The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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Big ambition considering he couldn't even find his book, or remember to lock the front door in the first season. :unsure:
Nostalgia, in and of itself, isn't bad. Same for cameo appearances. If used in service of the story, to really accentuate some aspect of it, those things can be great. But when those are used for nothing more than pandering to get an audience response, then it becomes like bubble gum to me: tastes great at first, but when that flavor rush dissipates and you're left just mindlessly chewing out of habit, that's when it's time to spit it out.

Luke showed up in the previous episode, and I loved it. But I loved it because I assumed it was the beginning of a broader payoff for spending all of Mando season 2 getting Grogu in touch with a Jedi. Nope! The finale took the setup and had Luke put the child *unaccompanied* on an X-Wing to be delivered (somehow) to Din. That's it. An entire season spent finding a home for Grogu, then one episode (of a Boba Fett show!) spent determining that he needs to go back to Din.

And Grogu was sent back carelessly, irresponsibly, and absurdly with no explanation from Luke about how sometimes home needs to be where the heart is. Instead, it was basically an unspoken message to Din like: "I know you risked your life repeatedly to get this child into my care, but I'm just gonna send him back by way of a reckless mechanic I've never met with the full expectation that he'll be delivered safely to you as you fight a turf war on my home planet." What the actual ****!?

As for cameos: what was the purpose of Ahsoka and Cad Bane? If the story needed Din to not interact with Grogu, how hard would it have been to have Luke come out of some hut while Grogu was sleeping inside to have the same conversation that Ahsoka had? It would've meant more because those two are the ones Grogu is caught between, and they *should* have interacted to understand where each other is coming from. But nope, gotta stick Ahsoka in there to pander. Giving no explanation for how she knows Luke's whereabouts, and no context for their interactions.

And then Cad Bane. He shows up to shoot Cobb Vanth in order to dissuade the Freetown people from getting involved. Say what!? If there's one thing a 70-year-old assassin should know, it's that revenge is a thing. :lol Then he comes back after the Pykes have lost and given up. For what? Why is he bothering with Fett at that point when the war is over? Just to be used again someday after he recovers from the slight inconvenience of being stabbed through the chest.

Awful all around. Tons of pointless stuff.
Yep. What can I say. Maddeningly IMO in TBOBF there's scenes and lines that work, like the interchange between Fennec and Boba. To me that's a reasonable motivation to build off, that you've spent years working for idiots and you're done. Like the show couldn't decide whether it wanted to be an epic and brutal journey and battle to be godfather, or some campy cartoon with daddy Fett and the Scooby Do gang.

Then F&F literally milk themselves coz yeah there's not just one shot of helmets on posts, there's another in the finale. A small thing but it totally drains the impact of that quick scene in the Mandalorian. Also Fennec constantly having to explain. That's a long way from Cara and Din D'jarin.

As for the rehash and another ad for the Ahsoka series, to me that was a completely wasted opportunity for some reasonable interaction between Luke and Din D'jarin. It's not like Din really knows anything about the Jedi, or understands the issue with wielding the Darksaber. Watching Mandalorian and TBOBF back to back, the whole Grogu return was lame. More like Grogu went to summer camp.

Although it wouldn't surprise me if Ahsoka as well as Luke become more or less permanent fixtures in the Mandalorian, especially Ahsoka because of Filoni. Popping in and out to look in on Grogu and say something cryptic like a female Yoda. Except I don't think Dawson has the presence of the original OT puppet. Er.

But, there's enough there IMO for a skilled director to work with if there is a season 2, and can bring more out of Morrison. I hope. The first thing a new director should do is what Taika Waititi did with the Warriors Three - he ditched what he thought was extraneous for Ragnarok. The mods are definitely extraneous.
Of course she does - she's Ron Howard's daughter and probably spent her whole life observing & learning the business from the inside. This should surprise no one.
Nah no "of course" gazillions exemples of the apple falling far from the tree in the biz so i never take that kind of things for granted.
And she might not be a visual, hands on director as i respect but just a good leader and know how to choose her team (wich i respect but is not my definition of a good director) its the most common way of directing in the usa, hence why you have nobodies like Watts directing a blockbuster after a indie film like COP CAR.
Rodriguez does it all by himself, Storyboards, cam operator, edit, its bad but he does all like a cheap non talented James Cameron.
Im actually looking into it, asking friends on the star wars shows to know how she actually work.
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I liked him in PCU (which was actually a really great college comedy...if it were only rated R instead of PG-13 it could have been an early 90s version of Animal House or Revenge of the Nerds) and of course I absolutely loved him in Swingers.

His movie "Chef" was really damn good too, but I don't wanna rewatch it cause it makes me hungry.
Like Da Bantha sounds like that Macarena song lol

Dale a tu Cuervo alegría like da bantha
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, like da bantha
Hey like da bantha, ay
It's a complete disgrace of the character. There he is, that nice old pudgy "crime lord" respectfully walking down Sesame Street without his helmet giving all "his people" his best game show host wave and jackass smile.

It's so fricking stupid. :slap

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...and that is why my dollies will keep their helmets on and be in bad *** poses. A frequent reminder of my convenient head canon. But yeah, ultimately the person TM is too nice a person to play the Boba Fett we wanted. Had he kept his helmet on, I think it would've gone a long way. Oh well. :)
I liked him in PCU (which was actually a really great college comedy...if it were only rated R instead of PG-13 it could have been an early 90s version of Animal House or Revenge of the Nerds) and of course I absolutely loved him in Swingers.

His movie "Chef" was really damn good too, but I don't wanna rewatch it cause it makes me hungry.
When I saw him on Friends ..I knew exactly who he was

Like Da Bantha sounds like that Macarena song lol

Dale a tu Cuervo alegría like da bantha
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, like da bantha
Hey like da bantha, ay

Like Da Bantha sounds like that Macarena song lol

Dale a tu Cuervo alegría like da bantha
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, like da bantha
Hey like da bantha, ay
Episode 2: Fennec says "If you don't fear any man then maybe you'll fear...the Rancor!"

And I just noticed that the Gammy holding the knife to the guy's throat jumps back freaking FAST. Like "wtf we have a Rancor?!?? I remember what happened to the last Gammy who stood too close to the prisoner get me outta here!" :lol
Episode 2: Fennec says "If you don't fear any man then maybe you'll fear...the Rancor!"

And I just noticed that the Gammy holding the knife to the guy's throat jumps back freaking FAST. Like "wtf we have a Rancor?!?? I remember what happened to the last Gammy who stood too close to the prisoner get me outta here!" :lol
Stop re-watching it Khev! You will make them green light season 2.