Maybe but I think I'll wait until its on hbo/starz to see. I already wasted money on ghost rider this year.
There is no way you can put Ghost Rider in the same league as Cabin. If you like something a little different, and you like horror and comedy, it's something you likely don't want to miss. Unless you don't like anything Whedon has done (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dollhouse, Serenity)
I thought I'd be entertained like I was with the first one. Not so much is what happened.
Well, I'm just saying that I don't want to spend money on a moie I walk out going that wasn't use terrible. I like both genres so there is a chance I might like it and I like hemsworth so I'll catch it at somepoint for that reason. As far as whedon goes I don't feel one way or the other about him to be honest. I'm not in love with his work but I don't hate it either.
I'm just busting your chops. Though I do like the sequel more than the first one, I still think it's the worst comic movie series going. (And yes that includes least it had Jennifer Garner in it)
Even though I have been critical of the movie, it's not awful like Ghost Rider 2. It's very well made, there are funny moments, and there are even really good horror moments. I think it comes down to how you feel about the twist, some like it, some don't, but I would recommend you seeing it because whatever you think, I don't think you will find it boring.
To any of the Joss fans...were you excited when it showed the opening credits and Anya Colloff was credited? I was like..oooooh, the casting is gonna be perfect!!
Best horror movie ever made. I was expecting to like this film, but not LOVE it. Was very Buffy-esque in a way and I couldn't stop laughing. Although the rest of the audience wasn't laughing until the end.
Best horror movie ever made. I was expecting to like this film, but not LOVE it. Was very Buffy-esque in a way and I couldn't stop laughing. Although the rest of the audience wasn't laughing until the end.