The only similarity between LOTR (specifically ROTK) and that movie that came out 2 months ago was the way it was advertised and their
attempt at making a large scale final battle. That whole "epic", bigger is better, mentality that Nolan got himself sucked into.
TDKR fails in that regard. Lord of the Rings has much more heart, better written characters, better arcs. In fact, even comparing them is a disservice to LOTR. It's disgraceful to even compare Bruce, Alfred, Fox and Gordon to the likes of Frodo, Aragorn, Gandalf, Sam, etc. etc.
The only similarity is the title cards used in the trailers. "Epic Conclusion", "Legend ends", "Journey Ends". It was all marketing. Spider-Man 3 did the same thing, "THIS COULD BE THE END OF SPIDER-MAN". This shouldn't be surprising considering Warner Bros. is producing the Hobbit films . . .
Hardcore fans bought right into it, just like they always do. I lost some respect for Nolan with that whole, "WE BASED OUR MOVIES OFF OF PETER JACKSON'S LOTR FILMS FOR THIS EPIC ENDING TO THE EPIC DARK KNIGHT LEGEND".
Oh really, you did? All marketing. He even contradicts himself in saying, "Peter Jackson made the films at the same time where I just made them up as I went along". Just like he contradicted himself saying that "story comes first". Uhhh, seemed like IMAX and technical filming came first there bro.
Fans also use Lord of the Rings as a bar in hopes that TDKR will have some sort of Oscar sweep (despite Fellowship and Two Towers already winning a **** ton at the 2001 and 2002 Oscars).
They're nothing alike except in threequel advertising and ambitious scope. ROTK succeeded and exceeded with it's New Zeland country filming, epic Pelennor Fields/Minas Tirith/Black Gate/Mordor battles and emotional characters while TDKR failed with, what, THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS, omg epic Pittsburgh, Wall Street, LA, and Marion Cottilard and Tom Hardy?
Was it the extras? That whole, "BIGGEST FILM SINCE SILENT ERA" crap? I'd fully admit that those CGI orc armies that had computer memories of their own did a better job than I did fighting badly.