I can justify my rip of TDKR than.
1. I've given Warner Bros too much of my money already between all their different releases and merchandise. They can suck my ****.
2. I watched maybe 4 mins of it until I got bored.
3. I wasted my time waiting for it to download. My time is what I spent.
4. Some obsessed fanatic/fanatics will probably buy extra copies and different editions so my lack of purchase won't have any really effect.
Nice try. Did you purchase the the only available version of TDKR in addition to your download? Nope. So it's not the same thing. Harmy's are basically backup copies of movies we all purchased legitimately. If Disney/LFL ever releases the original SW I'll be glad to purchase the actual product. Right now, the product doesn't exist.
The situation with Star Wars is profoundly different that your average run of the mill Batman pirate.