The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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but did you like Bane? or you didnt like him

I liked the portrayal of Bane. I was rooting for him to be defeated though. He is not a very likable person if that makes sense, which makes him effective as a villain and for making you root for the main characters to defeat his plan. What he does to Batman and to Gotham, I found myself wanting Batman to come back and defeat him. It does make Batman's return to Gotham more powerful.
Oscar worthy?

Not best picture, best director or any of the actors. I guess that depends on the rest of the films of this year though.

But the effects and cinematography, man are they gorgeous. The story and plot may not be on a grand scale (for me) but the visual shots are just so grand and breathtaking. Bound to be a ton of nominations.
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It'll be nominated for plenty but only has a chance in tech and score categories.


TDK getting snubbed changed the entire Oscar nominating process. They'll nominate it to makeup for not nominating TDK and to congratulate the trilogy.

:nono That had zero to do with TDK as a movie and everything to do with Ledger the actor. They were compensating for snubbing him on Feathers and Brokeback. The only reason TDKR might get a nomination is because they increased the pool. Though, honestly, as with Gladiator, I wouldn't be surprised to see Avengers getting a nod as well.
Overall, great movie! I wish I'd known it was going to be about 2.5 hours tho. I would've bought more snacks! :lol

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:nono That had zero to do with TDK as a movie and everything to do with Ledger the actor. They were compensating for snubbing him on Feathers and Brokeback. The only reason TDKR might get a nomination is because they increased the pool. Though, honestly, as with Gladiator, I wouldn't be surprised to see Avengers getting a nod as well.

I'm not sure you understood what I was saying because you're essentially saying what I was. TDK getting snubbed was the reason why Oscar changed it's nomination process and as a result started nominating up to 10 films. As a result TDKR will have that chance, and it'll be a "makeup," and a congrats for the trilogy. I agree about Avengers as well, but I think it'll be rewarding that film film for single handledly keeping Hollywood in business for a few years.
Just came back from it! Too freaking awesome.
Perfect end to the trilogy & all the little references to the comic book lore makes this the best interpretation of batman in a movie setting.

I'm going back for seconds!
I'm not sure you understood what I was saying because you're essentially saying what I was. TDK getting snubbed was the reason why Oscar changed it's nomination process and as a result started nominating up to 10 films. As a result TDKR will have that chance, and it'll be a "makeup," and a congrats for the trilogy. I agree about Avengers as well, but I think it'll be rewarding that film film for single handledly keeping Hollywood in business for a few years.

We almost agree. :lol I don't think TDK was even snubbed as best picture. If Ledger was still alive, it would've gone to Brolin for Milk because there would've been future movies to award Ledger. I can only imagine the Academy cringing at having to award him for his performance in a comic book movie. :lol
It was good performance and well deserved.:dunno

I've seen both films and honestly, I don't think it was better than Brolin's performance as White in Milk. Definitely a sympathy Oscar. I know I'm walking the razor's edge stating that in a Nolancompoopy thread, but honestly, seeing both, I don't see how someone couldn't say otherwise unless they had squirt in their eyes. :huh
Just came back from a late showing. Overall I felt that it was the weakest of the three movies.

It has a somewhat slow start, an uneven middle section but the last act is non-stop adrenaline rush and action.

The problem with this movie to me is way too many characters, not enough development for them, and too many short cuts in writing. Way too many stuff were just explained with a line of dialogue or happens just way too quickly and felt shove in.

Also, due to too many characters, I actually felt like this movie has less scenes about Batman than TDK. JGL probably has more scenes than Bale in this movie!!!

Bane is also the weakest villian of all. His acting is good and he is menacing but he just doesn't grabbed me like Ra's Al Gul, Two-Face or Joker did. He is about on par with Scarecrow, maybe even slightly lower actually.

The score is familiar, I was expected something new but it is mostly using the same cue or slightly modified. Then again, TDK has a fantastic score and it is tall order to beat that.

