The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Hero Complex article with Christopher Nolan

[leaving Gotham] “It was pretty emotional as we would finish these characters and say goodbye to Alfred for the last time and say goodbye to Commissioner Gordon and eventually, with Christian, fairly close to the end, saying goodbye to Batman … it was a big deal,” Nolan said. “And with these newer characters too, finishing with Anne and all these guys. It was quite touching, I must say.”

Everyone is gonna die! :panic::panic::panic:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You're missing the point. I agree that he probably wont die. But if I go into the theater "knowing" that he wont die the film will be diminished. If there is a real sense of danger with a very real feeling that he could die the movie will be much more powerful.

So you lie to yourself in order to enjoy the movie? There is not a single thing about the story that would be diminished.

Is this how you go into every movie you see? The muppets just wasn't the same because you knew Kermit was going to survive?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I see what's he's saying for this film. And only this film. It could be all massive bull____. And it probably is.

However...there's still that chance. It's small. But it's the first time in any major hollywood superhero film we COULD feel this way.

Just be sayin.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

So you lie to yourself in order to enjoy the movie? There is not a single thing about the story that would be diminished.

Is this how you go into every movie you see? The muppets just wasn't the same because you knew Kermit was going to survive?


Cmon man - I know you are smarter than this!
Noone went into TDK thinking Batman could die, because
1. Noone went into it truly expecting it to be Nolan/Bales final Batman film
2. It was not marketed as the 'epic conclusion' or the end of Nolan's Batman trilogy.
3. Not as important a point as 1 or 2, but still. Bane.

Also, regarding your earlier point about Nolan's films being standalone. I agree that thus far that has been his approach. But if you read his interviews and cast interviews, whatever little they have revealed about TDKR so far all seems to indicate that this is NOT a standalone film, it is the conclusion to a body of work. The film 'goes back full circle' to Begins according to Oldman and Wally. While Nolan adds that the film starts 8 yrs post TDK because they wanted to give the events at the end of TDK 'gravity' and 'space' to have context and meaning. Bruce Wayne has been frozen in time for 8 years, he's still grieving.

I'd argue TDKR is certainly not meant to be a standalone piece.

I see what's he's saying for this film. And only this film. It could be all massive bull____. And it probably is.

However...there's still that chance. It's small. But it's the first time in any major hollywood superhero film we COULD feel this way.

Just be sayin.

That's the only point i've been trying to make.

Hold it right there, brother.

Then you must be brainwashed by the film's advertising so far with it's claims of "epic conclusions" and "ending legends". Did you expect Batman to die in TDK? No. Did you know he was going to live? Yes. Was the impact of the film diminished? Nope.

If it makes you feel better, go into TDKR expecting Batman to die, nobody will stop you.

The threat and sense of danger should come from Bane's plans for Gotham, the repercussions of Batman and Gordon's actions at the end of TDK, and so on. Not the whole cliched, "teh trilogy is about to end, OMG, who is gonna die!?!" This isn't Harry Potter, this is THE BATMAN.

The character of Batman is so much more than some selfless martyr, I think TDKR is going to show that. I expect them to delve deep into both persona of Bruce Wayne and Batman as they've hinted to "going back to Begins", not killing him. Will there be a risk that he could die? Sure, but that danger was prevalent in the last two films too (along with having his identity revealed).


Regarding expecting Batman to die in TDK.. see above. Misses the point.

I also happen to believe we will see Batman live, and that we'll see a deep character study of Wayne/Batman, which possibly leads to the conclusion that Wayne does not exist anymore. It's just the Batman. But i'll be going in with an open mind to the possibility of him dying despite believing that he's likely to live

Now that may change depending on what is revealed to us by trailers and any further interviews, but I suspect they deliberately want the audience to feel the true danger and threat in this one, so i'm not expecting the trailers to give us anything on the ending
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

DiFabio wins the interweb

I has agree with DiFab paws down.


Re: The Dark Knight Rises

:lol :lol :lol

I can't make up my mind, everyone has a good valid argument. :gah:

Looking forward to the grand prize at the end in July.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

:lol :lol :lol

I can't make up my mind, everyone has a good valid argument. :gah:

Looking forward to the grand prize at the end in July.

Simple solution. When the movie comes out and Batman is still alive everyone that even entertained the idea they would kill him off has to wear this as their signature until the movie is out of theaters...

"I'm one of the stupid stupidheads that actually believed Batman was going to die."

Special signature...

"I'm Maglor and I filled my head full of lies so that I could enjoy the film and I was almost smart enough to not have to wear this signature but otherwise the film would have been diminished because it had nothing else to offer."

If I'm wrong signature and Batman does die...

"_____ please, ____ ain't happenin'"
Re: The Dark Knight Rises



Nothing wrong with some healthy debate

Simple solution. When the movie comes out and Batman is still alive everyone that even entertained the idea they would kill him off has to wear this as their signature until the movie is out of theaters...

"I'm one of the stupid stupidheads that actually believed Batman was going to die."

Special signature...

"I'm Maglor and I filled my head full of lies so that I could enjoy the film and I was almost smart enough to not have to wear this signature but otherwise the film would have been diminished because it had nothing else to offer."

If I'm wrong signature and Batman does die...

"_____ please, ____ ain't happenin'"

I don't think it's even possible to troll a Bat-Nolan thread on the interwebz. :lol


I couldn't resist :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


That's not what I meant, though. I was being passive-aggressive and implying that you can't troll a Bat-Nolan thread because by their very nature they kinda troll the internet on their own. It's more like anti-trolling. :pfft: :lol

It's all good, though. :duff
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Simple solution. When the movie comes out and Batman is still alive everyone that even entertained the idea they would kill him off has to wear this as their signature until the movie is out of theaters...

"I'm one of the stupid stupidheads that actually believed Batman was going to die."

Special signature...

"I'm Maglor and I filled my head full of lies so that I could enjoy the film and I was almost smart enough to not have to wear this signature but otherwise the film would have been diminished because it had nothing else to offer."

If I'm wrong signature and Batman does die...

"_____ please, ____ ain't happenin'"

I don't think anyone in this thread has said that they believe Batman WILL die in the end. Just that, it COULD happen.

But we're going in circles now. That's it. I submit. :gah:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I find the excited posts in this thread heart warming and invigorating. I haven't felt that way about a new release in a long time, but it's fun to hear people genuinely excited about this. I hope it's great guys (I think it might) and everything you imagine it to be. At the very least, I hope you all have a great time at the imax screenings tonight, after all thats what cinema is really all about, inspiring imaginations and exciting lives. Have a load of fun.

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