

Sorry for the long rant.
Jesus Christ one of the best posts on SW I have ever had the privilege to read.

That is just brutal honest truth to the billionth power.

Keep piling on dude!!

The ST received no mercy.

So why should this!

It has earned it 4 consecutive episodes.
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We can also assume that George changed Fett from a white actor in a suit with a white actor's voice to a non-white face and voice for political correctness just like they are doing with Slave I. Because *nothing* suggests that George made any effort to cast someone that actually looked and sounded like the character we saw in the OT. And if you can accept a politically correct Boba Fett then a politically correct "Boba Fett's Starship" doesn't seem like that much of an additional stretch. :dunno

Not 100% sure but I recall watching an interview (with Temuera Morrison I think) where he said that George cast him as Jango after seeing him in Once Were Warriors.
Not 100% sure but I recall watching an interview (with Temuera Morrison I think) where he said that George cast him as Jango after seeing him in Once Were Warriors.
Oh I'm sure George wanted someone who could play a convincing badass but we know that starting with ESB Lucas went out of his way to show more and more diversity with each new SW film and TM replacing Bulloch/Wingreen when he looked and sounded nothing like either seemed to fall in line with that.

Either way my overall point is that what really matters is how something plays *on screen* versus any filmmakers' ulterior motives or agendas. And while a name change from Slave I to Firespray is definitely lame the way it was mentioned in that one conversation on today's episode at least made sense within the context of the story which is all I ask.
No something much more bad ass.

He stood up to Vader.

Good try though….not! lol

Hmmm let's look at your quote.

I agree about the honor part but there is also the part about true bad ass’s fighting like the true warriors that they are….

Well was in ESB you know 42 years ago :gah:

You referenced Fett as a "bad ass fighter" and True warrior like in ESB 42 years ago.

Not one mention of standing up to Vader or anything like you are trying to deflect to, just a reference for him being a bad ass fighter like in ESB......which we never saw.

Nice attempt at deflecting though....not lol
Hmmm let's look at your quote.

I agree about the honor part but there is also the part about true bad ass’s fighting like the true warriors that they are….

Well was in ESB you know 42 years ago :gah:

You referenced Fett as a "bad ass fighter" and True warrior like in ESB 42 years ago.

Not one mention of standing up to Vader or anything like you are trying to deflect to, just a reference for him being a bad ass fighter like in ESB......which we never saw.

Nice attempt at deflecting though....not lol
Well I don’t know what to say other than standing up to Vader implies that he is a bad ass across all spectrums of his personal and professional life.

Yes they only showed him being a cunning strategist in ESB but I bet being a lethal bad ass fighter is also part of his dna without having to show it.

The dude freaking stood up to Vader!

He is a 360 24/7 bad ass.

C’mon now.

C’mon now.

Don’t make me pile on i’ll do it I swear lol
Well I don’t know what to say other than standing up to Vader implies that he is a bad ass across all spectrums of his personal and professional life.

Yes they only showed him being a cunning strategist in ESB but I bet being a lethal bad ass fighter is also part of his dna without having to show it.

The dude freaking stood up to Vader!

He is a 360 24/7 bad ass.

C’mon now.

C’mon now.

Don’t make me pile on i’ll do it I swear lol
And now you are trying to change the topic. I didn't say anything about any of what you posted. This is about you implying they showed him as a bad ass fighter in ESB, when they didn't.

C'mon now, I took a jab at you when you stated something wrong, it landed. Just own it and move on.
And now you are trying to change the topic. I didn't say anything about any of what you posted. This is about you implying they showed him as a bad ass fighter in ESB, when they didn't.

They showed him to be one of six bounty hunters (an incredibly violent profession) hand selected by Vader out of the entire galaxy with specific instructions given *only to him* to not disintegrate his targets. To disintegrate your target you need to hit what you're aiming at while staying alive in the process, which he obviously did so many times so famously as to make Vader's radar. How could someone in such a profession with such renown not be a badass fighter?
And now you are trying to change the topic. I didn't say anything about any of what you posted. This is about you implying they showed him as a bad ass fighter in ESB, when they didn't.

C'mon now, I took a jab at you when you stated something wrong, it landed. Just own it and move on.
The term “bad ass fighter” holds many meanings :dunno

They showed him to be one of six bounty hunters (an incredibly violent profession) hand selected by Vader out of the entire galaxy with specific instructions given *only to him* to not disintegrate his targets. To disintegrate your target you need to hit what you're aiming at while staying alive in the process, which he obviously did so many times so famously as to make Vader's radar. How could someone in such a profession with such renown not be a badass fighter?
/\This guy gets it/\

Who is this Khev I need to get to know him lol