The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Her death wasn't the worst part of TDKR IMO.

Actually, it was. I watched it the other night, and was enjoying it...until she died.

It's really baffling because you'd think Nolan would've said..."No, no wait, this doesn't work."

But he didn't. He left it in. It's so silly.
I wasn't aware his reputation was ruined. :lol

People have short attention spans. Make one weaker film after a long era of hype, and they will hate you.

Ridley Scott created the stupid-beyond-belief, flawed in every aspect except the visuals, Lindellof'ed spectacle of wasted potential that was the "Prometheus", but it will never change the fact that he also made "Blade Runner", "Alien" and the "Gladiator"
Both had annoying, bald, terrible villains with unfitting accents.

(I don't mean you Michael Duncan Clark/AKA Kingpin, RIP bro)
It already has. Most people have written off Ridley Scott.

I cannot imagine anyone old enough to see "Alien" or "BR" when they were young, to ever write off Ridley Scott.

Okey, write off in a sense, that he probably lost his touch? Allright. That could very well be true. But his recent fails or luckluster films, will never erase the fact, that he is responsible for several near and actual masterpieces. It's common to use your best ideas and skills in the beggining of one's career, and to have a change of priorities later in life. He could spend the rest of his days doing ****ty movies, and he would and should still be counted among the Hall of Fame anyway. Directors loose their mojo. It happens to anyone sooner or later.
Spielberg started strong with "Jaws", but recently he also helmed "War Horse"...

Just becouse Nolan made quite a few questionable decisions with this one, in no way depreciates his filmography. But the higher the hype, the more warped people's attitude gets.
Never happened to George Lucas, so your argument is invalid.
Oh that's right. You're the one who's been fighting the hopeless battle for that movie, all this time. :)

Well count me among Prometheus haters and Ridley Scott fans.
I will. Now, this lump of doom is not for people who mearly, dislike the film.

It's just for people who needlessly hate it, while disregarding everything else the film gets right.
I love you CelticPredator, you're one of my several brothers from other mothers here on the boards (yo Jye, when is your dad going to pay child support, times are tough) but I thought Brometheus sucked . . . and then I forgot about it and never cared nor commented on it again.

Am I now lumped into doom? You gonna send your bro to the pits of hell?
I will. Now, this lump of doom is not for people who mearly, dislike the film.

It's just for people who needlessly hate it, while disregarding everything else the film gets right.

Well, I am afraid I classify for that group. There's very little this film get's right. The central idea of the movie was absolutely fantastic (it still is, i guess if I had seen it without knowing anything about the story, it would probably seem a bit more impressive), but the screenplay that Lindeloff concocted (or rather raped Spathis original draft) and the way it, not only ruined the premise, wasting all the potential in the cetral idea, but also filled it with so many stupidities, is just too much for me.

I am not one of those people who nitpick films. I can take any unrealistic, stupid, ridiculous or over-the-top idea, as long as its either enjoyable, funny, emotional or just plain good to watch. But the amount of stupid in this movie is just too much for me. I've seen it several times, trying really hard to enjoy it, even hoping the Blu Ray deleted scenes with salvage it somehow, but no. The more I see it, the worse it gets. The visual aspect, Fassbender and Idris Elba are the only good things about it for me.

But still. "Blade Runner", "Alien" and "Gladiator" man. Seriously at this point Scott, could spend the rest of his days doing tv commercials, and it still wouldn't make me think less of him. Same with Nolan.
Well, my original review for TDKR was this:

"Best visual/presentation ever with the 15/70 Imax"

I haz a feeling that's not going to carry over into my living room. :rotfl

So all i'm left with iz da story to wow me. :panic:

All kidding aside, i'm sorry to bust Nolan's 'I only do things once because i'm a filmaking god" because this movie in its current state is heavily flawed and in desperate need of an extended cut.

If Nolan has ever wondered if a reason would ever exist for him to reconsider his filmaking MO, this would be that time.

Yes Nolan, put your tail inbetween your legs, time to put on your big girl panties, and fix this movie.

Just because you beat TDK's box office does it mean its better.

Hell, even Void won't argue with dis one.

I agree that this masterpiece can only get better with another 15-20 mins of runtime.

But I find TDKR > TDK. Just.
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