The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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Actually now that SM1/2/3 and ASM1/2 are canon that makes NWH the 32nd film and look how it connected with fans! :thud:
no way home is probably my favorite mcu movie behind the first iron man and thor ragnarok because of that reason!
Lucasfilm has done the opposite - make previous films like they weren't canon!

Honestly if you eliminate the OT movies and just go off PT and onward, it seems easier to accept whatever comes next. While still not quality material IMO, at least it relieves you of the preconceived notions that Luke is all good and that Boba Fett is all badass.
Lucasfilm has done the opposite - make previous films like they weren't canon!

Honestly if you eliminate the OT movies and just go off PT and onward, it seems easier to accept whatever comes next. While still not quality material IMO, at least it relieves you of the preconceived notions that Luke is all good and that Boba Fett is all badass.
i don’t know if i’m following but if you eliminated the OT boba wouldn’t exist or be heard of until after rotj/sarlacc and luke would be dead after a mention in episode 3/last jedi out of nowhere.
i don’t know if i’m following but if you eliminated the OT boba wouldn’t exist or be heard of until after rotj/sarlacc and luke would be dead after a mention in episode 3/last jedi out of nowhere.
It would just start off with some dude in a sarlacc pit after some explosion. Almost zero context, true, but there has to be some out there that will qatch Book of Boba before the OT movies.

My point is, the characters were are getting under Disney are such a significant departure from their OT characterizations. If you were to believe the OT movies didn't exist, would it make Book of Boba/ST any better?
What was you thinking of Charlie Sheen?


No, I just messed up the names. Martin, Michael, both start with M.


i guess they tried that in a way with leto, who i think was a decent joker for the way the movie felt, an hour and a half long music video featuring the squad. :lol if you take away some of his design and really look at his attitude he was more “fun” the the others we’ve seen. meaning he was more nicholson than ledger/phoenix.

didn’t make him a great joker by any means but that’s kind of the writings fault. :lol

i did like him in ZSJL, but not enough to want to see him again.
I like Leto, I think he could've been a great Joker, but... yeah.

I honestly think anyone can play a decent Joker. Wesley Snipes did it in Demolition Man. Christopher Lloyd would have been good too if given a chance.

William Dafoe would be a good classic Joker.

A young Jack Nicholson would have been even better than his 89 self.

Ledger was the most unexpected choice, and he wasn't even physically right for the role, but his look and take on the role were so cool that it made it its own thing.

Phoenix looked the most like the joker without the makeup ironically. I wouldn't call him a classic comic joker either.

There's an endless list of actors that could play the role.
Good points actually. Maybe the Joker isn't really such a hard role to full off. Might be because he's so "inconsistent" and the basis is "lmao I'm off muh rocker". Basically you need a guy with charisma and some body moves. I've never bought into "le cursed Jokah role" hype myself. There's tons more challenging characters out there. It's a fine line between cringe and insane, but I don't think it's all that hard to pull off compared to some other types. It's just that it's a flashy persona so it attracts the attention.


You know what though? I went through all that trouble to write down that big blogpost and all I'm getting are replies concerning that Joker! I feel betrayed, used and downright insulted I do! I was expecting some talk on the basis of fiction, the contrast between IPs, but no, everybody just wants to talk about "da Jokah bayh-bee".


Stupid Joker, hogging all discussion. I'm not talking about the Joker again.


Yes Batman, punch his lights out! Smash his jaw! Make his liver puncture and his innards overflow with blood! Yes, YES! STOMP ON THAT PELVIS!


3 SW movies. Some would argue 2. Don't make that mistake again as the inferior beings on this board will use that to fuel their justification of the PT and ST.
Can anyone say "narrow minded"?
I like quality. A refresher is sometimes needed:

"Jar Jar is a key to all of this."
"The whole thing is, how are you going to top the podrace?"

Those are real quotes. That's just Exhibit A. That is the funniest episode of The Office of all-time starring George "I'm insane now" Lucas.
I like quality. A refresher is sometimes needed:

"Jar Jar is a key to all of this."
"The whole thing is, how are you going to top the podrace?"

