The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Of course he isn't, but that's where I think the marketing of this film (and indeed the story itself), will have a different focus, on Batman and Bruce himself, and the end of his journey.

We're already starting to see some of this with the taglines and the plot hints within the trailer/spoilers

They're doing a good job of getting out front with this and pushing this villain -- unlike TDK, this film seems to have begun its hype well in advance, mostly because of what you say.

But I know a lot of people not "in our bubble" as Irish says and they saw TDK and liked it, but they're done with their Batman injection for this decade. They have no interest in another one. If the film is a great 'action movie' then maybe they'll see it. But they're not going to 'conclude the trilogy' or to relive TDK in some way.

That all said, I'm certain out of the gate that TDKR will break new records and be on course to pummel TDK...but I think it will slow and never quite surpass the last film.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Funnily enough, one of the things I could make out was something I already saw in The Dark Knight. I think that every Nolan film from now on should have a shot of two characters dangling beneath a cargo plane. It's becoming a tradition.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Perfect joker for Nolan's films, yes. Caesar Romero was by far, the best joker on screen for his time (and arguably period). Nicholson was the perfect antagonist for Burton's film. Hamill personifies the Joker the best, but unfortunately, the visual aspect isn't there.

I agree

ledger isn't the best joker & never will be
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Not only will it not do as well as TDK, but it won't be praised as much either. You heard it here, first! :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:

Wrong. Not only did the press about Heath's death lead to the over-inflated success of the movie and the box office take, but all of it led to the Oscar buzz, Ledger winning the Oscar posthumously which led to even more hype for the film. If not for him dying, the film would've been touted as a great comic book movie and maybe had some crossover Nolan fans, but it wouldn't have been near the "phenom" it was. TDKR will prove this.

Wrong. Where were all these fans and where was all this box office success for his last film? Where was his Oscar nomination for his last film? There have been multiple people die with a film to come out aftewards, some that were good enough were nominated for an Oscar none of have won why all of a sudden does it start now? I'll tell you why, to fit an arguement. The only bump TDK recieved was from those who genuinely went to the film to see Heath's last performance, that's not going to last for $1 billion worth of reciepts. Sure it helped, but the impact isn't nearly as significant as people try and argue and the reciepts of TDKR will prove that.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

EXACTLY VOID!! 100% agree!!

there are some people that just wont give any credit to Nolan, Heath, Bale, just to hate on it for the sake of hating...His death had nothing to do with his performance. Because its was an incredible performance!! And look who he was up against, do any of these performances really stand out more than Heaths? NO!
Josh Brolin in “Milk”
Robert Downey Jr. in “Tropic Thunder”
Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Doubt”
Heath Ledger in “The Dark Knight”
Michael Shannon in “Revolutionary Road”

Ledger deserved to win it. His performance was unique and special, and most of all... iconic. His Joker will go down as one of the greatest villains in movie history. No matter if he was alive, he still deserved it over this group of actors and roles. I saw 3 of the 5 of these movies, and as much as i think Philip Seymour might be one of the best actors on the planet, Heath's performance was better.

The hype of TDK was because of the entire film not because of his death.... It also had a huge viral campaign that really made the movie explode that started before Heath's death. And Heath had two other movies come out after TDK, and those didnt break the bank at the box office. People were not filling the theaters to see his other movies. The TDK was successful because it was a great movie that appealed to a huge audience.

will Rises do better? Does it really matter? in my mind, not at all. Not every movie that does well at the box office means its a great movie. All the Transformers movies have made incredible amounts of money and in my mind are just travesties.

just really annoying every once in a while people come out discrediting Heath because he died. Just ridiculous. Does the movie The Patriot seem like a better movie because he died? His performance stands alone as a performance. Alive or dead, he was fantastic!


wofford29 said:
Wrong. Where were all these fans and where was all this box office success for his last film? Where was his Oscar nomination for his last film? There have been multiple people die with a film to come out aftewards, some that were good enough were nominated for an Oscar none of have won why all of a sudden does it start now? I'll tell you why, to fit an arguement. The only bump TDK recieved was from those who genuinely went to the film to see Heath's last performance, that's not going to last for $1 billion worth of reciepts. Sure it helped, but the impact isn't nearly as significant as people try and argue and the reciepts of TDKR will prove that.


