The Book Of Boba Fett (December 2021)

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Cursed Star Wars fans. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!

This is the natural order of things.
Of all the issues BoBF had, TM was not one of them for me. He’s always seemed like a great guy and genuinely happy to be apart of Star Wars, which not all Star Wars actors can say. With what he had to work with, I think he did just fine. It even sounded like he didn’t completely agree with the material but did the best he could with it.
Regardless of how BOBF turned out TM is such a cool and approachable guy (jump to 3:23.)

Yeah, he’s on record for wanting Boba to talk less, wear the helmet more, and let his actions speak louder. He did what the script and directors told him to do.

He was phenomenal in Mandalorian, so clearly he can do him justice with the right material.
Of all the issues BoBF had, TM was not one of them for me. He’s always seemed like a great guy and genuinely happy to be apart of Star Wars, which not all Star Wars actors can say. With what he had to work with, I think he did just fine. It even sounded like he didn’t completely agree with the material but did the best he could with it.
Meh, he could’ve eat a few more salads. Or bugged those Disney producers to have one those Marvel muscle gurus stop by and get him physically squared away.
Of all the issues BoBF had, TM was not one of them for me. He’s always seemed like a great guy and genuinely happy to be apart of Star Wars, which not all Star Wars actors can say. With what he had to work with, I think he did just fine. It even sounded like he didn’t completely agree with the material but did the best he could with it.

I think he had good intentions but he is just completely wrong for the part. Seems like a nice guy but not the type of actor suited to carry a show and even less suited to play Boba Fett at his current age and fitness level.

Any stunt guy with Bulloch's body type that kept his helmet on at all times would have been far superior. But that still wouldn't have fixed the numerous other problems with the show.
Well, maybe if Lucas didn't cast a 10 year old Jake Lloyd as Anakin in TPM (who was/is18 years younger than Ewan McGregor) then the "friendship" between them in AOTC (and subsequently ROTS) wouldn't have felt so forced/jarring to me. That's where I feel the criticism of HC as Anakin is unfair, as Lucas set up the character so poorly in TPM for what he had planned for the next two movies.

In my mind Anakin should have been closer to Obi-Wan's age (and Padme's, for goodness sake!). I think if HC had just played Anakin in TPM as well it might have fixed quite a few things (well, except for the horrendous Lucas dialogue lol). Obi-Wan could have still graduated to a full-fledged Jedi like he did and Anakin could still become Qui-Gon's next padawan, with his being "too old to start the training" now making sense and paralleling Luke's story (albeit with a very different outcome). I think Qui-Gon should have survived at least until some point in AOTC, with Anakin's transferring to become Obi-wan's apprentice happening later and sowing the seeds for Anakin's resentment over being held back. Oh, and I almost forgot - Padme's relationship with Anakin also wouldn't have had to overcome the grossness factor that was in the back of everyone's minds. :lol

Yep George making Anakin in TPM so young boggles the mind. If he had just cast Hayden then we'd have nice symmetry between the three films without such an odd and jarring change in Anakins from TPM to AOTC. Hayden would have been 17 years old when TPM was filmed compared to McGregor at 28 so there still would have been a nice age difference between the two.

As it stands poor Natalie had to play off an Anakin actor who was far younger than her in TPM only to have to immediately shift gears with Hayden (who's actually older than her in real life!) for AOTC and pretend that he was still much younger than her and somehow attractive to her.

Absolutely agreed. This one decision sabotaged the prequels right from the off, in all the ways you chaps mention.

Regardless of how BOBF turned out TM is such a cool and approachable guy (jump to 3:23.)

Yeah, from what I've seen I like the man. It made me feel bad for thinking the show sucked.
Apparently we'll be getting a "Disney Gallery" for this show in May. It'll be interesting to see if we get any insight into how they managed to balls this show up so much. How on earth did they make such a pigs ear of it? A total dogs dinner of a show.
Apparently we'll be getting a "Disney Gallery" for this show in May. It'll be interesting to see if we get any insight into how they managed to balls this show up so much. How on earth did they make such a pigs ear of it? A total dogs dinner of a show.
It’s weird. Like, a clear and blunt misunderstanding of the character. Not even from the 80s movies, but the same character one season ago in The Mandalorian who shot an unarmed guy without warning and stole his seat.

That said, little things failed it too. The young biker gang would have worked better if they looked like they were supposed to actually be there. Mando eating all his lunch. Fennec doing some of the things he could have done.

