The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Post: "I don't like TDKR because they didn't do exactly what I wanted and so therefore I will choose to interpret everything as stupidly as possible."

Reply: "You don't have to interpret it stupidly though. There are plenty of explanations for why everything happened on screen that aren't stupid."

Post: "I don't care. I don't like TDKR because they didn't do exactly what I wanted and so therefore I will choose to interpret everything as stupidly as possible."

Lather, rinse, repeat.
Exactly, every time I come into this thread it's the exact same **** being typed over and over. I leave it quicker than you can say oxymoronic ;)

To be fair, I didn't watch TDKR for the first time until a few weeks ago. I want to join in the argument now too. :lol
Post: "I don't like TDKR because they didn't do exactly what I wanted and so therefore I will choose to interpret everything as stupidly as possible."

Reply: "You don't have to interpret it stupidly though. There are plenty of explanations for why everything happened on screen that aren't stupid."

Post: "I don't care. I don't like TDKR because they didn't do exactly what I wanted and so therefore I will choose to interpret everything as stupidly as possible."

Lather, rinse, repeat.


Thats pretty much it. It didn't do exactly what I wanted. I just don't think I can roll with what Nolan did in the end. Not saying its complete crap - clearly a lot of people do like it so theres gotta be something in it - its just not for me. I'll take BB and TDK though.

I hyped this film up so much that I left the cinemas feeling a little disappointed, I also knew all the spoilers. It's only now that I watch it at home that I love it more and more every time I watch it. It's my favourite of the 3 at the minute. It has the best fight scenes out of all the 3 films for me, and the ending still gives me goosebumps. Bane gets a little more awesome every time too.

Sure, these films could be like your average superhero movie, hero saves the day, seems invincible in the process, they're all predictable, but these aren't - they're more. Easily my favourite trilogy of all time.

I hyped this film up so much that I left the cinemas feeling a little disappointed, I also knew all the spoilers. It's only now that I watch it at home that I love it more and more every time I watch it. It's my favourite of the 3 at the minute. It has the best fight scenes out of all the 3 films for me, and the ending still gives me goosebumps. Bane gets a little more awesome every time too.

Sure, these films could be like your average superhero movie, hero saves the day, seems invincible in the process, they're all predictable, but these aren't - they're more. Easily my favourite trilogy of all time.

I disagree on the fights - for me that was one of the disappointing aspects - particularly the amount of obvious non-connection I saw. But I do like Bane and his voice which I know others hate.
Really? I adore the fight scenes in rises. Especially the end and how quick batman is, he weathers the storm and then bam! Bane is down.

Batman in the sewer, you knew he was doomed. Whereas in the fight at the end it's like he could have gone all day if he had to. I love that.
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I hyped this film up so much that I left the cinemas feeling a little disappointed, I also knew all the spoilers.

Bummer. It was fun seeing the Talia reveal "cold."

:It's only now that I watch it at home that I love it more and more every time I watch it. It's my favourite of the 3 at the minute. It has the best fight scenes out of all the 3 films for me, and the ending still gives me goosebumps. Bane gets a little more awesome every time too.

Sure, these films could be like your average superhero movie, hero saves the day, seems invincible in the process, they're all predictable, but these aren't - they're more. Easily my favourite trilogy of all time.

Yep, and agreed on the fights. I do think it has the best action scenes of any Batfilm (including the Joker/truck chase.) Stock exchange/police chase, sewer brawl, second fight with Bane on the steps, truck chase with the Bat and Catwoman on the batpod. Awesome stuff.
Bummer. It was fun seeing the Talia reveal "cold."

Yep, and agreed on the fights. I do think it has the best action scenes of any Batfilm (including the Joker/truck chase.) Stock exchange/police chase, sewer brawl, second fight with Bane on the steps, truck chase with the Bat and Catwoman on the batpod. Awesome stuff.


I know, it was a real bummer, I just couldn't stop myself from reading them. I was kicking myself for days :lol
strange, you were complaining about people talking about the same thing over and over, but now your posting about the movie...:lol

people should feel free to discuss if they like or dislike movies whenever they like. Who cares if they discussion has been talked about over and over. We are on an internet forum, not everyone is able to talk together all at once. If you don't want to read what people have to say, then just move on and you don't need to post anything. Plus this is the TDKR movie thread, people are here to discuss the movie.

:lol I suppose. It's just every time I do want to talk about the film it's the same people saying the same stuff over and over and it's boring.
:lol I suppose. It's just every time I do want to talk about the film it's the same people saying the same stuff over and over and it's boring.

it goes both ways, it is just as boring to see countless posts defending the movie as it is boring to read the hate posts. I honestly believe everything has been said about this movie both negative and positive, any time anyone posts anything (negative or positive) it has been posted already.
the last 100 pages of this thread feels like Groundhog day :lol
This may have been answered but - at what point did Bruce physically get out of the Bat before the bomb exploded? I have watched it closely and it is edited in such a way that it seems he could have only got out once he was past the bridge where Blake was. I don't get it.
Michael Cain from the Prestige:

The first act is called "The Pledge"; The magician shows you something ordinary, but of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn"; The magician makes his ordinary some thing do something extraordinary. Now if you're looking for the secret... you won't find it, that's why there's a third act called, "The Prestige"; this is the part with the twists and turns, where lives hang in the balance, and you see something shocking you've never seen before.

Like i said, this method is present in almost all his movies. And very much in the Dark Knight Trilogy.


So you don't know either?
your missing the point. You dont have to see everything, its up to the mind to put things together. There just is no concrete answer to how Batman escaped. But its part of a method Nolan does in his movies. Not letting the audience see everything. Everything is like a magic trick. Even the Joker with his "want to see a pencil disappear" is almost making fun of it.

Yeah but at what point does that start to become stupid and a cop-out to excuse the unexplainable.
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