The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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someone with no experience or money lol (or help from anyone)

Nope, be has the will though, the will to act. That's the most important thing, the body is nothing, the will is everything. Blake will do his thing, but in a different way I imagine. That last word seems to be missing in a lot of people's vocabulary lately it seems. People on this board seem to like Batman Begins the most yet, they seem to forget everything that happened in that film. So many call backs to Begins in Rises, it's makes the film make that much more sense.
Nope, be has the will though, the will to act. That's the most important thing, the body is nothing, the will is everything. Blake will do his thing, but in a different way I imagine. That last word seems to be missing in a lot of people's vocabulary lately it seems. People on this board seem to like Batman Begins the most yet, they seem to forget everything that happened in that film. So many call backs to Begins in Rises, it's makes the film make that much more sense.

Well the thing is that Bruce had the money and the help for the High tech, he had Fox helping him, he had Alfred helping him even.

I don't think Blake had anyone like that. Maybe Gordon would help him a little bit but Blake was on his own and probably has zero idea how half the stuff works.
But even besides that Bruce was still a member of the League of Shadows, and had training. Blake doesn't.

I'm just saying that I don't really like that Nolan did this because it makes it seem like Blake will die soon or not really know how to be Batman. Bruce could have at least teach him a couple of things here and there.

Before seeing the movie I read a spoiler about Blake seeing the batcave, and for some reason I imagined that Bruce would be in there With Him.
I don't know why but I read that one spoiler and my mind had an image of Bruce showing Blake the stuff. I had no idea what was going to happen in the end so I didn't know Batman was going to die. But I went to the movie with the idea that Bruce would be there when Blake found the batcave, which I liked because Bruce as a mentor is the only way this ending makes sense.(The whole reason Batman Beyond exists)

I didn't really like that Blake found everything but ended up on his own. that didn't make a lot of sense.
It made no sense to you, and there are reasons for that, but that doesn't mean that the reasons have anything to do with the film.
I guess it is not that big of a deal since the movie ended, I just think it would have been nice to work out an ending where Blake was left the suit and the gadgets but also some kind of training or help.

Maybe let Fox know that Blake will take over then. Or something.
Well the thing is that Bruce had the money and the help for the High tech, he had Fox helping him, he had Alfred helping him even.

I don't think Blake had anyone like that. Maybe Gordon would help him a little bit but Blake was on his own and probably has zero idea how half the stuff works.
But even besides that Bruce was still a member of the League of Shadows, and had training. Blake doesn't.

I'm just saying that I don't really like that Nolan did this because it makes it seem like Blake will die soon or not really know how to be Batman. Bruce could have at least teach him a couple of things here and there.

Before seeing the movie I read a spoiler about Blake seeing the batcave, and for some reason I imagined that Bruce would be in there With Him.
I don't know why but I read that one spoiler and my mind had an image of Bruce showing Blake the stuff. I had no idea what was going to happen in the end so I didn't know Batman was going to die. But I went to the movie with the idea that Bruce would be there when Blake found the batcave, which I liked because Bruce as a mentor is the only way this ending makes sense.(The whole reason Batman Beyond exists)

I didn't really like that Blake found everything but ended up on his own. that didn't make a lot of sense.

But what makes you think he'll be like Batman or be Batman-esq? There are so many possibility's where this could go. You went to the movie "with the idea" that something happened that didn't actually happen. This is surprising to you? The film doesn't show things like training and Fox talking to Blake because it is completely arbitrary to the overall plot, Blake inherits the bat cave, that's it. That's all I needed to know, what, how, when, and with who he prepares himself to bring justice to Gotham is not something that needs to be explained in detail. He already knows Fox, he knows Alfred, the only "hole" here is his training. He could travel around the world like Bruce did and follow all sorts of exotic training regimes or just go to the local gym/dojo/whatever and do what ever he wants. Point is, I don't think the film needs to explain this, I can fill in the gaps my self, and have it make sense in my mind. Some can't, they find it too unlikely that Bruce got into Gotham for instance, because they don't believe he could have gotten in there. I don't, he's Batman, he had training, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. At the end of the day it's all up to you, and how much you can suspend your disbelief.
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Not getting Oscar/GG recognition doesn't mean much. Hitchcock and Kubrick faced similar fates and look at how well they're films are regarded today

Nolan's films are ahead of their time IMO.