People like hating on popular stuff. I hate Avatar. I do think it's hyped up and doesn't deserve the acclaim it gets. But I don't go on Avatar message boards and post that repeatedly. I saw it once, told the people I saw it with that I thought it was lame, and moved on with my life. I heard Cameron wants to continue the franchise? Good for him and the fans. I won't buy a ticket or follow any news on it. That's not me hating on it because it's popular. That's me hating on it because I thought it was an uninspired sci-fi adaptation of Pocahontas.

You all _____ing about Nolan and the direction of this franchise are going to not only see this film in theaters, you are following the progress and putting down every bit of news that is released.

There are some here that actually have critiques of the films and aren't bananas for them or Nolan in general but acknowledge their accomplishments as good Batman films, good comic book films, and good films in general. This post is not meant for you if you're one of those people.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Wrong. Where were all these fans and where was all this box office success for his last film? Where was his Oscar nomination for his last film? There have been multiple people die with a film to come out aftewards, some that were good enough were nominated for an Oscar none of have won why all of a sudden does it start now? I'll tell you why, to fit an arguement. The only bump TDK recieved was from those who genuinely went to the film to see Heath's last performance, that's not going to last for $1 billion worth of reciepts. Sure it helped, but the impact isn't nearly as significant as people try and argue and the reciepts of TDKR will prove that.

If TDKR breaks 450mm domestically I will buy you a case of beer of your choice.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

there are some people that just wont give any credit to Nolan, Heath, Bale, just to hate on it for the sake of hating...

I love how refusing to over-praise something = "hating" to some of you. :lol

For the record, I love Nolan as a filmmaker. I think INCEPTION stands as one of the few near masterpieces (arguably a masterpiece) of film within this genre & mega-budget. And while I think he (and his fans) take the Batman films a bit too seriously, I like those a lot as well. He hasn't made a film I haven't liked, including the much-criticised INSOMNIA remake. No problem with Bale, either. And I think Ledger was great as the Joker. I just don't see the Face of God in any of this stuff like many who fawn over these Nolan Batfilms. And I absolutely believe that Ledger's untimely and tragic death had a direct impact on the box office of that film, and his eventual Oscar win. If that makes me a "hater", so be it. I'm a "hater" who is very much looking forward to TDKR and expects it to be very good. I just haven't whipped out my wiener and started stroking it. Sorry.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think the hater sentiment comes with the certainty that people express the reason why the film did well and the reason why Heath won the Oscar as if there were anyway to ever know, yet it's almost always presented as fact and those presenting never consider the alternative. Sure it absolutely could be the reason why, but it's also just as likely that it wasn't.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think the hater sentiment comes with the certainty that people express the reason why the film did well and the reason why Heath won the Oscar as if there were anyway to ever know, yet it's almost always presented as fact and those presenting never consider the alternative. Sure it absolutely could be the reason why, but it's also just as likely that it wasn't.

I like this guy's posts. :clap

Johnny Depp was nominated as Jack Sparrow for the first Pirates movie. And he didn't die. So take that for what you will... I believe Heath would have easily gotten the nomination had he not passed away. Would he have won? Who knows. As indicated earlier, he really didn't have much competition.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Ahhhh yeah. Belgium imports baby!

Ooh! You're on. I love Belgian brews as well. In fact, the gf is growing some live organic hops in Florida that I plan to brew a Belgian wheat beer with sometime early next year.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The fact that Heath won just proves it was an awesome performance. Maybe not the best of the year, maybe a little nudge led to the win because of his death, but its not like Cate Blanchett would have suddenly won the Oscar for portraying the villain in KOTCS if she was the one who died that year.