I also think simply re-editing the story to flow sequentially would have radically improved the pacing.
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Sat down and rewatched the first Ep of this last night with the buds. OMG what a laugh at their comments.

From Boba having an unfair advantage in his one-on-one with the Tusken due to the (obvious soundstage light...) moon reflecting so blindingly off his super-shiny bald head to the constant discussion of TM's dental bonding (he has the largest, straightest and whitest set of fake teeth since fellow Kiwi Jane Campion won an Oscar for "power of the Dog" - must have been a recent super dental deal in New Zealand) to endless laughter at the pink Greedo-baldy Fett-Kid Tusken comedy team traipsing around the desert for no apparent reason.

The truly bizarre choice to use sea urchin shells (?!) as "water bottles" buried just a few digs under the sands of Tatooine got special call-out for utter stupidity.

Someone pointed out the idea of Boba Fett - the baddest badass of all - using a Bacta chamber for cosmetic skin treatment in a room that looks like a futuristic health spa (he looks fine at the time the Jawas take his gear) was kind of hysterically funny. Luke had gaping wounds that were rapidly healed, Boba goes from silent movie star look to old fart.

The intro of the inside of the Sarlacc - which is at the level of a 1980s Doctor Who set - capped by Fett emerging on hands and knees looking like Amy Schumer gyrating in a Fett suit kicked the proceedings off right.

The thing someone said over 3/4 of the way through - after a half hour of painfully dull, zero-charisma "banter" (totally lacking in sexual tension of course) from Boba and Fennec - was "when does the main character show up"? :lol

We have agreed to do another two eps of the cheapest looking, most uninvolving and unintentionally funny series in quite some time. :yess:
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Sat down and rewatched the first Ep of this last night with the buds. OMG what a laugh at their comments.

From Boba having an unfair advantage in his one-on-one with the Tusken due to the (obvious soundstage light...) moon reflecting so blindingly off his super-shiny bald head to the constant discussion of TM's dental bonding (he has the largest, straightest and whitest set of fake teeth since fellow Kiwi Jane Campion won an Oscar for "power of the Dog" - must have been a recent super dental deal in New Zealand) to endless laughter at the pink Greedo-baldy Fett-Kid Tusken comedy team trapsing around the desert for no apparent reason.

The truly bizarre choice to use sea urchin shells (?!) as "water bottles" buried just a few digs under the sands of Tatooine got special call-out for utter stupidity.

Someone pointed out the idea of Boba Fett - the baddest badass of all - using a Bacta chamber for cosmetic skin treatment in a room that looks like a futuristic health spa (he looks fine at the time the Jawas take his gear) was kind of hysterically funny. Luke had gaping wounds that were rapidly healed, Boba goes from silent movie star look to old fart.

The intro of the inside of the Sarlacc - which is at the level of a 1980s Doctor Who set - capped by Fett emerging on hands and knees looking like Amy Schumer gyrating in a Fett suit kicked the proceedings off right.

The thing someone said over 3/4 of the way through - after a half hour of painfully dull, zero-charisma "banter" (totally lacking in sexual tension of course) from Boba and Fennec - was "when does the main character show up"? :lol

We have agreed to do another two eps of the cheapest looking, most uninvolving and unintentionally funny series in quite some time. :yess:
The first episode is one of the BETTER Boba-focused ones…
The truly bizarre choice to use sea urchin shells (?!) as "water bottles" buried just a few digs under the sands of Tatooine got special call-out for utter stupidity.
To be fair to this car accident of a show, those made their debut in The Mandalorian when they took the 'Western' trope and turned it up to thirteen with Cowboy Vanth.
Why mo-cap Hamill at all, the guy on the left already looks like him with no enhancements whatsoever, lol.


That said I am glad that Hamill did get to participate. It helps my brain to think that I really did watch post-OT Luke on the screen.
Why mo-cap Hamill at all, the guy on the left already looks like him with no enhancements whatsoever, lol.


That said I am glad that Hamill did get to participate. It helps my brain to think that I really did watch post-OT Luke on the screen.
I don’t know what the future of Star Wars and The Mandalorian or Luke is, but if it all goes south, I will still smile at prime Luke coming in for the save at the end of Season 2, being everything we wanted and bringing a sense of joy back to the character after the ordeal we had with the sequel movies.

I’m sure we’ll see him again, and I liked his scenes in BoBF, but I can also mentally end it on that high note.