The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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That's definitely a huge factor but Marvel Superheroes, LOTR, etc., were around in the 70's and I remember enjoying them at that time but it's funny how we just latch on to certain things and never let go. I mean there's millions of people my exact age who would have watched the same OT as me in the theaters at the exact same time, loved them, and then moved on with their lives to focus on other things, lol.
I don't have that. I'll take a cross-section of the best each of my favourite IPs has to offer rather than zoning in on one IP, over half of which could be complete crap. :lol
I don't have that. I'll take a cross-section of the best each of my favourite IPs has to offer rather than zoning in on one IP, over half of which could be complete crap. :lol
:lol i feel that. im a huge batman fan but dont even own a copy of batman forever or returns. picking and choosing is the way, lets you put more money (especially for a hobby like collecting) towards other things or IP's.

unless you're a completionist which i really feel sorry for. :lol instead of that bad ass mcu figure you're gonna have to pass it up to pick up.... jar-jar.
I don't have that. I'll take a cross-section of the best each of my favourite IPs has to offer rather than zoning in on one IP, over half of which could be complete crap. :lol
Well I do both. :) Obsess over SW while still allowing other IP's to coexist and even fight for the throne (for a long time I put LOTR, especially FOTR, above even SW/ESB.) I put ALIENS above ROTJ so that's another film that surpasses even an OT film as well. And when it comes to collectibles I actually own very little when you take my level of "obsession" into consideration.
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(for a long time I put LOTR, especially FOTR, above even SW/ESB.)
For some people the whole SW fandom goes beyond the films themselves. It's tied to other factors, like their parents or just a good childhood memory, imo.

I'll never forget a show called True Life on MTV. One episode was about a dad who was obsessed with SW, while his son wasn't a fan. It seemed like the dad's love for SW had more to do with seeing the films with his mom than anything else. He loved the film too of course. I wonder what he thinks of the ST. :LOL:
For some people the whole SW fandom goes beyond the films themselves. It's tied to other factors, like their parents or just a good childhood memory, imo.

I'll never forget a show called True Life on MTV. One episode was about a dad who was obsessed with SW, while his son wasn't a fan. It seemed like the dad's love for SW had more to do with seeing the films with his mom than anything else. He loved the film too of course. I wonder what he thinks of the ST. :LOL:
i remember that show! one time i saw one about a body builder who shaved his whole body with his dads help :lol
For some people the whole SW fandom goes beyond the films themselves. It's tied to other factors, like their parents or just a good childhood memory, imo.
That is absolutely correct. SW of course imprinted on me at an early age but then continued to re-imprint through the various home video releases, SE's, PT, ST, Mando and now Boba as I experienced each with certain family members or friends. I'd even count the legendary back and forth here with you guys over the craziness of BOBF as yet another reason that I'll probably always love this show, lol.

And that's all in addition to the aspects of SW that are simply great filmmaking with great characters, imagination, visuals, excitement, uplifting storytelling, etc., etc., etc. In other words there are so many elements that are potentially enjoyable about SW at any given time that even if one or more falters (writing, acting, world-building, etc.) usually I find that there are still more than enough reasons to still enjoy it.
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I've never sat down to rewatch a single SW movie or show. I love the general universe, but the films themselves... eh. I don't much care for the LotR universe (though that might change when I finally read the books I've had on my shelf for years now), but I find the movies much more competently made and engrossing. However I've only seen them once as well. I prefer PotC if we're talking big set-piece focused action properties of the era. MCU flicks are middle of the road with some genuine moments of soul, and depending on the time I can put them on repeat while I'm doing something else. Mostly the Iron Man Trilogy & GotG. I think those have some soul in them. The rest, I don't know. Winter Soldier is a fine spyflick with capes and I've rewatched it multiple times. I find Doctor Strange easy to sit through too. Infinity War was the first case of the MCU trying to approach the scale of comic book events, so I'm partial to it, even though Endgame dropped the ball. Thor 1 & 2 are harmless, disposable fun, but that might be because I like Myth Sci-Fi types. I can't remember anything else. I wouldn't count any of them in my Top 100, but you get the point.

