In a nutshell, here's why some of us dissect these films: They ask for it.
These are not designed to be mindless Summer popcorn films. They aspire to be much more, and thus they absolutely invite the analyzation and a more critical eye. And it just so happens the more some of us put TDKR under a microscope the more threads start to unravel.
I don't understand why this is a problem. Why does this mean we don't really like the movie or the series? If we didn't we wouldn't spend even a fraction of this amount of time talking about it. At least I know I wouldn't.
TDKR isn't a Transformers sequel, it's a Chris Nolan picture and sequel to an Oscar-nominated film considered by many to be the pinnacle of the genre. It's also a Batman movie. It's going to be measured against these criteria. And for some, it just doesn't quite measure up. That's all.
Well said.
I finally got around to seeing this a second time last night. First let me say that I really enjoyed the film the first time. I thought it was the 2nd best of the series after TDK.
However after a second viewing I just could not get over the plot holes, cliches, and downright corny scenes in the film.
If you are going to be an "intelligent" almost three hour films of twisting stories you better make sure there are not glaring plot holes.
Now don't get me wrong I still thought the film was good enough but it is without question the week link of the trilogy.
I also found the film to be overly long. The first two films are long films themselves but the story moves and are always compelling. This film just did not pull off what the other two films did. The scenes without Batman in the first two were just as great as the scenes without Batman. In TDKR the film at times comes to a crawl. Talia al Ghul was really an average character in all her scenes. I was not crazy about her the first time and really hated the scenes she was in the second time.
Robin was an OK character but I much rather would have much rather the film spent more time with Batman or even Alfred (wasted his character in this film) then with him. He was basically put in the film so we could have that last great shot.
Basically it boils down to the fact that we were spoiled by the first two films. It was not a bad film but it was nowhere near the quality of the first two.
And I know we are supposed to suspend disbelief but Nolan himself has always stated that he was going for realism but I am sorry at the end of the film "He didnt get out of the cockadoody car"