The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm kind of half/half about the whole show up in day time thing.. valid point about a situation happening during the day, batman is not going to sit idle and just watch. I figured batman shows up in daytime all the time in the justice league story arcs, so what the hell.

Are you talking about all the fight scenes during the day? If so, with movie magic, they might not even be during the day in the finished film. A lot of films shoot "night scenes" during the day because lighting a scene at night is a pain in the ass. That technique is called "Day for Night".

But with Nolan who knows. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Read the stuff I posted from Empire

Nolan specifically states that there will be a lot more of Batman during the day in this film, and he's got solid reasoning for it IMO - Batman has earned it in summary
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It's also the next step to what Bruce was doing in TDK.

The Dark Knight Rises is also notably the first of Nolan’s Batman films to show his main character operating in daylight. A bold decision; after all, this is hardly the Adam West TV show. “We felt to some degree we’d earned the right to do that with the character,” explains Nolan. “Batman Begins was very much about explaining the logic of the suit, and how it belonged in the shadows, in a position of stealth where he’s able to intimidate people with it as a new entity. And then through The Dark Knight we would bring him out during the magic hour and we changed the suit accordingly so he withstood that kind of exposure. But also the character himself has the reputation now, so he’s able to expose himself more and still intimidate people. And with the third film we’re just pushing that further…

“But,” he adds, “plenty of it takes place in the dark, too!”
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm guessing Batman operating day or night will probably tie to his redemption in the eyes of Gotham. Truly, what need is there for the night at this point. Gotham knows he exists, criminals don't fear him as an entity and come prepared to fight him, at this stage, when he's needed, he's needed. I feel like working at night in Nolan's world has more to do with how the Gotham public looks at him. In TDK, he was received with mixed feelings before the Joker and with hate after him, so it makes sense for him to take the Lambo as Wayne to save Reese rather than go out as Batman, but in this film, I feel like his return will be wanted by the public and no need for him to be sneaky about how he operates.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Are you talking about all the fight scenes during the day? If so, with movie magic, they might not even be during the day in the finished film. A lot of films shoot "night scenes" during the day because lighting a scene at night is a pain in the ass. That technique is called "Day for Night".

But with Nolan who knows. :lol

yeah i thought that too, but like void stated, nolan said batman will appear in the day time. but who knows with nolan.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

While crime happens 24/7 it mostly occurs during the night and warm/hot temperatures. That's a fact.

Where was Batman during the Bank Heist in TDK? SLEEPIN, that's where. Bruce did say that "Bats are nocturnal" in Batman Begins when Alfred tries waking him up in the afternoon. I always figured that the reason Batman never operated during the day was because, that was Gotham police's job. Batman is the "knightshift" (see what I did there). There's also the fact that he wanted to keep up the image of being a creature of the night.

Animals don't hunt during the day, they prey at night. Why would Batman be any different with criminals?

My thoughts on this is this, Gotham is literally in hell with Bane in charge, like a No Mans Land setting. Everything has gone down the ____ter so it doesn't really matter if Batman fights during the day, or night. Plus, everyone knows that Batman is just a man in a suit now, his suit no longer matters in striking fear into people. Now all Batman has is his reputation, so he relies on that. That's my guess anyway.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I thought the reason was simple: During the day he has to make the rounds as Bruce Wayne, to keep up appearances.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I thought the reason was simple: During the day he has to make the rounds as Bruce Wayne, to keep up appearances.

Yeah, there's that too. Good point. You can't be Batman 24/7 when you have board meetings, press conferences and the like. People would get suspicious.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You can't be Batman 24/7 when you have board meetings, press conferences and the like.

