The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think it has anything to do with the Gordon/Hospital scene.

Wayne is wearing a pink/red tie, in the hospital scene it appears to be a blue tie.

Car (pink/red),



Hospital (Blue),


Re: The Dark Knight Rises

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Very interesting. I never consciously noticed all of the errors in that scene, but the swat van into the water always felt a "off" to me. Reminds me of the glaring error in Begins when Bruce is test driving the tumbler and turns the controls hard one way, while the exterior shot shows it turning the other way. Let's hope Nolan and his editor do a little better with TDKR's action.

I think he's way off base in a number of areas, but I do understand that he's not being nitpicky - how a film is edited is a critical feature to how you respond viscerally to it.

I don't understand his issue with the van going in the water. The truck strikes it on the passager side up front, which would naturally turn the front to the left, shoving it off into the water straight. The truck turns as it crosses in front of the police van, now going the wrong way in the underpass. All of that makes visual sense to me.

I also don't have any issue with the placement of Harvey and the cop in the van. I always understood where they are (the little grates on the side should have given it way for him, but he ignores them), and Nolan never creates a situation that directly conflicts with where he originally puts Harvey.

There are moments where he's right - I always thought the Joker looking forward at the Tumbler, although it's in the other lane, created confusion for the viewer, and the number and location of the cop cars does as well. There's two other scenes later that I find much more jarring - the editing of the Batpod going through the 'mall' is choppy and incoherent, and I'd love to know what the actor in the passenger seat says to Gordon at one point during the helicopter fiasco - there's a piece that is edited out but you can clearly see his lips moving.

And if you think this guy 'needs to get a life', then you really should never take a serious class in film study. :D
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Spoiler Spoiler:

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^Is JGL playing as Robin in TDKR? :lol

You know, I still am open to that (remote) possibility.

And if you think this guy 'needs to get a life', then you really should never take a serious class in film study. :D

:lol and I probably never will.

But forget all of this - the singular most jarring inconsistency/continuity flaw in the entire film is in opening scene.

When you first see the joker in the BR mask his hair is clearly brown with no hint of green.

However, just before his unmasking/reveal, you can tell that his hair has suddenly developed clear green streaks as it shimmers in the sunlight coming through the windows, after he's shot down the bank manager.

It is very obvious and I don't get why he wouldn't just leave the hair brown for that scene (so the other robbers can't tell its the joker) and just have the face paint on under the mask. :gah:

I remember back on the SHH forums before the prologue was released there was all sorts of speculation of how he goes and applies his makeup during the scene at some point (LOL), as spoilers were available at that point to piece together most of the scene, but noone could understand when the makeup went on. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I wanted to add myself into this conversation. 1st i refuse to watch this study of the guy nit picking and ripping apart the chase scene. Just think its pointless and is taking up space on the internet because if this guy thinks he can do better than Chris Nolan, why arent people knocking at his door to make movies? Anyone can sit there and dissect any scene in any movie and find flaws. When your making a movie your filming scenes all in different order, you have thousands and thousands of hours of film to edit through and sometimes you just dont get a perfect take out of all the takes so you have to use what you have if you dont have the schedule to go back and re-shoot. So things just might not line up 100% perfect...and Its tough to re-shoot because there are so many people involved in the process, scheduling is really tough. So you have to rely on editing. And the movie wasn't nominated for Academy Award for Editing for nothing. It even won the Award for Sound Editing. And was nominated for almost all technical aspects of movie making in 2008.

Now all of us fans have probably seen the movie dozens & dozens of times, some of us hundreds. But if you could actually go back to the first day you ever saw it, I bet it would be difficult to pick out the flaws from just 1 viewing. When you have the luxury of sitting there with a DVD, stop, pause, rewind the entire movie, yah you will find flaws. But i would say almost everyone who saw the movie for the first time came out of the theater in awe. And it didnt gross a billion dollars for nothing either. And i think thats what matters the most, if you come out of the movie feeling like you just witnessed something spectacular, then Nolan did everything right. When you sit there and analyze it to death, I think your going to be disappointed and never be happy with any movie.

plus who is this guy anyway that did this review? If it was someone respectable in the industry maybe I would give it the time, like someone who has actually made an a Academy Nominated film, or even just someone who has made any kind of film and had some success, worked with crews, actors, etc. If he can do a better job, why dont we see him name in Director, Producer, or Editing credits? Hes just some blogger/writer calling himself a film critic who is trying to make a name for himself. No different than say one of the blog writers for Pitchfork who are notorious for trashing albums just for the sake of trashing. Just think its a waste of time what he did. Really no point to doing it other than to create a buzz in fandom for us to talk about to get some publicity for himself.


