The Cool T-Shirt Thread

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Rorshach's grappling gun, Dr Who Sonic Screwdriver :hi5:

I didn't see He-Man's sword at first.
I was gonna say batman at first...

He-Man's sword is hidden pretty good.

gas grapple gun(Batman), silenced walther ppk?(James Bond), sonic screwdriver(Dr. Who)
...then I was gonna say Rorschach, I'm so confused. :D

I thought about James Bond after I posted it and I've never watched a single episode of Dr. Who, so I would've never guessed that one.


Lightsaber, Sword of Omens (Thundercats), Power Sword (He-Man), Noisy Cricket (MIB), The Samaritan (Hellboy), Mjolnir (Thor), Sting (LotR) and Phaser?

Not sure who's grappling hook, silenced gun and the other lightsaber looking thing are.

I like it, but not enough to buy it. I just bought yesterday's and will more than likely buy the upcoming Battlestar shirt so I need to trim down the shopping for only must-haves.
I like it, but not enough to buy it. I just bought yesterday's and will more than likely buy the upcoming Battlestar shirt so I need to trim down the shopping for only must-haves.

I have to start being selective as well. I received a Ript shirt last week, got 3 shirts at Celebration (including Bam's), and have a Threadless shirt coming this week.
Yeah I just got Bam's Freaks shirt and have another one from her coming. I also ordered the Asguardian plumbing shirt, yesterday's Wolverine shirt, and the Battlestar shirt when it pops up this week.

My GF says I now have more clothes than her...I said I definitely have cooler clothes than her!!!
I need to trim down the shopping for only must-haves.

I gotta start heading that route as well, just did a visual Facebook photo collection album since I had to rearrange my closet and I've hit 105 T-Shirts and that is after two different expelling expeditions in that past two years....the wife wasn't happy. Although my album looks neat and I still ordered today's TeeFury :lol.
I gotta start heading that route as well, just did a visual Facebook photo collection album since I had to rearrange my closet and I've hit 105 T-Shirts and that is after two different expelling expeditions in that past two years....the wife wasn't happy. Although my album looks neat and I still ordered today's TeeFury :lol.

BBwwuuuhhhaaaawwaaaa! My plan is working!!! Spend more money on tshirts my children.