The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

im pretty sure its (the fire rises) but in german

Yea i know but at first thats what i thought they said. I thought bane broke out the arkham city inmates again.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

seeing the crowd fight, i hope there is rocky 5 type street brawl , where batman rises and says , one more round , i hear no bel ..oh wait ,,,,:chase
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Never heard something so :slap:slap

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think its time to jump off the TDK bandwagon in general. Much better films out there.

It is the best batman film tho. in my opnion so of course batman fans can't stop raving about it. I love batman but I agree they are much better movie's out there. Imo the dark knight's joker was the best joker next to hamill who is a perfect voiceactor for joker for years.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It is the best batman film tho. in my opnion so of course batman fans can't stop raving about it. I love batman but I agree they are much better movie's out there. Imo the dark knight's joker was the best joker next to hamill who is a perfect voiceactor for joker for years.

Perfect joker for Nolan's films, yes. Caesar Romero was by far, the best joker on screen for his time (and arguably period). Nicholson was the perfect antagonist for Burton's film. Hamill personifies the Joker the best, but unfortunately, the visual aspect isn't there.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think TDKR will do much better internationally than TDK did, just my hunch.

I think post TDK's release, it has garnered a huge fandom outside the US and the hype for TDKR is a lot greater internationally than it was for TDK IMO
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think you're viewing the hype from within a bubble, though. Is it really that big outside of our space?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yeah, I also agree that had Ledger not died he would not have won that Oscar. May not even have been nominated. Not to take anything away from what was a good performance, but it all went over-the-top after his death.

He deserved the oscar 100%. Sure his death could have influenced the fact that he got it, but purely looking at it from a quality of performance perspective, I don't see how any supporting actor performance from that year was better than Ledger's Joker
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The problem with the water-cooler arguement is the grey in between. If 10 people go to the film because they're curious about Heath's death, and 10 people come away and tell 10 more how amazing the movie is, and how amazing Heath's performance is, and then those 10 people go and see the film, what get's the credit? Shouldn't the only ones that count in the arguement be those that genuinely went out of morbid curiosity without being prompted?

No, it's the hundred people who would never have otherwise noticed a Batman movie that made the difference. The media was HUGE because of Heaths death. Huge. Bigger than any studio could or would ever have paid for. It allowed the market for the movie transcend the normal superhero movie into mass market appeal, like Titanic. That's the golden egg, what all studios hope for. Cameron did it with Titanic and Avatar films which became more than their worth for external reasons. Old women and young girls wanted to see a Batman movie, and was just the guys here. Likewise lightning hit for TDK with Ledgers death. And something similar happened. The question is, will those new found ticket buyers go back again? I don't think so. But it may be huge because of the press the TDK got, and the sheer number of people who have seen it post cinema release.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I remember hearing stories that Nicholson was the only man alive who could bring the Joker to life back in the day.

I'm sure 15 years from now there will be some new performance that is perceived in its time to outshine Ledger's.

I do not think TDKR will be able to eclipse TDK. It will start off with a bigger bang for sure, but I imagine it will not have the same legs in the long run. Bane is not the Joker.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Wait till Bane's character gets lauded as epic and many then will campaign for him to win the Oscar, especially after what occurred with the TDK. HAHAHAHAHA.

I can see it now, "I don't know any movie that deserved better. This should have won for best film!"

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think you're viewing the hype from within a bubble, though. Is it really that big outside of our space?

Like dino76 says about the Joker mania in India - even amongst my totally non-nerd, non-comic book reading, friends, TDK went down like a storm.

This has been true across people I know in the UK, in Pakistan, and friends from college who are of various nationalities.

Also - I went to the preview screening of TDKR this week in London. I was shocked how many people there had no clue who Bane was and their only exposure to Batman had been by watching TDK either in the cinema or on DVD at home afterwards.

Going even beyong that, some people were actually there as Inception fans who didn't even pay attention to BB/TDK! Inception was pretty huge internationally, doing about $530MM vs TDK which was $480 or something internationally.

A further factor - a ton of kids were only 11-13 when TDK came out, and didn't actually see the film in the theater, but saw it on DVD later perhaps when they were a little bit older (it was been after all, 3.5 yrs already since release). Those kids are now in a pretty large audience category of 14-17 year olds who will (IMO) go to TDKR in hordes.

Finally, there's not many people you will find, proportionally, who went to TDK and did not think it was a very very good movie, I would say perhaps at least 85% of those that saw it were very impressed. TDKR is almost guaranteed that 85% of people. Who doesn't want to watch the conclusion of a critically acclaimed trilogy? :dunno

So yeah, I'm sticking with my expectation of TDKR matching TDK's BO, with perhaps more coming from international and less from US in terms of the make-up of the BO.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Bane is not the Joker.

Of course he isn't, but that's where I think the marketing of this film (and indeed the story itself), will have a different focus, on Batman and Bruce himself, and the end of his journey.

We're already starting to see some of this with the taglines and the plot hints within the trailer/spoilers
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