The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I have to agree. In spite of the flaws I listed, I thought this was a great final bookend to this trilogy. The poeple who don't like it went into this not wanting to like it. It's fairly obvious from the tone of the posts. Funny, because a lot of the time i agree with what these folks have to say, but there's something about Nolan that just makes rational discussion irrelevant. I think it's because folks took a stand pretty early on and they don't want to seem like they are "waffling" by admitting there might be stuff to like here? :huh

I completely disagree. I was one of the biggest Nolancom****s in here before RISES was released. I loved BEGINS And Dark Knight.
I was really really excited for the movie and when I saw it I was completely disappointed. I hated Rises. I was crushed.

I don't care about Batman's voice or Talia's death I don't care about the plot holes as much as others,
what really made me hate this movie was the 8 year gap and the defeated Bruce we see in the beginning. I really wish Nolan didn't do that, I knew the police was going to be after him and I knew the death of Dent and Rachel was too much for him but I thought he was going to be Batman in the beginning of the movie. i didn't think he was going to completely quit his life.

I loved the final fight and i loved every scene with Bane in it but the movie was not great. If they gave us a hurt Bruce that still used the batman suit from time to time to help the cops without letting anyone know that would have been really nice to see. A batman protecting the city while the cops and maybe the FBI was hunting him down.

I hated how weak and how pathetic they made Bruce in this movie and I hated that he gave up being batman so early. The movie itself was still okay. If this was not related to Batman it would still make a great movie. If you took out Batman and Bane and made this about a city that is attacked by a group of mercenaries then yeah, it would be an okay movie.

But as a batman movie it is awful.
I completely disagree. I was one of the biggest Nolancom****s in here before RISES was released. I loved BEGINS And Dark Knight.
I was really really excited for the movie and when I saw it I was completely disappointed. I hated Rises. I was crushed.

I don't care about Batman's voice or Talia's death I don't care about the plot holes as much as others,
what really made me hate this movie was the 8 year gap and the defeated Bruce we see in the beginning. I really wish Nolan didn't do that, I knew the police was going to be after him and I knew the death of Dent and Rachel was too much for him but I thought he was going to be Batman in the beginning of the movie. i didn't think he was going to completely quit his life.

I loved the final fight and i loved every scene with Bane in it but the movie was not great. If they gave us a hurt Bruce that still used the batman suit from time to time to help the cops without letting anyone know that would have been really nice to see. A batman protecting the city while the cops and maybe the FBI was hunting him down.

I hated how weak and how pathetic they made Bruce in this movie and I hated that he gave up being batman so early. The movie itself was still okay. If this was not related to Batman it would still make a great movie. If you took out Batman and Bane and made this about a city that is attacked by a group of mercenaries then yeah, it would be an okay movie.

But as a batman movie it is awful.

Hello...It's a Batman film interpreted by Nolan, not you ,nor Nam , nor Difabio or anyone else...and the masses liked it alot and thus it was a successful film because most people related to these films,the characters and messages conveyed...for some it hit home for others it didnt...for those who didnt like it obviously were expecting something else and thus related to something else...everyones idea of what Batman is is different just like like heaven and hell if you believe in it...For some Batman is the gospel according to(fill in the blank) and some take it to a very serious level bordering on crazy...Was this a perfect film, no but I enjoyed it and related to the story and characters....that's it
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Oh. Well by all means, continue to reiterate the same complaints that have not gotten old since this summer.

Well I gues it is the same as the other side. Also I do not remember that I posted too much in this thread so. I just shared a thing that is it mate.
Then I doubt your posts are the ones that Khonsu was referring to. There are plenty of people who were genuinely disappointed for one reason or another, and then there are the people who feed upon and exacerbate that disappointment by blowing it out of all rational proportion (they live for the drama). They are who he was talking about. By no means did he accuse everyone who didn't like it; he just accused those who were guilty.

As for my condolences, what else do you want to hear? Sorry you thought it was awful. I didn't.
Hello...It's a Batman film interpreted by Nolan, not you ,nor Nam , nor Difabio or anyone else...and the masses liked it alot and thus it was a successful film because most people related to these films,the characters and messages conveyed...for some it hit home for others it didnt...for those who didnt like it obviously were expecting something else and thus related to something else...everyones idea of what Batman is is different just like like heaven and hell if you believe in it...For some Batman is the gospel according to(fill in the blank) and some take it to a very serious level bordering on crazy...Was this a perfect film, no but I enjoyed it and related to the story and characters....that's it

it is not even a batman movie. I mean yes it is but like I said my only problem is the 8 year gap and batman giving up. it doesn't make any sense that batman wouldn't care about rapists and other criminals. Batman is not supposed to only be going after the mob.

