The Boys TV Series (Amazon)

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Holy ****. Man, I think it's just as unfortunate she felt the need to get work done as much as the next guy but if this ain't some of the most overdramatic conspiracy ******** I have ever ******* heard. Jesus Christ.

Yeah, she screwed up her face a little bit with plastic surgery and doesn't look as cute but to think the entire show has melted down to cope and rewritten her character and somehow Bezos had a say and... Just, no, no...


Anyway, I love the show. It has highs and lows, I think the previous seasons were a little stronger with characters like Soldier Boy and Stormfront, but this season is solid enough. Still waiting to see where it goes, kinda hoping for Homelander to pull an Omni man or something near the end of the season.
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Yeah, she screwed up her face a little bit with plastic surgery and doesn't look as cute but to think the entire show has melted down to cope and rewritten her character and somehow Bezos had a say and... Just, no, no...


Annie/Starlight's entire character arc is built ENTIRELY around the search for authenticity while being under gigantic pressure to conform to be used to promote her own sexuality for marketing, to feed into a corporate identity that beats down every last bit of her individuality and to constantly fear when she stops recognizing the person she used to be for the person she is told that everyone needs to perceive of her in public. All for profit, of course.

The entire relationship dynamic between Hughie and Annie is built around their humble beginnings and being "outsiders" to these corporate/government/military industrial complex/media juggernauts around them. The character archetypes are POV characters, allowing the casual viewer to see this "world" by Eric Kripke and Garth Ennis through their eyes.

How do you even begin to ask the audience to hold onto extensive previous character development when Annie's face is a glaring non stop billboard that she surrendered to everything her character was developed to abhor and move away from? If this was any other character on the show, sure, maybe you could do some light adjustments and some moderate retcons to patch it over. But this literally destroys the authenticity of the actual character of Annie January. I'm not talking about whether the actress is bang worthy or not. I'm talking about the character development, world building, lore and long term story arcs within this show.

You cannot make such drastic changes to a character like this without a domino effect happening to other characters around her. There is no writers room in the world that can patch over something like this seamlessly.

The 2nd video is the classic scene from The Sixth Sense. The entire scene can only work if you comprehend the level of shock, tragedy, betrayal, anger and grief in one person's face. It's an incredibly difficult scene because Kyra's father has close to no background with the audience beforehand. He has seconds to convey every last emotion he is feeling to the viewer.

Someone will say, how does this relate to Erin Moriarty and Starlight? Well, how do you sell scenes, dramatic ones, impactful ones, complex ones, if you have an actress who can no longer move her face? She literally can't move her face. Imagine that scene from The Sixth Sense where the father's face is nearly static the entire time. Just a big weld of botox, buccal fat removal and rhinoplasty instead.

Also in what previous world building and character building does Annie January call someone a "fat slut" and spreads rumors of them having sex with the judges? I'm talking about the character building within the show only. Does anyone think that this "Mean Girl" retcon, which came out of nowhere, has nothing to do with Erin Moriarty can no longer visually sell to the audience about that same innocent "goodie two shoes" that Maeve was talking about in S1?


Guys, seriously, what are we talking about here. How do you seamlessly fix any of this in that writers room when SHE CAN'T MOVE HER FACE.
Im getting so tired of the face thing. She said it was due to weightloss. Idk if I believe that or not but she’s been bullied relentlessly for the past 2 years for her looks. It’s getting so toxic and repetitive. Would you rather they had recasted her? Things happen in actors personal lives. There’s not much we or the production can do abt that.

There’s still a chance she didn’t get any work done and it could be due to an underlying medical condition. Anorexia, lupus, mental issues whatever. I’m not a doctor. I keep thinking of how Selena Gomez was bullied and accused of many things due to her face changing, then she turned out to have lupus.