Overall it is a good end to the trilogy but it would have been a better as a duology honestly. I remembered when I came out of the cinema after watching TDK many years ago, I was telling myself that they shouldn't make another movie cause it will never be topped. I was right.
I've seen both films and honestly, I don't think it was better than Brolin's performance as White in Milk. Definitely a sympathy Oscar. I know I'm walking the razor's edge stating that in a Nolancompoopy thread, but honestly, seeing both, I don't see how someone couldn't say otherwise unless they had squirt in their eyes. :huh

Nah, just being controversial for the sake of it.

Ledger getting an oscar was the most sensible award of the night. Lets be honest, Slumdog Millionaire the best picture? Utter bollocks.

Oscars are for the films that are up themselves, often that are quintessentially british, arty farty crap that just arent entertaining or rewatchable. Hurt locker was topical, Kings speech was quintessentially british and historically inaccurate, No country for old men was good, but no way near oscar worthy. The artist was utter tripe too. Arty farty film.
Knew this would happen. Nolan played his ace way too early by having the Joker in the second movie. Was never gonna be topped.
Nah, just being controversial for the sake of it.

Ledger getting an oscar was the most sensible award of the night. Lets be honest, Slumdog Millionaire the best picture? Utter bollocks.

Oscars are for the films that are up themselves, often that are quintessentially british, arty farty crap that just arent entertaining or rewatchable. Hurt locker was topical, Kings speech was quintessentially british and historically inaccurate, No country for old men was good, but no way near oscar worthy. The artist was utter tripe too. Arty farty film.

:lol coming from someone with a Joker avatar? :rolleyes:

Have you seen Milk?
Just came back from a late showing. Overall I felt that it was the weakest of the three movies.

It has a somewhat slow start, an uneven middle section but the last act is non-stop adrenaline rush and action.

The problem with this movie to me is way too many characters, not enough development for them, and too many short cuts in writing. Way too many stuff were just explained with a line of dialogue or happens just way too quickly and felt shove in.

Also, due to too many characters, I actually felt like this movie has less scenes about Batman than TDK. JGL probably has more scenes than Bale in this movie!!!

Bane is also the weakest villian of all. His acting is good and he is menacing but he just doesn't grabbed me like Ra's Al Gul, Two-Face or Joker did. He is about on par with Scarecrow, maybe even slightly lower actually.

The score is familiar, I was expected something new but it is mostly using the same cue or slightly modified. Then again, TDK has a fantastic score and it is tall order to beat that.

Overall it is a good end to the trilogy but it would have been a better as a duology honestly. I remembered when I came out of the cinema after watching TDK many years ago, I was telling myself that they shouldn't make another movie cause it will never be topped. I was right.

I expected a slow start with a 'building up' middle and action packed end. Bane though, is a weak villain in the comics. I mean, a whole film carried by Bane was always going to be a struggle. I believe Nolans hand was forced by ledgers passing. The exchanges with Joker in the Interrogation scene and at the end, set up for future meeting.

But Bane is a weak villain. I always look at Bane as a secondary villain. Cool, but like Scarecrow, Freeze, Riddler, Penguin.... side villain, a support cast. He isnt a Joker or Rhas or Twoface; a deep story and history between them and Batman. Jokers psychology etc, Rhas' teachings and upbringing of Bruce. Bane has none of that.

But, I expected that from this film in honesty. The score I listened to online and apart from two or three tracks, its just re-edited music from TDK.

But on the flipside, TDK music is alot of BB music re-edited. It was part of Zimmers theory; a theme building as Batman grows which to me, works.

IMO, Joker shouldve been the last film. Joker is THE ultimate villain. THE mental test of Batman, he tests every millimeter of what Batman Stands for. If Batman was broken physically and comes back, beats Bane, only to face Joker, who isnt physical, but psychological beats and nearly kills him through the loss of Dent, the death of Rachel.... Mentally breaking Batman shouldve been the last film, Him Rising through the torment and showing Joker that Gotham has spirit, and good people and ending on that note.

Bane and Dent wouldve been a good mix.

But yeah, nice thoughts on the film dude!
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