The Crow reboot with Bill Skarsgard

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"Borderlands is easily the worst movie of the year"

*a new competitor has entered the ring*
borderlands wasn't even that bad. it was average like a fast and the furious sequels or something silly like that.

this one looks legitimately bad
So many years in development hell, so many different filmmakers attached to the project... and they land on something that anyone with a modicum of sense should've been able to tell in two minutes was a mistake.

Bradley Cooper knew it was a stinker and bailed.
$4.6 million opening weekend against a $50 million budet.

Same studio as "Borderlands" apparently.

It's all the way up to 20% now. I was curious to see what the reviewers with "fresh" reviews had to say. One said, "It isn't. . .unwatchable. . ." Another said, "impressive choreography and effects work, [give]the film its only truly memorable moments." Another one says, "It's stuck between trad goth and late-90s mall goth, but it feels too bland."

Gonna have to go see it now.
This thing has released!? I know I'm not the demographic, but damn did this have any promotion? It's August. Just in time to connect it to summer? Back to School? American Labor Day? California Admission Day?
The Snarky Jay Cosplayer YouTuber who is apparently a diehard Brandon Lee Crow fan said that the final 15 minutes are cool but that the two hours of cringe love story that you have to endure to get there just aren't worth it.
Watched that one. And YT's Reaper showed no mercy. I've heard enough I wouldn't even watch this on streaming.

Besides the fact that IMO it was too soon for a reboot, let alone a *&^% reboot.
This might actually kill the studio, they are definitely not Disney or WB size.
Looks like over half a dozen production companies shared the film's $50 million budget. Lionsgate then paid $10 million to distribute it and $15 million for print and advertising. I'm sure they'll still lose money but fortunately it doesn't seem like it will be crippling. Looks like a bunch of companies shared the budget for Borderlands as well.
Heard horrible things about this film. I'm glad I don't have to see this now, saved myself some money and at least the 94 film will remain timeless.
Honestly if they wanted to do a Crow movie. They either should have done a true 1 for 1 version of the comic. Or done a different version from one of the comics. My favorite would have been if they did the one comic where a jewish concentration camp prisoner and his family are killed during ww2 by some sadistic SS Nazis and the crow brings him back to take revenge and hunt and kill all those involved. At least it would be different enough of a story that we haven't seen before.