The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Nolan probaly would of had a solid better story if Heath lived.

Same thing I've been saying. The movie was probably going to be better and a lot different. Bruce was probably not going to quit being Batman.

I know heath's death was really sad and I know they were probably really close to him but I wish they had made the movie they were intending to make.
Why not use the EMP gun to disable the bomb? The timer was electronic. It's not a matter of what was shoehorned into the movie, but how it was done, which was poorly to everybody but the staunchest Nolancom****... and Khev. :

Not really about whether the BAT was on screen too much...

But an interesting point nonetheless. But it wasnt a timebomb in the traditional sence. Meaning, I don't think the timer is what made it go off. It was going off no matter what and the timer was just incidental and gave the audience a visual que for how much time was left.
Same thing I've been saying. The movie was probably going to be better and a lot different. Bruce was probably not going to quit being Batman.

I know heath's death was really sad and I know they were probably really close to him but I wish they had made the movie they were intending to make.

I don't believe that. Although the 8 year gap may not have been there, the series was always going to end with him retiring.
Not really about whether the BAT was on screen too much...

But an interesting point nonetheless. But it wasnt a timebomb in the traditional sence. Meaning, I don't think the timer is what made it go off. It was going off no matter what and the timer was just incidental and gave the audience a visual que for how much time was left.

It wasn't a timebomb in the traditional sense? Or you don't know what an electronic timer is? :lol I'm betting it's the latter and you're just making more excuses for the point being discussed. Again, sure there were dozens of gadgets shown in the movie, but most were for "fluff," so the fanboys could go, "ooooh shiney!" and not utilized in the way they should've been.
I don't believe that. Although the 8 year gap may not have been there, the series was always going to end with him retiring.

no yeah I meant the 8 year gap, (what I hate so much about this movie) I meant if Joker was going to be in the movie maybe they would not have the 8 year retirement for Bruce.

I still don't understand why Nolan did this if we were going to see Bruce suffer from Bane's fight and have to recover. We pretty much saw Bruce being weak and hurt in the Pit so I really don't understand the need for the 8 year gap.

It is almost like Nolan is beating me on the head with a hammer saying "Do you get it? Bruce is hurt, he is weak, he cannot defeat Bane. DO YOU GET IT" :lol
The EMT would stop all electrical activity, how would the bomb still keep building up the overload for it to explode then? I'm getting confused :(
It wasn't a timebomb in the traditional sense? Or you don't know what an electronic timer is? :lol I'm betting it's the latter and you're just making more excuses for the point being discussed.

Maybe I don't understand the nature of the nuke itself, but I had the impression that it was going off because it was removed from it's power source, not because someone stuck a timer on it. :dunno
Maybe I don't understand the nature of the nuke itself, but I had the impression that it was going off because it was removed from it's power source, not because someone stuck a timer on it. :dunno

the way I saw it is that the Nuke needed to be connected to the power source. It was breaking down and it was going to go off no matter what unless it was plugged back in or something.

Nam is wrong about being able to use EMP gun to disable the bomb, wasn't the only way to disable it was to bring it back so that Fox could fix it?
Maybe I don't understand the nature of the nuke itself, but I had the impression that it was going off because it was removed from it's power source, not because someone stuck a timer on it. :dunno

Let's simplify this for ya. It takes a ****load of power to create fusion. The fusion has to build up to critical mass (the point of exploding) which was what the timer was reflecting. EMPs basically kill all power hit by the wave or "pulse." No power, no bomb. So theoretically, a genius like Batman would've created a diversion while Gordon shot the bomb with the EMP gun guaranteeing a dud, instead of just giving the man a scrambler to prevent remote detonation and keeping the bomb live.
Let's simplify this for ya. It takes a ****load of power to create fusion. The fusion has to build up to critical mass (the point of exploding) which was what the timer was reflecting. EMPs basically kill all power hit by the wave or "pulse." No power, no bomb.

seems kinda stupid that Nolan would get this wrong since he wouldn't freaking Shut up about the Water vaporizer in Begins. Is funny how every single person in Gotham had to talk about what the machine was going to do to the water in the city, Yet with the bomb he barely explains what it does or how to stop it.

I didn't think the bomb could be stopped just like that. If you are right then this was a pretty stupid plot :gah::lol
seems kinda stupid that Nolan would get this wrong since he wouldn't freaking Shut up about the Water vaporizer in Begins. Is funny how every single person in Gotham had to talk about what the machine was going to do to the water in the city, Yet with the bomb he barely explains what it does or how to stop it.

