The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Catwoman will take care of that, I predict the number of Premature "weeping" will leave the theater soaked... poor Theater people going to have to clean that up

I have a sneaking suspicion that'll be people's biggest gripe about the film, even over Bane's size. :lol
Anyone who calls The Avengers crap doesn't deserve to watch any superhero flicks. Ever.

Avengers was boring. Alot of praise is because they did an avengers film when nobody thought it would happen.

I dont like thor, cap or Hawkeye. Hulk always bored me. Johanson is a poor black widow.

Downey rules. But i cant see past the god awful F4 Chris evans as Johnny. Cap was a crap film and so was thor. I want spidey, wolverine and Iron man. Not exactly avengers but I love Jackman and Garfield as their characters.

I'll be honest when I say that I like the Jock print a lot more than this one (especially the variant), but the more I see this Moss print, the more I like it. I think I might wind up ordering this one...
Avengers was boring. Alot of praise is because they did an avengers film when nobody thought it would happen.

I dont like thor, cap or Hawkeye. Hulk always bored me. Johanson is a poor black widow.

Downey rules. But i cant see past the god awful F4 Chris evans as Johnny. Cap was a crap film and so was thor.

i.e. "I have zero pulse." :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly::goodpost:
Do I think that TDKR will be more of my style of film? Gee, I dont know, what's my name again? That being said, The Avengers was an incredibly fun movie, I'm kind of dumbfounded that anyone could find it boring. In fact, I thought that, for the most part, it moved at a very fast pace. I can't think of a single moment when I was "bored".
Do I think that TDKR will be more of my style of film? Gee, I dont know, what's my name again? That being said, The Avengers was an incredibly fun movie, I'm kind of dumbfounded that anyone could find it boring. In fact, I thought that, for the most part, it moved at a very fast pace. I can't think of a single moment when I was "bored".

yeah Avengers was pop corn fun, but Nolan's batman movies are better stories than anything made by Marvel, I Did NOT Say better movies, I said better stories, Iron man 1 comes close but it is still not as good a story,

Marvel is very flashy and cool and fun, like the cool kid in the room,
I still think the bat movies are just a little deeper, have a little more meaning,
not to beat the dead horse, and I know hardy will be amazing as bane, but never realized how short he is compared to bale.

Ah, so that's what you meant. Well, I guess that would explain why Bane's pissed all the time. Napoleon, Hitler; they were all little guys. :lol
says the guy that hates Spiderman :nana: :nana: :nana:

That's because Amazing Spider-Man was ____ing crap.

Thing is, The Avengers works because it does right on all fronts. It delivers the action, the character, the story, and the visuals.

Point is, people who hate The Avengers suck. :lecture
I just got The Dark knight Manual , i did a review if anyone is interested , i will scan some pages and post them soon. :wave


That's because Amazing Spider-Man was ____ing crap.

Thing is, The Avengers works because it does right on all fronts. It delivers the action, the character, the story, and the visuals.

Point is, people who hate The Avengers suck. :lecture

Oh but see I don't hate Crapvengers see, I just think is overrated, It Is good, but not Nolan's bat good. is just really good, pop corn flick good
No. It is.

It's something that was once thought impossible, but it was done so well, it became a legend.

The Avengers gave everyone what they wanted. Comic fans, movie fans, Whedon fans, Average Joes....everyone who came out of that movie was happy.

Unless you're soulless and sad.

And no one was crazy with it. Like TDK. I should know, I was one. TDK, like Avatar, had it's fans ruin the film. That being said, TDK is actually a good film. Unlike Avatar.

But yeah, you're saying The Avengers is overrated and TDK isn't, with a TDKR sig and Avi. So....:lol
No. It is.

It's something that was once thought impossible, but it was done so well, it became a legend.

The Avengers gave everyone what they wanted. Comic fans, movie fans, Whedon fans, Average Joes....everyone who came out of that movie was happy.

Unless you're soulless and sad.

And no one was crazy with it. Like TDK. I should know, I was one. TDK, like Avatar, had it's fans ruin the film. That being said, TDK is actually a good film. Unlike Avatar.

But yeah, you're saying The Avengers is overrated and TDK isn't, with a TDKR sig and Avi. So....:lol

when did I say TDK Isn't?
I didn't say anything about it, Can you read my posts correctly? I never said it is or it isn't, Go back and Check and show me where I said it is not overrated, a lot of people think it is,

put your money where your mouth is Freaking LIAR :pfft:
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