I was answering to Khonsu70 anyways. He said people that wanted to hate batman pretty much didn't wanted to like it regardless. That is not the case with me.
I expected a Batman movie and we didn't get one. That's all

That's why I said that I don't give a **** about all the plot holes everyone always talks about, my only problem was the beginning and the gap of time. I could care less of how Talia died, or how Bane eats (he doesn't) I don't care about the nitpicking but I did not have a good time watching this. Felt like a chore.
And this is not even how Batman is supposed to be anyway.
Then I doubt your posts are the ones that Khonsu was referring to. There are plenty of people who were genuinely disappointed for one reason or another, and then there are the people who feed upon and exacerbate that disappointment by blowing it out of all rational proportion (they live for the drama). They are who he was talking about. By no means did he accuse everyone who didn't like it; he just accused those who were guilty.

Okay! That clears it up. I didn't read the hole thread so I might have missed a few things.
it is not even a batman movie. I mean yes it is but like I said my only problem is the 8 year gap and batman giving up. it doesn't make any sense that batman wouldn't care about rapists and other criminals. Batman is not supposed to only be going after the mob.

I was answering to Khonsu70 anyways. He said people that wanted to hate batman pretty much didn't wanted to like it regardless. That is not the case with me.
I expected a Batman movie and we didn't get one. That's all

That's why I said that I don't give a **** about all the plot holes everyone always talks about, my only problem was the beginning and the gap of time. I could care less of how Talia died, or how Bane eats (he doesn't) I don't care about the nitpicking but I did not have a good time watching this. Felt like a chore.
And this is not even how Batman is supposed to be anyway.

It is a Batman movie... just not your Batman movie, nor Nam's nor Difabio's, etc,etc according to your interpretations of the Batman gospel...simple..
It is a Batman movie... just not your Batman movie, nor Nam's nor Difabio's, etc,etc according to your interpretation of the Batman gospel...simple..

i just don't understand how he can make such good first 2 movies but drop the ball with this one. Begins was great, Dark Knight was perfect, then totally suck at making the 3rd one.

I just don't get it. :gah: part of how disappointed some of us were is because the other 2 were such great movies. We expected a great ending, and we didn't get it.
i just don't understand how he can make such good first 2 movies but drop the ball with this one. Begins was great, Dark Knight was perfect, then totally suck at making the 3rd one.

I just don't get it. :gah:

It was a little different I grant that but it still continued the story...I went into this film knowing TDK would and could never be topped...Some films are masterpieces...I simply was able to relate to this Batman film....The Joker created TDKR Bruce Wayne/Batman dissappearance for 8 years ...I understood that but not till I watched the film and finally got it...Nolan does have the gift of making one think and ask questions after a film.... Star Wars went under the same micro examination treatment where folks(some) hated the prequels and I can only imagine how the next films will be treated...all because the earliest films were superb...simple
Yeah, he dies. In a blu ray live chat with Nolan a viewer asked a question regarding the truck driver, and they were told that Batman had to incapacitate the truck to stop the vehicle from protecting the Joker's truck from the police. The driver (which I believe is an Arkham thug) is a casualty. There's also pics of the model and miniature on google if you're interested, it's pretty cool.

You guys are twisting it a bit, I think, some things anyway. :lol

This particular Batman was fashioned as a non-killer, in any way shape or form. That's what the whole exchange between Batman and the Joker is about for the interrogation scene. Bruce states that he isn't an executioner and that he doesn't kill. I don't recall him going into technicalities, just that he will not do the deed. He spares the Asian theif's life (who is probably killed in the explosion that Bruce caused).

So killing Dent, killing the garbage truck driver, letting Ra's Al Ghul die (in an event that Batman premeditated, with the help of Gordon and knew the outcome) and quite possibly killing victims (the HEMTT driver and perhaps Talia herself) with a barrage of machine gun fire from the Bat isn't "wrong" for Batman's supposed rule? He's breaking his rule, which is, "no killing, period".

Most are with intent, he knew Ra's couldn't escape from a wreck he planned with Gordon (the destruction of the monorail).