I don't consider any of them genuine filmmaking in the complete sense. LotR yeah, sure. And I'll give Lucas a lot of props for the technical aspects and what he tried to do, but I've never been able to see SW as films; they're just parts of the grander merchandising whole. I think the KotOR games have more merit, I think the Dark Horse EU comics had better world building and were more enjoyable, and so on. The movies are a part of the entire tapestry, and while they're the core, I find more enjoyment elsewhere. Maybe it's because I'm a lore type and I like all the worldbuilding; the more the merrier. Provided of course that it doesn't devolve to nonsense; sometimes less is more. But for me, aesthetics is the primary reason to be invested in anything. WH40K has tons of contradictory and stupid lore, but I love the aesthetics too much. It's not even the grimdark thing, I've just got a hardon for Space [Insert Past Culture], especially Antiquity stuff.

If we talk genuine filmmaking, I'm all over the place and I've never seen any of these flicks as "proper films". It might be elitist and pretentious, but I just never felt that. Even when I was a kid I saw them as fun distractions. The kind you catch at 16:00 on a Sunday evening. I always regarded them as watered down compared to the comics and cartoons, and even despised them for a time. It'd piss me off normies would talk about them when they didn't care about the 60 year lore behind them dammit! I was a stereotypical Fight Club/Donnie Darko type for a time, but I never went through the phase of popcorn blockbusters being my favourites. Now, I say this genuinely and without irony, but Tron Legacy is one of my favourite Sci-Fi movies and I wholeheartedly and utterly enjoy it more than any other blockbuster. I even count it amongst my favourite films in general. I don't know why. It didn't come out at a particular point in my life, it's not tied to any memories, nothing. And yet I love it. I rewatch it multiple times per year, usually during the Fall & Winter. I think it did in a single movie what the ST should've done, and did it much, much better.


Besides that, like I said, I'm all over the place. Visconti, Wes Anderson, Fincher, big names, small names, whatever, if it tickles my fancy I'll watch it. I have a penchant for Epics for Lawrence Of Arabia is usually in my Top 3, and I can easily sit through something like Il Gattopardo, but even a half fogoten drama like Michael Clayton is in my Top 20. In fact, Clooney's "Up In The Air" is one of my go-to comfy watches. So, you know, I might be into epic space battles, but there's no movie out there that gives me what I need, and especially not Star Wars. Maybe when I become God Emperor and finance my own WH40K Cinematic Universe...

Now that the dust has settled, I think the FoX-Men might be the best cape franchise. Nice blend of down to Earth drama and superheroics, the dated leather is now nostalgic, and there's some great casting and performances in there. It might be because I'm biased and think Fassbender/McAvoy and Stewart/McKellen elevate them. Things like Dark Phoenix and Origins were clearly trash, and there was a lot of nonsense in the other flicks too. An embarassment for the source, the forced politics that led to the brand getting overtaken Post-2000s, all the X-Men getting sidelined in favour of Wolverine, the trash Logan/Jean/Cyclops triangle being pushed. But I don't know, I find them easily watchable as movies first and foremost. X1, X2, FC, DOFP, all flow like films, not as disposable action schlock.


There's genuine chemistry between the cast, there's a specific aesthetic and it does pull off "X-Men but realistic" well compared to other attempts (concerning different cape properties I mean). Maybe it's because I grew to appreciate the comics of the era too, but as the years go by I tend to think that they had more good than bad. But like I said, I might be biased as X-Men is the one comic I'm still pulling these days. I've dropped Iron Man, GotG, Moon Knight, everything. It's not that I don't like those characters anymore, it's that I can just go through the issues online in 4 minutes and miss nothing. But X-Men's at a decently interesting place, so I'm still in for the ride. I suppose I like stories with big scopes, so I'm invested in the continuing X-Story. The large cast and again, scope, keep me coming back as I get both of what I crave. Not that I don't like smaller, self-contained character stories, but even then I prefer them in a larger context. I remember that quote by Jarsmuch who said that he doesn't care for the Emperors and Kings; give him a story about a man and his dog. Or something to that wavelength. I'm the opposite. I'll enjoy a war epic, but if I have to watch a character study, I prefer someone complex and interesting to follow. Anyway, I'm off the mark here, I was talking about the X-Men. But I think I've said what I needed to.

