The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Oh so, so true.

I remember how bored those people were in that theater.

I saw this women in the corner of my eye, with her hands on her face. I thought she was reacting to uncle Ben...but she was just like this...

Yea it is. People loved it but now it's batmans turn to shine with the finale.
Watched Batman Begins last night in preparation for next weekend. Such a great film that lives in TDK's shadow. That scene of Batman at the top of the tower overlooking the city is still the best shot in the series (IMO).
Watched Batman Begins last night in preparation for next weekend. Such a great film that lives in TDK's shadow. That scene of Batman at the top of the tower overlooking the city is still the best shot in the series (IMO).

I actually feel the opposite. I think TDK wasn't able to crawl out of BB's shadow. A worthy sequel, but the first film's still far better and considerably more fluid. :huh
Watched them both back to back. Prefer BB over TDK. Always have done. Not that TDK is not a worthy follow up, far from it but I prefer the more fantastical elements in BB.
Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are almost tied, in my eyes. Batman Begins may have a slight edge though, because I'm a big fan of Liam Neeson and he did such a fantastic job.

I will say though, after seeing The Dark Knight Rises trailer #3 at the opening weekend of Spidey... The Dark Knight Rises could potentially be my favorite. I realize it's just a trailer and that the film could fall below that of even The Dark Knight, but that was easily the best trailer I've ever seen in my entire life.
I agree. Gotham felt deminished in TDK. What happened to the Narrows in TDK? I like them both equally, But the scene in the carpark in the 2nd film was the best, it felt like I was watching Batman The Animated Series in live action!
I actually feel the opposite. I think TDK wasn't able to crawl out of BB's shadow. A worthy sequel, but the first film's still far better and considerably more fluid. :huh

Yeah I agree. I love TDK but BB is a better film. Better story that doesn't deviate from the hero's journey and Batman just seemed more like Batman should if that makes sense. So many shots of Batman crouched down, the wind billowing his cape. Also, Batman taking out the thugs at the dock is easily one of my favorite scenes committed to film. To see how Batman would appear to criminals was genius! TDK is an excellent film but I will always prefer BB.
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