The Cabin in the Woods

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Best horror movie ever made. I was expecting to like this film, but not LOVE it. Was very Buffy-esque in a way and I couldn't stop laughing. Although the rest of the audience wasn't laughing until the end.

No ____ing way. This is huge fanboy hyperbole here. :lol
I don't watch horror movies, but I'm very tempted to go see this based on all the reviews I've heard. Highest rated current movie at Rotten Tomatoes--that doesn't happen to horror movies often. Ever, actually.
The Shining is a better horror film.

But Cabin is up there in the Horror-Comedy sub genre. Right there with Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, SLiTHER, Shaun of the Dead...ect....
It just didn't work for me what they tried to do. I didn't follow any chatter on the movie before I seen it. From the tv ads I was expecting a horror movie. If I had known it was a horror comedy I wouldn't have seen it. I understood the concept of the movie about a quarter of the way through, i just thought it was a stupid concept. Let me ask you this
They had to sacrifice the stoner and the virgin to satisfy the ancient ones. Are we saying that the massacre at the end didn't satisfy them? Did they have to die in a certain order like Final Destination? The ****, the partier, the jock, the scholar. the virgin? Didn't seem that way in Japan as they were all pubescent girls. Just way to much bull____ for me to like

1, The criticism is perfectly fair, though more an issue of your personal taste than with the film itself.

2. To answer your question
The fans are the elder gods. The people in the control room are the filmmakers. The entire film is a criticism of the formulaic nature of many horror films. The trope is that there is a final girl (not final stoner) who lives to the end, and the "filmmakers" adhere to that formula. There is no way they would allow the stoner to survive when the virgin dies. As for Japan (and England, and Norway, etc) those are different cultures, different fans, and thus different rules for sacrifice.
That's why it's HORROR-COMEDY. :lol

Sub genre dood. :D

Just like there's Action, Action/Adventure, Action/Horror (Resident Evil)...ect.

It's a part of the genre.

Besides, horror movies are comedies anyway, at least the one's today are. They're either PG-13, or full of rape and torture. 80's horror is where it's at. And will always be. :D
I prefer 70's and 80's no doubt.

However, calling this the best horror movie ever is like calling Burger King a 5 star restaurant.

Maybe. I don't know about best of all time. But it's probably the most fun i've had during one in the last 10 or so years...not as much as Shaun of the Dead or Grindhouse, but up there.

Maybe. I don't know about best of all time. But it's probably the most fun i've had during one in the last 10 or so years...not as much as Shaun of the Dead or Grindhouse, but up there.

I never realized how serious Whedon fans were with worshipping him before this movie. I think he could drop a turd off in the theater and people would want to taste it. :lol
I finally saw it today and I loved it. The cliches and jabs at the horror genre had me smiling the entire time. The last half-hour or so was just epic. This movie was a total mindf___ and I dug it!
It's interesting that those that don't like horror/comedy wouldn't like this film. I'm not a huge horror fan, and have little patience for the typical slasher films.

Unfortunately to get all the jokes here, you have to know horror pretty well, and if you're a huge horror fan and don't like when it's mocked then you won't think the jokes are funny.

Maybe not the "best" horror film ever, but at least the most comprehensive?

Fans of Joss Whedon aren't mindless drones like Justin Bieber or Twilight fans. Saying that he could do anything and they'd worship it shows you don't know Whedon material very well.

But this movie does resemble one big, world-ending episode of Buffy - at least in tone and topic. However Buffy would have definitely ended the stoner (but she'd cry first).
It's interesting that those that don't like horror/comedy wouldn't like this film. I'm not a huge horror fan, and have little patience for the typical slasher films.

Unfortunately to get all the jokes here, you have to know horror pretty well, and if you're a huge horror fan and don't like when it's mocked then you won't think the jokes are funny.

Maybe not the "best" horror film ever, but at least the most comprehensive?

Fans of Joss Whedon aren't mindless drones like Justin Bieber or Twilight fans. Saying that he could do anything and they'd worship it shows you don't know Whedon material very well.

But this movie does resemble one big, world-ending episode of Buffy - at least in tone and topic. However Buffy would have definitely ended the stoner (but she'd cry first).

Just not a fan I guess. Never was into Buffy. I get the inside jokes and I got the point behind it. In fact I walked out and said good concept. I just didn't like it. :dunno

Maybe I is :cuckoo:
I finally saw it today and I loved it. The cliches and jabs at the horror genre had me smiling the entire time. The last half-hour or so was just epic. This movie was a total mindf___ and I dug it!

And here is another example of the missuse of the word epic. :rotfl

Kids. :lecture
And here is another example of the missuse of the word epic. :rotfl

Kids. :lecture

Not a misuse, it's just...the current use. No matter how stupid it is, words have evolved.

EPIC GAY WHACK SHORTY (that last one is a big WTF to me...I guess it means girlfriend...or hoe, or something. )

I blame rap and Internetz.