Either way she doesn’t deserve this mental torment. As much as I’m against plastic surgery, I’m also against ruining a persons mental health for something as stupid as a tv show. I swear some fans are the exact bigots this show makes fun of.
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Yeah, I don't get the all the online backlash from fans. :slap

She looks the same to me. :dunno

All the trolls and haters. She's still all natural, and obviously it's just weight loss.. :monkey3


But seriously, she just blew up her career. And not in the good way. Nothing like no longer standing out in a crowd of all the young plastic Kardashian wanna be's.....

Sad. I feel bad for her. So many young people today making so many bad choices.
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I don’t care I’ll never under stand the high cheek tho g or the bbl thing. Is it a rich thing? You must have these high cheekbones? I mean idk

The 2nd video is the classic scene from The Sixth Sense. The entire scene can only work if you comprehend the level of shock, tragedy, betrayal, anger and grief in one person's face. It's an incredibly difficult scene because Kyra's father has close to no background with the audience beforehand. He has seconds to convey every last emotion he is feeling to the viewer.

Someone will say, how does this relate to Erin Moriarty and Starlight? Well, how do you sell scenes, dramatic ones, impactful ones, complex ones, if you have an actress who can no longer move her face? She literally can't move her face. Imagine that scene from The Sixth Sense where the father's face is nearly static the entire time. Just a big weld of botox, buccal fat removal and rhinoplasty instead.

Also in what previous world building and character building does Annie January call someone a "fat slut" and spreads rumors of them having sex with the judges? I'm talking about the character building within the show only. Does anyone think that this "Mean Girl" retcon, which came out of nowhere, has nothing to do with Erin Moriarty can no longer visually sell to the audience about that same innocent "goodie two shoes" that Maeve was talking about in S1?


Guys, seriously, what are we talking about here. How do you seamlessly fix any of this in that writers room when SHE CAN'T MOVE HER FACE.

Pretty sure I saw her move her face. And if you wanna talk about storytelling, they couldve easily made it part of the story that she HAS, as you say, given somewhat into the corporate ******** etc and she also made the changes in-universe. That could've been an interesting part of her narrative arc..

The fact is that the writing in general has been far below previous seasons; they have generated new background/retcon or border-line retcon stuff for basically every character, out of the blue, seemingly to buy time til season 5 and to give every character something to do. It's not just Starlight, though you could argue her 'actually she was a mean bully *****' is one of the worst retcons; Frenchie's stuff with Colin is totally out of the blue, as far as I can recall (not the bi stuff which was hinted at, but the whole rlship and his murdering his family etc), Kimiko's deal with that other trafficked girl. Hughie's mum coming back out of nowhere and she's the reason why he loves Billy Joel actually, the people who tortured Homelander as a kid who he suddenly now decides to go after... it all feels like stuff that shouldve and couldve been seeded in earlier and then it would be hitting really hard probably; I feel like I'm watching a season 4 to a parallel universe version of The Boys, where all this stuff was set up in the last three seasons. I'm seriously wondering at times if i've forgotten who this is/what this is about/what this character's deal was, or are they just acting like it's always been this way?

and the plot holes/gaps of logic this season... it's like every other scene makes way too little sense from a logistical or character motivation perspective. The show is still entertaining but for every right note it hits, it seems to hit another bum one right now. Like really weirdly; it does make me wonder wtf happened, but putting anything more than I dunno 1% of it on Erin Moriarity does seem 99% conspiratorial, as people have said. Like sure it has SOME effect of contributing slightly, at least on the viewer, to this uncanny valley effect (along with Laz Alonso's weight loss) that I'm watching some alternate version of The Boys, but if the rest of the character writing was up to par and they were sweating the details more, all would be fine
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Annie/Starlight's entire character arc is built ENTIRELY around the search for authenticity while being under gigantic pressure to conform to be used to promote her own sexuality for marketing, to feed into a corporate identity that beats down every last bit of her individuality and to constantly fear when she stops recognizing the person she used to be for the person she is told that everyone needs to perceive of her in public. All for profit, of course.

