The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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Yeah, but a lot of that revolves around money (....) I suspect that KK was absolutely accurate when she said "there was no material to draw on". E.g., there was NO MATERIAL THEY WANTED TO PAY AN AUTHOR FOR. We all know how poorly great comic book writers and artists have been treated. Then film companies hire inexperienced writers coz they are cheap, and we get *&^%$ narratives.

This should be on billboards everywhere. I am super tired of multibillion dollar companies cheaping out like this. They are too stupid to understand that who they hurt worst like this are THEMSELVES.

Theyre going to try to crosspollinate Mando with ST because everyone loves Mando, so surely if we conflate the two we will come to love the ST too.

Theyre going to try to crosspollinate Mando with ST because everyone loves Mando, so surely if we conflate the two we will come to love the ST too.

That's exactly what Lucas did with TCW and the hated PT and it worked because look at all the people who like the PT now that TCW has run its course.
That's exactly what Lucas did with TCW and the hated PT and it worked because look at all the people who like the PT now that TCW has run its course.
I liked much of TCW but I still despise the PT movies. What TCW did do for me was make Anakin more likable as he was no longer forced to utter all of that atrocious dialogue written by Lucas. It also helped me forget he was an annoying child when he first met Queen Amidala, plus his relationship with Obi-Wan was fleshed out and as a result their "friendship" was more believable, whereas their PT movie relationship never evolved past instructor and petulant student.
I'm not sure which is worse for me: cartoons... or watching live action written as if it was a cartoon?

A least with live action I suppose, there is the subtlety of a real actor's reactions -- their delivery, the way they wrinkle their brow, etc.
True. And it was only Ewan who had any subtlety of performance anyway.

Natalie, Hayden, SLJ, everyone else sucked or was so over the the top that they were a cartoon. I now alot of people think Palps is as good as Ewan, but I mean talk about mustache twirling. :lol
That's exactly what Lucas did with TCW and the hated PT and it worked because look at all the people who like the PT now that TCW has run its course.

Yes but the PT was at least sort of coherent, and only had a few really unlikeable people as opposed to the plethora of deplorables presented for our viewing pleasure by the ST. Nor were people flying through space without protective gear, or behaving completely out of character. Idiots in the ST held out to us as if we were supposed to try to pick the least-bad card out of a tarot deck.

Jar Jar Binks vs. Admiral Holdo - which one is really worse? Honestly think its Holdo.
Yes but the PT was at least sort of coherent, and only had a few really unlikeable people as opposed to the plethora of deplorables presented for our viewing pleasure by the ST. Nor were people flying through space without protective gear, or behaving completely out of character. Idiots in the ST held out to us as if we were supposed to try to pick the least-bad card out of a tarot deck.

Jar Jar Binks vs. Admiral Holdo - which one is really worse? Honestly think its Holdo.
Jar Jar was awful, but in the grand scheme of things was a landmark character for special effects, performance capture, and visual magic, that helped pave the way for the type of CG used to bring characters like Gollum, Planet of the Ape’s characters, the Na’vi, and Thanos to life. For all his backlash and flaws, he’s a historic step to our modern film experience.

Does anyone think Holdo will do the same?
Jar Jar Binks vs. Admiral Holdo - which one is really worse? Honestly think its Holdo.
At least Binks was intended as comic relief for children.

Holdo is a decorated Admiral ... wearing an evening gown and heels during an active military engagement, witholds critical information from key personnel just because ... who then commits suicide for no particularly good reason given we're in a universe with high tech computers and DROIDS never mind all the other nonsense.

Her 'sacrifice' was about as weightless for the audience as it was onscreen when Leia's like "Oh well, take it easy. Have fun on your Kamikaze run." :ROFLMAO:
The Clone Wars is a mediocre cartoon for children, the Prequel Trilogy is a series of ill-conceived, poorly executed and wasted opportunities. The older I get the less I understand Star Wars fandom as a whole. I blame the internet and lonely people.
The Clone Wars is a mediocre cartoon for children, the Prequel Trilogy is a series of ill-conceived, poorly executed and wasted opportunities. The older I get the less I understand Star Wars fandom as a whole. I blame the internet and lonely people.
And yet here you are lol....
At least Binks was intended as comic relief for children.

