The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

If it's true it's funny how Nolan is handling that character:

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

its not true, the image with EPage's name on the door is fake.
So you can stop talking about it. You shouldn't believe any rumors. Unless something comes from Nolan himself, don't fall for any rumors.

So what you're saying is that there is still a chance of her being in the movie........:yess:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm really put-off by the Batman in daylight stuff.

No doubt I'm about to be hit with a barrage of 'trust in Nolan' or 'don't judge until you see the movie' comments for saying that, but for me it's just something I struggle to be comfortable with - most especially in a live-action film.

I really love how they got around the whole daylight thing in TDK by having Bruce using a regular disguise or just playing dumb - those scenes were clever and enjoyable. But seeing Batman out in broad daylight doesn't sit right with me.

IMO daylight Batman should be left entirely to Adam West!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm really put-off by the Batman in daylight stuff.

No doubt I'm about to be hit with a barrage of 'trust in Nolan' or 'don't judge until you see the movie' comments for saying that, but for me it's just something I struggle to be comfortable with - most especially in a live-action film.

I really love how they got around the whole daylight thing in TDK by having Bruce using a regular disguise or just playing dumb - those scenes were clever and enjoyable. But seeing Batman out in broad daylight doesn't sit right with me.

IMO daylight Batman should be left entirely to Adam West!

I dont think it will be like that in the movie.

There probably going to edit the footage to make it seem like its at night.

But if it is indeed in daylight, then yeah it will seem very strange.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm really put-off by the Batman in daylight stuff.

No doubt I'm about to be hit with a barrage of 'trust in Nolan' or 'don't judge until you see the movie' comments for saying that, but for me it's just something I struggle to be comfortable with - most especially in a live-action film.

I really love how they got around the whole daylight thing in TDK by having Bruce using a regular disguise or just playing dumb - those scenes were clever and enjoyable. But seeing Batman out in broad daylight doesn't sit right with me.

IMO daylight Batman should be left entirely to Adam West!

I know where you're coming from. I've always felt the same. However, given Nolan's comments on the film, I think this is a good move. In this franchise batman has made his presence known and established himself as a intimidating vigilante. Coming out during the day may reduce the "dark/spooky" effect but I'm sure villains/criminals will still be scared.
Also, this addresses something that I've always thought about...if all hell breaks loose at high noon, is batman (not Bruce) going to go out and help the cops? I'm not talking about secretly helping them out from a disclosed location by manning the bat-plane remotely. I mean by being there in person as back-up? Would he let his "I'm so spooky, i only come out at night" mentality prevent him from effectively lending a much-needed helping hand? Apparently not so in this movie. As seen at the end of TDK, Batman does what needs to be done...with the exception of killing.

Edit: Also, if I were a criminal and batman only came out at night...I'd just commit the crime during the day to avoid him. But if he starts working/patrolling during the day criminals are going to say " ahhh s___! now he comes out during the day too! F__!!!!"
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I know where you're coming from. I've always felt the same. However, given Nolan's comments on the film, I think this is a good move. In this franchise batman has made his presence known and established himself as a intimidating vigilante. Coming out during the day may reduce the "dark/spooky" effect but I'm sure villains/criminals will still be scared.
Also, this addresses something that I've always thought about...if all hell breaks loose at high noon, is batman (not Bruce) going to go out and help the cops? I'm not talking about secretly helping them out from a disclosed location by manning the bat-plane remotely. I mean by being there in person as back-up? Would he let his "I'm so spooky, i only come out at night" mentality prevent him from effectively lending a much-needed helping hand? Apparently not so in this movie. As seen at the end of TDK, Batman does what needs to be done...with the exception of killing.

Edit: Also, if I were a criminal and batman only came out at night...I'd just commit the crime during the day to avoid him. But if he starts working/patrolling during the day criminals are going to say " ahhh s___! now he comes out during the day too! F__!!!!"

Very true :goodpost:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I know this is crazy talk, but what if John Blake is like Nolan's interpretation of ____ Grayson? I know, I know "no Robin", but maybe he isn't even Robin. Wasn't Nightwing a cop?

Just an idea. I just started thinking about it after this 8 year thing. That and the fact that we've seen shots of Bruce riding shot gun with Blake and walking around Gotham with him and the fact that Blake is heavily involved with this Orphan subplot. It really doesn't look like Bruce is in police custody, more like he's cruising around with his "son".

I don't know. I mean, I doubt it but why bother making "John Blake"? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It's also worth mentioning that Stephens and Ramirez from TDK seemed a lot like interpretations of Harvey Bullock and Montoya. At least, that's what I always thought. Stephens seemed like Gordon's right hand man. He's with him throughout, stays behind to watch the Joker and can even be seen at the end of TDK, keeping back the public while Gordon smashes the Batsignal. Hopefully they just don't ignore Ramirez and the other victims of Two-Face's killing spree. As far as plot goes there's stuff that seems left open.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It's also worth mentioning that Stephens and Ramirez from TDK seemed a lot like interpretations of Harvey Bullock and Montoya. At least, that's what I always thought. Stephens seemed like Gordon's right hand man. He's with him throughout, stays behind to watch the Joker and can even be seen at the end of TDK, keeping back the public while Gordon smashes the Batsignal. Hopefully they just don't ignore Ramirez and the other victims of Two-Face's killing spree. As far as plot goes there's stuff that seems left open.

Yeah it kinda puzzles me why those two weren't simply bullock and Montoya? Strange, would love an interviewer to ask him that some day
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yeah it kinda puzzles me why those two weren't simply bullock and Montoya? Strange, would love an interviewer to ask him that some day

Especially when you consider they called Flass, "Flass" and Loeb, "Loeb" despite not looking like their comic counterparts. Ironically, Stephens and Ramirez DID look and act closer to their comic counterparts (the Stephens was a little cleaner than Bullock and chewed gum instead of smoke) and yet weren't named Bullock and Montoya.

I remember thinking as a kid that Lieutenant Eckhart from Batman '89 was a bad, villain version of Harvey Bullock. The only problem with that though is . . . Bullock wasn't created until 3 years later with Batman the animated series.

I guess being a young kid I just kind of put the two together despite them being pretty different.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I know this is crazy talk, but what if John Blake is like Nolan's interpretation of ____ Grayson? I know, I know "no Robin", but maybe he isn't even Robin. Wasn't Nightwing a cop?

Just an idea. I just started thinking about it after this 8 year thing. That and the fact that we've seen shots of Bruce riding shot gun with Blake and walking around Gotham with him and the fact that Blake is heavily involved with this Orphan subplot. It really doesn't look like Bruce is in police custody, more like he's cruising around with his "son".

I don't know. I mean, I doubt it but why bother making "John Blake"? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Its not entirely outlandish. Grayson was a Private Detective in "Nine Lives" (a really solid elseworlds Batman, actually, that bears some resemblance to Nolan's world in the attempted realism). Wasn't Nightwing's day job in Bludhaven as a cop?

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm kind of half/half about the whole show up in day time thing.. valid point about a situation happening during the day, batman is not going to sit idle and just watch. I figured batman shows up in daytime all the time in the justice league story arcs, so what the hell.
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