Board meetings.. that he sleeps at. And press conferences.. where he lets Harvey Dent take the blame for being Batman. You know what, Nolan's Bruce Wayne is kind of a ****** when you think about it. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Board meetings.. that he sleeps at. And press conferences.. where he lets Harvey Dent take the blame for being Batman. You know what, Nolan's Bruce Wayne is kind of a ****** when you think about it. :lol

Also gotta wonder how he boffs those ballerinas and models if he's fighting crime at night and sleeping during the day. My guess is, he doesn't. Nolan's Bruce is a virgin who has spent all of his days pining for Rachel and hoping that "she'll wait for him". :lol

Meanwhile, he brings home a model or ballerina, drugs them to knock em out, and Alfred "takes them home" while Bruce Wayne goes off fightin' crime.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I thought I'd seen/read an interview with Bale talking about how Wayne puts on a big show for the world with the ladies and the excess but never really allows himself to enjoy that stuff, that he's so consumed by Batman and his love for Rachel that he can't relate to the world in a normal manner.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I thought I'd seen/read an interview with Bale talking about how Wayne puts on a big show for the world with the ladies and the excess but never really allows himself to enjoy that stuff, that he's so consumed by Batman and his love for Rachel that he can't relate to the world in a normal manner.

I don't recall that interview, but that's obviously what he does.

That's where I'm assuming this "pain" Nolan and Bale mention is coming from. From being consumed by Batman. All the Batman interpretations go through this in some way (well, maybe not the Clooney Batman).

I think Nolan is looking to "cure" Bruce Wayne's psychological and emotional problems. My guess is, since this takes place 8 years after TDK, Wayne has been Batman for a majority of those 8 years, and it's taking a toll on him mentally and physically. Now, if Bruce hasn't been Batman during these 8 years and retired shortly after TDK like people are speculating then that's a big ____ up in my opinion. I'd hate that. How could you be consumed and in pain for a little over a year while not being Batman? Unless he just mopes around and hides in the Batcave like a recluse. Having Batman exist for only about year plus a little bit (a few months) in TDKR only to then retire him again or kill him would be stupid IMO.

I'm going to go with the "he's been Batman for a majority of the 8 years and it's taking a toll on him" view. Maybe Bane comes into the scene and breaks Batman since Bruce is so tired after all of these years? Almost like Knightfall except, Bane isn't the cause of Batman's exhaustion, Batman is.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

So basically he's a loser who doesn't get laid, dresses up in a costume and has lots of toys and gadgets. Nerd.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Wow, eight years later and he's still wearing that suit? I guess he really likes that one.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

So basically he's a loser who doesn't get laid, dresses up in a costume and has lots of toys and gadgets. Nerd.

Which is why he's so popular with the masses.

I don't have an explanation for the Joker that doesn't involve dressing in drag though.

Wow, eight years later and he's still wearing that suit? I guess he really likes that one.

Yeah, pretty lame that it's 8 years later and he hasn't found a need to update the suit. Especially after the reason for the change in TDK was because "Bruce is always looking to update his gear".
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Wow, eight years later and he's still wearing that suit? I guess he really likes that one.

This shouldn't be a spoiler because I'm sure everyone has seen every last F'n thing regarding this movie :lol

But just in case..

Spoiler Spoiler:

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

This shouldn't be a spoiler because I'm sure everyone has seen every last F'n thing regarding this movie :lol

But just in case..

Spoiler Spoiler:


I actually have only been casually following it but I do remember what you're referencing. I just assumed that Gordon was referring to some in-film length of time. I guess we'll see soon enough.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Which is why he's so popular with the masses.

I don't have an explanation for the Joker that doesn't involve dressing in drag though.

Yeah, pretty lame that it's 8 years later and he hasn't found a need to update the suit. Especially after the reason for the change in TDK was because "Bruce is always looking to update his gear".

Maybe he saw the Iron Man movies and was all OH GOOD FOR YOU! ____ that, Alfred, I'm never changing my suit.

Because obviously he goes to the movies with Alfred.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Maybe he saw the Iron Man movies and was all OH GOOD FOR YOU! ____ that, Alfred, I'm never changing my suit.

Because obviously he goes to the movies with Alfred.

I think Bruce would be too afraid to go to the movies after what happened with his parents. What if it happened to Alfred too? :lol
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