Holdo is a decorated Admiral ... wearing an evening gown and heels during an active military engagement, witholds critical information from key personnel just because ... who then commits suicide for no particularly good reason given we're in a universe with high tech computers and DROIDS never mind all the other nonsense.

Her 'sacrifice' was about as weightless for the audience as it was onscreen when Leia's like "Oh well, take it easy. Have fun on your Kamikaze run." :ROFLMAO:
Jar Jar Binks vs. Admiral Holdo - which one is really worse? Honestly think its Holdo.
Well we know who JarJar was based off, so who inspired Holdo?
At least Binks was intended as comic relief for children.

Holdo is a decorated Admiral ... wearing an evening gown and heels during an active military engagement

That made me so angry! It completely made hash out of the idea that this was a serious encounter. It made women look stupid and frivolous, removed any sense of gravitas or authority from her.

...withholds critical information from key personnel just because ... who then commits suicide for no particularly good reason given we're in a universe with high tech computers and DROIDS never mind all the other nonsense.

Her 'sacrifice' was about as weightless for the audience as it was onscreen when Leia's like "Oh well, take it easy. Have fun on your Kamikaze run." :ROFLMAO:

Nothing about this stupid movie made one lick of sense, honestly believe its one of the worst big budget films ever.

three days to 4:20

4:17 date should be referred to as:

Ride it like a Bantha Day!

because in three days:

4:20 will be very much needed to take the edge of that experience...
I liked much of TCW but I still despise the PT movies. What TCW did do for me was make Anakin more likable as he was no longer forced to utter all of that atrocious dialogue written by Lucas. It also helped me forget he was an annoying child when he first met Queen Amidala, plus his relationship with Obi-Wan was fleshed out and as a result their "friendship" was more believable, whereas their PT movie relationship never evolved past instructor and petulant student.
Actually, I think their relationship is beautifully laid out in both AOTC and ROTS with just a few scenes.

The way they interact and respond to each other's thought-process just before the attempt on Amidala's life, their exchange regarding Anakin's loss of his lightsaber, Obi Wan saying "you'll be the death of me" and Anakin's response, Obi Wan's sarcastic "good job" response to Anakin's chastised look during their "rescue" are all scenes that show true caring between the two, despite the tension between teacher/father figure and rebellious teen.

Same goes for ROTS. Their back and forth about R2 being picked on by Obi Wan, the way the complement and build on each other's lines ("next step", "spring the trap"), Anakin's heartfelt "I've failed you" and Obi Wan's response are scenes that show how their relationship has grown with just a few lines. I actually think it's great. I really never needed TCW cartoons to take my hand and show me that growth.
Actually, I think their relationship is beautifully laid out in both AOTC and ROTS with just a few scenes.

The way they interact and respond to each other's thought-process just before the attempt on Amidala's life, their exchange regarding Anakin's loss of his lightsaber, Obi Wan saying "you'll be the death of me" and Anakin's response, Obi Wan's sarcastic "good job" response to Anakin's chastised look during their "rescue" are all scenes that show true caring between the two, despite the tension between teacher/father figure and rebellious teen.

Same goes for ROTS. Their back and forth about R2 being picked on by Obi Wan, the way the complement and build on each other's lines ("next step", "spring the trap"), Anakin's heartfelt "I've failed you" and Obi Wan's response are scenes that show how their relationship has grown with just a few lines. I actually think it's great. I really never needed TCW cartoons to take my hand and show me that growth.
Well, maybe if Lucas didn't cast a 10 year old Jake Lloyd as Anakin in TPM (who was/is18 years younger than Ewan McGregor) then the "friendship" between them in AOTC (and subsequently ROTS) wouldn't have felt so forced/jarring to me. That's where I feel the criticism of HC as Anakin is unfair, as Lucas set up the character so poorly in TPM for what he had planned for the next two movies.