Moving on to other cape franchises, I guess there's Snyder's flicks, Nolan, Burton, but... eh. I can enjoy bits of Snyder's flicks, but he gets too carried away and just cannot handle all he wants to accomplish. I recently caught Aquaman again on tv, and while I still find it too "bright", I think it's the single most purely enjoyable and comic book-y flick out there. Hot leads, great sets, a huge scope, lots of fighting and fun with a nice enough basic and universal, almost mythical, message. It's the perfect capeflick in that sense. I was always a Namor guy (I prefer dicks and ***** to boyscouts), but between my growing appreciation for the flick, and how awful the MCU Atlantis casting is, I'm growing more and more into an Aquafan. I mean, at the end of the day, I like Atlantis as a concept and its ties to the myths, I don't care for the capeshit aspect all that much. Whichever is closer to my general aesthetics gets my vote. And that's why I'll be buying an AquaMomoa at some point and having him as a Namor stand-in in my display in the future.


If Lost Kingdom's even better, I could go for a proper Arthur & Mera display too. Sigh, I wish I was a Poseidon-looking GigaChad King with a redheaded GigaStacy Princess wife...

PS: Comparing the PT, even at its worst, with The Picture Book Of Beta Fatt is... Just...


I don't have that. I'll take a cross-section of the best each of my favourite IPs has to offer rather than zoning in on one IP, over half of which could be complete crap. :lol

That's what I've been trying to say the whole time. There's no one IP that I'm obsessed with. I try to keep tabs and stay up to date with a select few, I generally enjoy a bit larger number of them, but I always laser focus on the aspects of each one that work for me. There's one fictional universe that I love so much so as to surround myself with it 24/7, fantasise about being transported to it, and so on. I keep my obsessions for the real world. Commercialised Pop Cultue is too much of a fickle mistress for me to be truly invested. It's one of the reasons why I got into 1/6th. Once I get the figure, I feel I can close the chapter and not "worry" about that particular IP any more. The figures I'd want for genuine reasons are much fewer than the ones I'm planning to amass.

I've got my OCD completionism tendencies, but the obsession that is fueled by enjoyment is something I've never had.
tron legacy is such a good movie, that one is close to my heart too. its not over the top, its pretty simple has some great cgi and action sequences. and its got the best film score of all time hands down. i still play it and the reconfigured album in the truck pretty regularly.
tron legacy is such a good movie, that one is close to my heart too. its not over the top, its pretty simple has some great cgi and action sequences. and its got the best film score of all time hands down. i still play it and the reconfigured album in the truck pretty regularly.
Exactly. It's just... satisfying in every level.


Sometimes I do a double feature and watch Bridges' Fearless right after. It makes for a pretty powerful combination and always leaves me spent but in a good way. Whoever hasn't seen it, give it a try. It's a very honest piece of filmmaking. It's one of the few films where it's an experience, not just you waiting for the 2 hours to end just to pass the time with some basic entertainment.

i have heard rumors of a tron 3. i hope disney does it. the "flynn lives" mini was so rad, it would be a cool story to see.
i have heard rumors of a tron 3. i hope disney does it. the "flynn lives" mini was so rad, it would be a cool story to see.
It was properly announced. Tron: Ares was the name and Leto's supposed to star. But it's been radio silence since then. I'm realistically pessimistic but still maintain a sliver of hope...
It was properly announced. Tron: Ares was the name and Leto's supposed to star. But it's been radio silence since then. I'm realistically pessimistic but still maintain a sliver of hope...
did not know that! leto? what about cillian murphy, wilde and hedlund? i guess leto would make a cool "reborn" zeus. thats funny cause after i first saw legacy i thought micheal sheen would make a fun joker. :lol
did not know that! leto? what about cillian murphy, wilde and hedlund? i guess leto would make a cool "reborn" zeus. thats funny cause after i first saw legacy i thought micheal sheen would make a fun joker. :lol
Dunno, nothing else was announced. I'm definitely curious to see where they'll it. If it happens anyhow. It's funny, Disney abandoned Tron because they got Star Wars, and then they tanked Star Wars so they went back to Tron.

And yeah, Sheen would be a pretty cool Joker. More classic. Less gory psycho, more fun theatrical killer gangster clown.
I certainly would like to see a more "whimsical" Joker over the tired gory edgelord that's been the staple for the last two decades or so. It'd be a breath of fresh air.


I love me some Martin Sheen in general. I caught him in a random recent Christmas flick (Last Train To Christmas) and he was a delight. He'd make a great classic Joker.