Those are real quotes. That's just Exhibit A. That is the funniest episode of The Office of all-time starring George "I'm insane now" Lucas.


The PT has genuine SOVL and PATHOS. You Homunculi wouldn't get it because you have SOVLs.
No, I just messed up the names. Martin, Michael, both start with M.

I like Leto, I think he could've been a great Joker, but... yeah.

Good points actually. Maybe the Joker isn't really such a hard role to full off. Might be because he's so "inconsistent" and the basis is "lmao I'm off muh rocker". Basically you need a guy with charisma and some body moves. I've never bought into "le cursed Jokah role" hype myself. There's tons more challenging characters out there. It's a fine line between cringe and insane, but I don't think it's all that hard to pull off compared to some other types. It's just that it's a flashy persona so it attracts the attention.


You know what though? I went through all that trouble to write down that big blogpost and all I'm getting are replies concerning that Joker! I feel betrayed, used and downright insulted I do! I was expecting some talk on the basis of fiction, the contrast between IPs, but no, everybody just wants to talk about "da Jokah bayh-bee".


Stupid Joker, hogging all discussion. I'm not talking about the Joker again.


Yes Batman, punch his lights out! Smash his jaw! Make his liver puncture and his innards overflow with blood! Yes, YES! STOMP ON THAT PELVIS!


Actually now that SM1/2/3 and ASM1/2 are canon that makes NWH the 32nd film and look how it connected with fans! :thud:
I actually worded my sentiments incorrectly since Casino Royale was the 21st Bond movie and it also connected with fans but my point about the MCU still stands.

Now who’s to say that the 27th SW movie won’t be a 2 billion box office crowd pleaser but when will that be in year 2075 lol

See what i’m saying the MCU, not SW not Bond not any other franchise in cinema history gave us 27 connected movies in just 14 years and the 27th is now 3rd domestic, 6th world wide and 2nd opening weekend during a pandemic no less that is insane!

SW is up to only 11 movies in 45 years and I wish I could say that less meant we got higher quality but I can’t. Less is NOT more when it comes to SW movies. :gah:

So yeah THANK GOD for Mando and Grogu lol

BOBF to me was a massive STEP DOWN in quality from Mando.

NWH was a massive STEP UP in quality from BW, Shang and Eternals.

SW… better lol

Hurry up and release Mando S3 before the nukes start flying.
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It's called age.

You'll never love anything again like you love Star Wars.
How much you selling these bumper stickers for?...because that is the most spot-on statement I've read in a while... My wife and I were talking about this last night with regard to my collecting and how it clearly traces back to my memories as an 8 and 9 year old seeing the movie and being absolutely consumed with getting the toys thereafter. There's clearly some link in my now (ahem...much) older mind to that joyous time of getting that new stormtrooper so I had two to flank Vader. My Boba Fett obsession is a bit more curious as I remember much less about my ESB experience as I was 11, pushing 12 during that time and starting to have other interests. Whatever the root of it, I still get that joyous feeling when a new Hot Toys or statue arrives and I open it and display it. I keep waiting for the day that it no longer jazzes me and I quit collecting...but I don't see it on the horizon.
How much you selling these bumper stickers for?...because that is the most spot-on statement I've read in a while... My wife and I were talking about this last night with regard to my collecting and how it clearly traces back to my memories as an 8 and 9 year old seeing the movie and being absolutely consumed with getting the toys thereafter. There's clearly some link in my now (ahem...much) older mind to that joyous time of getting that new stormtrooper so I had two to flank Vader. My Boba Fett obsession is a bit more curious as I remember much less about my ESB experience as I was 11, pushing 12 during that time and starting to have other interests. Whatever the root of it, I still get that joyous feeling when a new Hot Toys or statue arrives and I open it and display it. I keep waiting for the day that it no longer jazzes me and I quit collecting...but I don't see it on the horizon.
I haven't gotten that in years and I still compulsively collect, so...