In my mind Anakin should have been closer to Obi-Wan's age (and Padme's, for goodness sake!). I think if HC had just played Anakin in TPM as well it might have fixed quite a few things (well, except for the horrendous Lucas dialogue lol). Obi-Wan could have still graduated to a full-fledged Jedi like he did and Anakin could still become Qui-Gon's next padawan, with his being "too old to start the training" now making sense and paralleling Luke's story (albeit with a very different outcome). I think Qui-Gon should have survived at least until some point in AOTC, with Anakin's transferring to become Obi-wan's apprentice happening later and sowing the seeds for Anakin's resentment over being held back. Oh, and I almost forgot - Padme's relationship with Anakin also wouldn't have had to overcome the grossness factor that was in the back of everyone's minds. :lol
Well, maybe if Lucas didn't cast a 10 year old Jake Lloyd as Anakin in TPM (who was/is18 years younger than Ewan McGregor) then the "friendship" between them in AOTC (and subsequently ROTS) wouldn't have felt so forced/jarring to me. That's where I feel the criticism of HC as Anakin is unfair, as Lucas set up the character so poorly in TPM for what he had planned for the next two movies.

In my mind Anakin should have been closer to Obi-Wan's age (and Padme's, for goodness sake!). I think if HC had just played Anakin in TPM as well it might have fixed quite a few things (well, except for the horrendous Lucas dialogue lol). Obi-Wan could have still graduated to a full-fledged Jedi like he did and Anakin could still become Qui-Gon's next padawan, with his being "too old to start the training" now making sense and paralleling Luke's story (albeit with a very different outcome). I think Qui-Gon should have survived at least until some point in AOTC, with Anakin's transferring to become Obi-wan's apprentice happening later and sowing the seeds for Anakin's resentment over being held back. Oh, and I almost forgot - Padme's relationship with Anakin also wouldn't have had to overcome the grossness factor that was in the back of everyone's minds. :lol
I still can’t believe he tells her all about butchering Tusken kids and she’s all “oh, you need love” and then in Ep. 3 is all “Ani would NEVER kill younglings!”

Padme…. PADME… we need to talk.
Well, maybe if Lucas didn't cast a 10 year old Jake Lloyd as Anakin in TPM (who was/is18 years younger than Ewan McGregor) then the "friendship" between them in AOTC (and subsequently ROTS) wouldn't have felt so forced/jarring to me. That's where I feel the criticism of HC as Anakin is unfair, as Lucas set up the character so poorly in TPM for what he had planned for the next two movies.

In my mind Anakin should have been closer to Obi-Wan's age (and Padme's, for goodness sake!). I think if HC had just played Anakin in TPM as well it might have fixed quite a few things (well, except for the horrendous Lucas dialogue lol). Obi-Wan could have still graduated to a full-fledged Jedi like he did and Anakin could still become Qui-Gon's next padawan, with his being "too old to start the training" now making sense and paralleling Luke's story (albeit with a very different outcome). I think Qui-Gon should have survived at least until some point in AOTC, with Anakin's transferring to become Obi-wan's apprentice happening later and sowing the seeds for Anakin's resentment over being held back. Oh, and I almost forgot - Padme's relationship with Anakin also wouldn't have had to overcome the grossness factor that was in the back of everyone's minds. :lol
Yep George making Anakin in TPM so young boggles the mind. If he had just cast Hayden then we'd have nice symmetry between the three films without such an odd and jarring change in Anakins from TPM to AOTC. Hayden would have been 17 years old when TPM was filmed compared to McGregor at 28 so there still would have been a nice age difference between the two.

As it stands poor Natalie had to play off an Anakin actor who was far younger than her in TPM only to have to immediately shift gears with Hayden (who's actually older than her in real life!) for AOTC and pretend that he was still much younger than her and somehow attractive to her.