I don't think it's hating just to hate or "trying to make a name for himself". The guy has some valid points, some I agree with, some I don't. There were editing flaws I picked up on before the film even came out. You know how there are a few promotional scenes where they show a few seconds or a few minutes of a particular sequence? Well I remember seeing the "now there's a Batman" Batpod scene and the editing in it was horrible. I thought to myself "surely this will be changed for the final film?". Guess what, when we all finally saw the completed film it wasn't.


Oh, it's still on youtube. Look,

[ame=""]302 Found[/ame]

At the 0:12 second mark, look at that. That's irritating and completely noticeable. I literally picked up on it right away. He's shooting through the glass doors, then it cuts to him going up the ramp, then cuts back to going through the glass.

I think the guy makes some valid points. Is the film awful, no, it's great but there are particular shots and edits that seemed rushed and don't make a damn bit of sense.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises


I don't think it's hating just to hate or "trying to make a name for himself". The guy has some valid points, some I agree with, some I don't. There were editing flaws I picked up on before the film even came out. You know how there are a few promotional scenes where they show a few seconds or a few minutes of a particular sequence? Well I remember seeing the "now there's a Batman" Batpod scene and the editing in it was horrible. I thought to myself "surely this will be changed for the final film?". Guess what, when we all finally saw the completed film it wasn't.


Oh, it's still on youtube. Look,

302 Found

At the 0:12 second mark, look at that. That's jarring and completely noticeable. I literally picked up on it right away. He's shooting through the glass doors, then it cuts to him going up the ramp, then cuts back to going through the glass.

I think the guy makes some valid points. Is the film awful, no, it's great but there are particular shots and edits that seemed rushed and don't make a damn bit of sense.


That is actually quite terrible! I had not noticed that before :slap
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

well my point is that its just all part of movie making. Your going to get these little flaws because of the footage you have to work with. And especially because Nolan doesn't use a ton of CGI to fix things, he likes to keep things as natural as possible. Looks at guys like Lucas now who try and go back and fix all their flaws. I just dont see the point. Most movies have these little flaws. Maybe I'm one who doesnt care about them. I care more about the overall picture than the little flaws.

I see it as any true professional filmaker would embrace a professional and respectful critique of their work.

Nolan can view that well done and respectful critique 2 ways.

#1 Totally ignore it once he's learned that it exists.

#2. Watch it, then
a. choose to either ignore the recommendations and call the person a ____ face, or
b. keep it in mind for his next project.

I suspect that he and his editor would probably choose 2b.

Then again 2a also sounds reasonable :lol
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

well my point is that its just all part of movie making. Your going to get these little flaws because of the footage you have to work with. And especially because Nolan doesn't use a ton of CGI to fix things, he likes to keep things as natural as possible. Looks at guys like Lucas now who try and go back and fix all their flaws. I just dont see the point. Most movies have these little flaws. Maybe I'm one who doesnt care about them. I care more about the overall picture than the little flaws.

Actually, the guy isn't really talking about continuity 'flaws' in this sense. Sure, there's some silliness where a police car appears and then disappears, but what he's really getting at is changes in perspective and orientation that create confusion. Your brain does pick up on these things if they don't jog with what it expects as 'normal'. It's a worthwhile discussion, and it's why great directors and editors get paid well.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

As I said, if you think he's overanalyzing it then you want to stay very far away from film school. Analyzing it at that level is what they do, and if you want to make a movie, you better understand how to do it. Learning how to do it is best done by analyzing - in detail - what's been done before. As I said, I don't agree with all his points about the sequence, but I don't think it's fair to say he (or anyone else) doesn't have the right to analyze this scene or any other in any other film in detail. That's how people learn what works and doesn't work in film making, and how you develop a complete appreciation for the real work that goes into something like this.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I actually have never considered or read about the flaws in TDK

Please share though as now I am intrigued :)

From a couple of pages back

But forget all of this - the singular most jarring inconsistency/continuity flaw in the entire film is in opening scene.

When you first see the joker in the BR mask his hair is clearly brown with no hint of green.

However, just before his unmasking/reveal, you can tell that his hair has suddenly developed clear green streaks as it shimmers in the sunlight coming through the windows, after he's shot down the bank manager.

It is very obvious and I don't get why he wouldn't just leave the hair brown for that scene (so the other robbers can't tell its the joker) and just have the face paint on under the mask. :gah:

I remember back on the SHH forums before the prologue was released there was all sorts of speculation of how he goes and applies his makeup during the scene at some point (LOL), as spoilers were available at that point to piece together most of the scene, but noone could understand when the makeup went on. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


Thanks Umair, that is another very good point :slap

Like I say I have never really sat down and read about the continuity problems the film has to be honest but now I am finding it fun :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

woulda been cool if batman begins was named THE DARK KNIGHT, and TDK was named THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, and TDKR was named THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS.
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