The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

So in other words, WB is hoping Tom Hardy is a junkie and he bites the big one come Feb 2012. Well, him or Bale :horror

Or both :horror :horror

Or Tom, Bale and Caine :horror :horror :horror

Or, Tom, Bale, Caine and Freeman :horror :horror :horror :horror
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

So in other words, WB is hoping Tom Hardy is a junkie and he bites the big one come Feb 2012. Well, him or Bale :horror

Or both :horror :horror

Or Tom, Bale and Caine :horror :horror
Or, Tom, Bale, Caine and Freeman :horror :horror :horror :horror

If he expects TDKR to come anywhere near TDK's boxoffice, yep. Shoot 'em if you got 'em, Bale and Hardy! :pfft:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

in india, its 'heath who?' mostly, the common population might not even have known that heath was dead before the film, but still the jokers dialogue seemed to have taken india by storm, people were quoting his dialogues almost anyhwere , forums, offices and i dont think anyone knew who heath was or which all films he acted before, i certainly didnt, though i knew heath had died before the film released
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Fact of the matter is no one will know for sure what role it played. Logic would tell you it would help it's initial surge from the extra rubber neckers. Logic would also tell you it's not going to provide it with a billion dollars worth of legs. The closest we'll come to a legit answer is what The Dark Knight Rises does in box office. One thing for sure is that his death certainly didn't help the box office of his last film.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I know many people who talked about TDK before it was released who wouldn't really have noticed or paid attention otherwise. Obviously, these are non "geeks". Believe it or not, there are millions of people outside the bubble of our hobbies that don't care about this stuff. Ledger's death absolutely got more mainstream people interested in the film. And it's that cross-over that has to occur in order for it to make the type of box office that it did. You think AVATAR is the #1 movie of all time because of sci-fi geeks or Cameron fans? No. It's because it generated mainstream water-cooler buzz and every Joe Sixpack had to go see it too, out of curiosity. A similar thing occurred with TDK due to buzz surrounding the Ledger death. Absolutely no question about it.

Edit: This is NOT to discount the success that TDK had. It would have still been a success otherwise. It's just that many of us firmly believe the Ledger situation is what turned a likely a $250-$350mm domestic gross to $500+ million. I think TDKR will do very well, but probably won't cross $400mm domestically.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I know many people who talked about TDK before it was released who wouldn't really have noticed or paid attention otherwise. Obviously, these are non "geeks". Believe it or not, there are millions of people outside the bubble of our hobbies that don't care about this stuff. Ledger's death absolutely got more mainstream people interested in the film. And it's that cross-over that has to occur in order for it to make the type of box office that it did. You think AVATAR is the #1 movie of all time because of sci-fi geeks or Cameron fans? No. It's because it generated mainstream water-cooler buzz and every Joe Sixpack had to go see it too, out of curiosity. A similar thing occurred with TDK due to buzz surrounding the Ledger death. Absolutely no question about it.

The problem with the water-cooler arguement is the grey in between. If 10 people go to the film because they're curious about Heath's death, and 10 people come away and tell 10 more how amazing the movie is, and how amazing Heath's performance is, and then those 10 people go and see the film, what get's the credit? Shouldn't the only ones that count in the arguement be those that genuinely went out of morbid curiosity without being prompted?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Lol I remember when I used to be in love with avatar haha. Good times.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

what was the bane chanitng??
Mátalo, mátalo! Bane, Bane! Mátalo, mátalo! Bane, Bane! ???
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

In the trailer it sounds like they are saying "this is arkham asylum"
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The problem with the water-cooler arguement is the grey in between. If 10 people go to the film because they're curious about Heath's death, and 10 people come away and tell 10 more how amazing the movie is, and how amazing Heath's performance is, and then those 10 people go and see the film, what get's the credit? Shouldn't the only ones that count in the arguement be those that genuinely went out of morbid curiosity without being prompted?

but the fact is heaths performance was off the charts, every dialogue of his was beng quoted, everywhere and everytime , it was a rage here in India, even though people hardly knew or cared about heath ledger
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I call TDKR topping $1bn internationally.

What's your guess nam? $300MM? :rotfl


But reviews will also play a role in the final outcome.

TDK was a highly rated movie even outside of the geek circle.

TDK = highly rated sequel / coming off a good rated BB / Ledger being off'd by the Olsen Twins Drug Cartel = 1 Billion Gross

In the off chance that TDKR is rated poorly, i'm sure that will have some impact on the BO performance.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I call TDKR topping $1bn internationally.

What's your guess nam? $300MM? :rotfl

Not only will it not do as well as TDK, but it won't be praised as much either. You heard it here, first! :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:

Fact of the matter is no one will know for sure what role it played. Logic would tell you it would help it's initial surge from the extra rubber neckers. Logic would also tell you it's not going to provide it with a billion dollars worth of legs. The closest we'll come to a legit answer is what The Dark Knight Rises does in box office. One thing for sure is that his death certainly didn't help the box office of his last film.

Wrong. Not only did the press about Heath's death lead to the over-inflated success of the movie and the box office take, but all of it led to the Oscar buzz, Ledger winning the Oscar posthumously which led to even more hype for the film. If not for him dying, the film would've been touted as a great comic book movie and maybe had some crossover Nolan fans, but it wouldn't have been near the "phenom" it was. TDKR will prove this.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Not only will it not do as well as TDK, but it won't be praised as much either. You heard it here, first! :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:

Wrong. Not only did the press lead to the over-inflated success of the movie and the box office take, but it led to the Oscar buzz, Ledger winning the Oscar posthumously which led to even more hype for the film.

Man, great minds sure think alike :lol

Can I plz have a whore lolz cat slap :lol

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Man, great minds sure think alike :lol

Can I plz have a whore lolz cat slap :lol


Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yeah, I also agree that had Ledger not died he would not have won that Oscar. May not even have been nominated. Not to take anything away from what was a good performance, but it all went over-the-top after his death.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yeah, I also agree that had Ledger not died he would not have won that Oscar. May not even have been nominated. Not to take anything away from what was a good performance, but it all went over-the-top after his death.

Never heard something so :slap:slap
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