To be really honest. I love Begins and the Dark Knight despite it is not my kind of Batman, but they are ahead of their time? No, they are not, they never were. (Terminator 2 was ahead of it's time, Aliens was ahead of it's time. And these movies are still one of the best Sci-Fi, action movies out there and nothing could top them. )They were the best Comicbook movies when they came out and nothing could and still can't come close to them except Watchmen which is better than Nolan's Batman IMO. Rises on the other hand won't be a movie which will withstand the time. There is nothing special in it at all. It is just some generic action Batman wannabe movie. It is not trash but meh. It is forgetable even as a simple movie...not to mention Batman movie.
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Why would you use two films that weren't ahead of their times then? If those are your examples and you believe Terminator and Alien to be ahead of their time then Terminator 2 and Aliens can't be ahead of their time because they are both sequels.

I'd also like to go on record as saying neither were ahead of their time.
Because they were ahead of their time. They were sequels yes, but it doesn't mean they were not good enough for this. So I have to disagree with you here.
No movie is ahead of it's time.

Every movie is very much of it's time.
Well that's special effects. The saying would be "the visual effects still hold up well to today's standards".

The movie itself is of it's time. The way it was made, Guns N' Roses, mullets, pay phones, younger Arnold, 90s, 90s, 90s.

Which isn't to say is a bad thing. Every movie is of it's time.
Well that's special effects. The saying would be "the visual effects still hold up well to today's standards".

The movie itself is of it's time. The way it was made, Guns N' Roses, mullets, pay phones, younger Arnold, 90s, 90s, 90s.

Which isn't to say is a bad thing. Every movie is of it's time.

That's a very unusual way to look at it. When people say movies are "ahead of there time," they're often referring to the visual and technical effects that can be achieved in that era. And yes, there weren't many other movies that had the "ahead of its time" CGI like T2. Jurassic Park, Star wars, and 2001 A space odyssey, are also great examples.
That's a very unusual way to look at it. When people say movies are "ahead of there time," they're often referring to the visual and technical effects that can be achieved in that era. And yes, there weren't many other movies that had the "ahead of its time" CGI like T2. Jurassic Park, Star wars, and 2001 A space odyssey, are also great examples.

Well what was Void referring to when he said Nolan's films are ahead of their time?

I know the discussion snow balled into visuals and effects, but the three Batman movies have pretty typical technical effects for today's standards so I thought we were basing this idea off other merits. People praised Stan Winston's Batman Returns special effects, which came hot off the heels of T2. But looking back though, it's a 90s movie, just like T2.

The T-1000 would be completely different today. The Terminator wouldn't even have prosthetics or make up when he's ****ed up, Cameron would have CGIed it all. However it wouldn't HAVE been done today because . . . the movie is of it's time. :monkey1

And let's face it, Star Wars is the best example of being "of it's time", even with it's fantastic special effects in the 70s/80s that laid the ground for what we have today. Just look at all the different versions of them that have appeared through the years. 90s Special Edition, Dvd edition, blu ray edition. Compare that to the grainy, old, original version (the version I prefer), and yeah, it's dated, so it's got to be of it's time.

But yeah, I get the expression "ahead of it's time". I think it's a stupid one though. 20 years from now, TDKR will be "that Batman movie from 2012" with the old school effects and old 2011 Steelers Football team.
That's because Void is bats**t (pun intended) crazy. :dunno :lol

Sounds to me like you're just overthinking the expression.
When people say "ahead of it's time" it can mean several things. It can be because of it's technical prowess for instance. But it can also be because it deals with moral dilemma's, political/cultural themes that the world isn't ready for it to be discussed, or subjects of similar nature. Or simply because the film tries to do things that today's film audiences simply don't fully understand yet or are not interested in, YET.
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