The performance still had to be there for the posthumous tribute to have ever been considered.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think the hater sentiment comes with the certainty that people express the reason why the film did well and the reason why Heath won the Oscar as if there were anyway to ever know, yet it's almost always presented as fact and those presenting never consider the alternative. Sure it absolutely could be the reason why, but it's also just as likely that it wasn't.

Yes, but that completely validates both sides of the discussion. So why consider any less than fanboy discussion of these movies, hate? I liked TDK, I loved some of it. I loved Heath's Joker. However I think it was lightning in a bottle regarding Ledger and what unfortunately happened afterwards.

That of course didn't make the movie itself any different, but it made peoples perception of the movie a lot different. TDKR doesn't have that going for it (and hopefully won't). It could be great (I hope it is) but it's not a given after Inception which used up a lot of Nolan's TDK grace with regular non genre film goers. A lot of people went to that because of TDK, a lot of people hated it (not me). So this isn't as straight a sell.

Also, not too sure I think that prologue is all that great. I loved the written description of it, but I have to say, I thought it looked pretty ordinary. The trailer at the end looked good though.
Fingers crossed.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The fact that Heath won just proves it was an awesome performance. Maybe not the best of the year, maybe a little nudge led to the win because of his death, but its not like Cate Blanchett would have suddenly won the Oscar for portraying the villain in KOTCS if she was the one who died that year.

The performance still had to be there for the posthumous tribute to have ever been considered.

But no one is saying the performance was bad or that he wasn't great... just that its posthumous nature had a lot to do with the hype, buzz, and quite likely the Oscar win.

I guess that's "hating" to some? :dunno
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Wrong. Where were all these fans and where was all this box office success for his last film? Where was his Oscar nomination for his last film? There have been multiple people die with a film to come out aftewards, some that were good enough were nominated for an Oscar none of have won why all of a sudden does it start now? I'll tell you why, to fit an arguement. The only bump TDK recieved was from those who genuinely went to the film to see Heath's last performance, that's not going to last for $1 billion worth of reciepts. Sure it helped, but the impact isn't nearly as significant as people try and argue and the reciepts of TDKR will prove that.

TDKR will prove that TDK was over-hyped. That's all that will be proven. BTW, you need to learn how the Academy works for awarding Oscars. They'd snubbed Heath in the past (for considerably better roles), and this was their last real chance to award him one.

The fact that Heath won just proves it was an awesome performance. Maybe not the best of the year, maybe a little nudge led to the win because of his death, but its not like Cate Blanchett would have suddenly won the Oscar for portraying the villain in KOTCS if she was the one who died that year.

The performance still had to be there for the posthumous tribute to have ever been considered.

Not really. It proves nothing. Denzel's Oscar for Training Day was bull____. Denzel'd had far better roles he should've won for but kept getting snubbed in favor of other films. The Academy ran out of excuses and awarded Denzel that year with a sympathy Oscar, which is exactly what Heath got.

Now important for all you tittybabies whining that because we don't think Nolan and Ledger's Joker were manna from heaven, we must hate it... you're wrong. Does this mean I hate Ledger? Nope. He was a fantastic actor and a treasure to his time. Does this mean I hate Nolan? No. I find his movies entertaining but personally feel he's highly overrated. I'm just looking at things realistically, from a face not covered in fanboy circlejerk bukake.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't hate TDK. In fact, I as one of those that was hoping Ledger won both Golden Globes and the Oscars. When he won, I was so thrilled. Fast forward a couple years, I realized now that RDJ should of won that Oscar. They both did an amazing job acting wise. But I still feel like I'm not watching RDJ ever time I watch Tropic Thunder. Not hating, just being honest.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't hate TDK. In fact, I as one of those that was hoping Ledger won both Golden Globes and the Oscars. When he won, I was so thrilled. Fast forward a couple years, I realized now that RDJ should of won that Oscar. They both did an amazing job acting wise. But I still feel like I'm not watching RDJ ever time I watch Tropic Thunder. Not hating, just being honest.

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