Some of the kills I think are completely acceptable, especially the one with Dent since he's threatening a young, innocent boy. However, regardless of the situation, this is a character that they establish with a very specific rule, a rule that he "doesn't kill". He says this to everyone, even Catwoman.

Yet he does kill and we never have the character think about his actions after the fact. We never see him questioning himself if he is in fact "wrong" for the decisions he's made when it comes to killing.

It's funny, years ago, people were up in arms about some of the things the Keaton Batman did (a Batman who didn't have rules but did whatever was necessary), specifically killing.

People seemed to get upset about that particular Batman sending an unmanned Batmobile into the Axis Chemicals factory that killed about a dozen of the Joker's henchmen, or mowing down thugs that threatened Gothamites, or inadvertently causing the Joker's death. There's also that bit with the strongman thug and bomb.

Yet, this Batman does similar things and gets a free pass? We'll make up explanations on why it's alright when it's said repeatedly that "THIS GUY DOESN'T KILL"?

Personally, I have no problem with Batman killing, be it from his Batwing trying to protect gothamites or saving a child from a maniac. But when you specifically create a "no killing rule" and yet have the character kill multiple times but don't even have him contemplate about the things he's done, something is a little off. I get "the greater good", but these three films NEVER get into that.

While we may be "twisting" it a bit, you are being pedantic.

As far as I'm concerned, the only time he bent his one rule was with Ras, and others have replied well to that.

it is not even a batman movie. I mean yes it is but like I said my only problem is the 8 year gap and batman giving up. it doesn't make any sense that batman wouldn't care about rapists and other criminals. Batman is not supposed to only be going after the mob.

I was answering to Khonsu70 anyways. He said people that wanted to hate batman pretty much didn't wanted to like it regardless. That is not the case with me.
I expected a Batman movie and we didn't get one. That's all

That's why I said that I don't give a **** about all the plot holes everyone always talks about, my only problem was the beginning and the gap of time. I could care less of how Talia died, or how Bane eats (he doesn't) I don't care about the nitpicking but I did not have a good time watching this. Felt like a chore.
And this is not even how Batman is supposed to be anyway.

This is one of the things I picked up on from the latest viewing of the trilogy. This Batman really is mostly about going after the mob.

i just don't understand how he can make such good first 2 movies but drop the ball with this one. Begins was great, Dark Knight was perfect, then totally suck at making the 3rd one.

I just don't get it. :gah: part of how disappointed some of us were is because the other 2 were such great movies. We expected a great ending, and we didn't get it.

Your only problem with it is the 8 year gap, and he "totally sucked" at making the 3rd movie? :cuckoo:
While we may be "twisting" it a bit, you are being pedantic.

As far as I'm concerned, the only time he bent his one rule was with Ras, and others have replied well to that.

This is one of the things I picked up on from the latest viewing of the trilogy. This Batman really is mostly about going after the mob.

Your only problem with it is the 8 year gap, and he "totally sucked" at making the 3rd movie? :cuckoo:
...sorry for your loss. :monkey3

Wasn't Batman retired at the beginning of The Dark Knight Returns?

Actually it is very different. Batman was Batman for decades in the Dark Knight Returns. Also the vigilantes were banned and only Superman was active. And he was in the story the goverment's puppet basically. When he retired he was 45 years old and he was Batman not just for a year. And when he returned and when he at the end of the story faked his death he still stayed Batman and he started to planning how to continue the fight aganist crime and corruption. Nolan borrowed elements from Frank Millers's masterpiece but his Batman is totally different from Millers's or the 80's era - Today ComicBook Batman.
i just don't understand how he can make such good first 2 movies but drop the ball with this one. Begins was great, Dark Knight was perfect, then totally suck at making the 3rd one.

I just don't get it. :gah: part of how disappointed some of us were is because the other 2 were such great movies. We expected a great ending, and we didn't get it.

Opinion. Void and others will argue he didn't drop the ball. Some will say this was a worthy conclusion to the story. Others will say he raised the bar.

I just don't get why it's gotta be written in stone if this was a good film or not. You can have your opinion, which you've shared countless times, and everyone else can have theirs (which they've countered with several times).

Tis murder/killing talk is refreshing compared to the crap that used to plague this thread.
Well it was done perfectly in animation. At least the first part of the story, but I am sure the second part will be just as good. I do not think they need to make this in live action because of that.
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