I didn't think the bomb could be stopped just like that. If you are right then this was a pretty stupid plot :gah::lol

That's a whole other issue. Who's to say that the chemical Scarecrow was dumping into the city water wouldn't get cooked off/nutralized by the microwave emitter when the water was vaporized? People have been boiling water for centuries to purify it. :lol
That's a whole other issue. Who's to say that the chemical Scarecrow was dumping into the city water wouldn't get cooked off/nutralized by the microwave emitter when the water was vaporized? People have been boiling water for centuries to purify it. :lol

There is seriously zero talk about how the Nuke works besides that is breaking down or something and having to put it back where it was. I had no idea that's how it worked and you are right about Batman being able to stop it..Jeez
There is seriously zero talk about how the Nuke works besides that is breaking down or something and having to put it back where it was. I had no idea that's how it worked and you are right about Batman being able to stop it..Jeez

It's a plot with some fancy words like "fusion bomb" tossed in to decorate it. Why would Batman even call the remote detonator a "trigger" and not "detonator?" Especially with how silly it sounded when Bale yelled it. :lol At it's heart, though it tries not to be, and the fans wish it weren't, it's a silly comic book movie with a wholly surreal comic book plot that's goofy and unrealistic. This is what I meant way early on after seeing it and saying that looking for a deeper meaning to TDKR is like standing in a kiddie pull and looking for the deep end. There isn't one.
There is seriously zero talk about how the Nuke works besides that is breaking down or something and having to put it back where it was. I had no idea that's how it worked and you are right about Batman being able to stop it..Jeez

It's a plot with some fancy words like "fusion bomb" tossed in to decorate it. Why would Batman even call the remote detonator a "trigger" and not "detonator?" Especially with how silly it sounded when Bale yelled it. :lol At it's heart, though it tries not to be, and the fans wish it weren't, it's a silly comic book movie with a wholly surreal comic book plot that's goofy and unrealistic. This is what I meant way early on after seeing it and saying that looking for a deeper meaning to TDKR is like standing in a kiddie pull and looking for the deep end. There isn't one.


Movie haters!!! Movie haters!!!

Spoiler Spoiler:
Let's simplify this for ya. It takes a ****load of power to create fusion. The fusion has to build up to critical mass (the point of exploding) which was what the timer was reflecting.

That's exactly the point I was making. You're changing your tune. Earlier you said:

Why not use the EMP gun to disable the bomb? The timer was electronic.

I was just making the point that the timer wasn't what was setting the bomb off. Sounds like you agree.

EMPs basically kill all power hit by the wave or "pulse." No power, no bomb. So theoretically, a genius like Batman would've created a diversion while Gordon shot the bomb with the EMP gun guaranteeing a dud, instead of just giving the man a scrambler to prevent remote detonation and keeping the bomb live.

My choices are to simply take your word for this here or to do further research. Since I'm not willing to take your word for it, and I don't have the time to research it at the moment, I will refrain from commenting.

There is seriously zero talk about how the Nuke works besides that is breaking down or something and having to put it back where it was. I had no idea that's how it worked and you are right about Batman being able to stop it..Jeez

I'm not convinced yet.

It's a plot with some fancy words like "fusion bomb" tossed in to decorate it. Why would Batman even call the remote detonator a "trigger" and not "detonator?" Especially with how silly it sounded when Bale yelled it. :lol At it's heart, though it tries not to be, and the fans wish it weren't, it's a silly comic book movie with a wholly surreal comic book plot that's goofy and unrealistic. This is what I meant way early on after seeing it and saying that looking for a deeper meaning to TDKR is like standing in a kiddie pull and looking for the deep end. There isn't one.

Even if the bomb plot device is pure science fiction, how could that possibly even remotely be a factor in whether the movie has a deep meaning? The two things are not in the slightest bit related.

Art, entertainment, and literature all have the potential to be profoundly meaningful regardless of the format or genre. Yes, even comic-book movies.
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Even if the bomb plot device is pure science fiction, how could that possibly even remotely be a factor in whether the movie has a deep meaning? The two things are not in the slightest bit related.

What was the "profound" meaning of Batman? It's okay to give up and quit? :dunno :lol
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