The entire relationship dynamic between Hughie and Annie is built around their humble beginnings and being "outsiders" to these corporate/government/military industrial complex/media juggernauts around them. The character archetypes are POV characters, allowing the casual viewer to see this "world" by Eric Kripke and Garth Ennis through their eyes.

How do you even begin to ask the audience to hold onto extensive previous character development when Annie's face is a glaring non stop billboard that she surrendered to everything her character was developed to abhor and move away from? If this was any other character on the show, sure, maybe you could do some light adjustments and some moderate retcons to patch it over. But this literally destroys the authenticity of the actual character of Annie January. I'm not talking about whether the actress is bang worthy or not. I'm talking about the character development, world building, lore and long term story arcs within this show.

You cannot make such drastic changes to a character like this without a domino effect happening to other characters around her. There is no writers room in the world that can patch over something like this seamlessly.

Also people always use that model shoot or whatever it was to show 'how she looks now', but she has talked about how it's mostly the contouring make-up n stuff creating that effect, which u can tell if you know how that stuff works and really look at the photo. like checkout that stuff on youtube, you could make my stoopid plodgy face look like that with enough contouring lol

I honestly hadn't noticed any difference in Starlight's appearance on the show, so the last few posts were a surprise to me :dunno

However - I HAD noticed a drastic decrease in script quality for season 4 . . . gore & sex content being ramped up to substitute for poor character & story progression.

After watching last nights episode (S04E06) - I think I'm finally done. I'm sad about that - I enjoyed the comics, and used to love this show - but not the way it is now.

So, I'm now down to 1 show a week - House of the Dragon - and if that gets any slower I'm likely to fall asleep watching it :sleep

Ah well - there's plenty of stuff from the 80's through to 2020 I can go and rediscover :)

Im a bit shocked with how negative everyone is. Season 4 is not as good as the rest of the series but I’m enjoying myself. There’s still some great characterwork and iconic moments here. And it’s still a fun show.
Episode 6 jumped the shark for me.

They have lost it.
I personally think this is a weaker season, so I'm not defending it wholly, but I'm sorry... that was the episode you think they jumped the shark? Not the superhero orgy with the shot of someone getting hit with gallons of semen, not the episode where the guy gets off with having a shrunken guy in his penis before exploding in half, not the entire episode about Noir's brain melting down about cartoon animals, not the baby with lasers coming out of its eyes, not the super cannibal sheep from last episode... You drew the line at a sex dungeon during a secret billionaire meeting? That jumped the shark?

Yeah, Ashley and the S&M stuff, Firecracker and Homelander's scene. Just seemed excessive, even for The Boys.

I'll still watch it, but that **** was nuts.
I personally think this is a weaker season, so I'm not defending it wholly, but I'm sorry... that was the episode you think they jumped the shark? Not the superhero orgy with the shot of someone getting hit with gallons of semen, not the episode where the guy gets off with having a shrunken guy in his penis before exploding in half, not the entire episode about Noir's brain melting down about cartoon animals, not the baby with lasers coming out of its eyes, not the super cannibal sheep from last episode... You drew the line at a sex dungeon during a secret billionaire meeting? That jumped the shark?
Yeah I don't really see how this season has "ramped up" the gore and sexual content at all.

I feel like people need to go rewatch Seasons 1-3, their memories are not serving them well.
Yeah I don't really see how this season has "ramped up" the gore and sexual content at all.

I feel like people need to go rewatch Seasons 1-3, their memories are not serving them well.
Thank you... The carnage and absurdity in this season is the same as the last three seasons.

The biggest issue I have is with some of the plot and writing. It's just on the weaker side this season, which I think is because there is a lot of setup for the final season.
It feels like the final season has been written and completed but they have no idea what to do in between. Season 4 is a complete filler so far, not really progressing the overarching narrative. But it’s still very entertaining to watch. I really like the additions of Firecracker and Sage. The story of Homelander and Ryan was what I wanted to see develop more, but the progression in their story has come to a complete halt.

Here’s to hoping **** goes crazy in the last two episodes and that we get a two part finale with a huge plottwist.