The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

TDK trailer was more action packed and intense.

TDKR trailer is darker and slower, especially with the little boy singing the American national anthem...but I expect more action packed footage closer to the release date :D

yea, I was a little underwhelmed by the trailer, but I still can't wait til next summer.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


HD here!!!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

HD Trailer is up. Looks like Bruce has a cane in every scene (talking with Miranda, walking towards the table, etc).
Good spot! May be because he was limping at the end of TDK. Or could be after Bane breaks him.

I'm so pumped for this film. Bane is scary, proven in the fact everyone is talking about the possibility of Bruce dying. Well, he looks dead in the trailer even! LOL
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Not sure why you think Bane is a "Legend" but...ok. :lol

The CIA/FBI knows about him enough to chase down people associated to it so it'd wouldn't be too farfetched that within the parameters of the Nolanverse he'd be a Legend. Maybe it refers to the fact that the "bubble" is burst concerning Harvey Dent as part of Batman's redemption, that has certainly be established as legend through the conversations with those involved in the production. I'd be funny if it took from the recent comics where Batman Incorporated is formed at the end and there is a huge montage of a ton of "Batheroes" with Bruce Wayne funding them to give most fanboys multiple orgasms in an IMAX theater.

Either way I'm sure knowing Nolan we have no clue what he is actually referring to but I'm excited.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Bane took Batman out of the game for an entire year!!! Name one other villian form Batman that has ever come close to doing that??? That is case enough alone to call Bane a LEGEND...
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Ironically the parts I liked are the parts we've all already seen before when they were filming during the summer (fight on the steps, Pittsburgh scenes, the Batwing in pursuit of the Tumblers etc). The only new parts that I like are the scenes that involve Alfred tearing up about how he "failed" and the fact that Selina appears to be an antagonist.

The rest is mediocre to me. I still don't feel comfortable with the whole Heinz field/Steelers crap, even after I gave it a chance with this trailer. It's not about the special effects it's just the fact that it's included.

I also dislike the "theme" of the film. It feels very liberal too me. The whole "robin hood" message that the trailer is trying to get across about how the rich are bad and the poor will rise isn't my cup of tea. When I think BATMAN I don't think anti-capitalism. I fully expect this film to be preachy and frankly, that's not something I want to see.

I was hoping this film would delve deeper into the psyche of Bruce Wayne and Batman, not focus on his need to be involved with philanthropy and "giving back to the people". Just with the end of TDK and the start of this teaser it's like they're trying to move away from Batman and make the character look like a literal bad guy. I'm all for character development for Bruce Wayne but they really are trying to shun away from Batman. This isn't what I expected after I saw Begins in 2005 and we were introduced to a fully established Batman. TDK focused on Wayne wanting to give up the cape and cowl and it seems TDKR he has given it up, only to don it again one last time before

Why can't Batman, you know, like being Batman? The character has always been obsessed with this war on crime why does Bruce Wayne constantly view it as being a burden and something that should be temporary? I thought Begins established that "Bruce Wayne" was his mask?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I was very pro Anne Hathaway for the role of Selena Kyle but in the small snippets in the trailer I found her kind of meh. Something about her isn't working for me, on the other hand Bane is quickly turning me into a fan of his Nolan interpretation.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Why can't Batman, you know, like being Batman? The character has always been obsessed with this war on crime why does Bruce Wayne constantly view it as being a burden and something that should be temporary? I thought Begins established that "Bruce Wayne" was his mask?

Maybe this will come at the end of the film.

I can see what people are saying about Hathaway. I'm not filled with excitement at her being in it, catwoman being in it for that matter. But TDK had Maggie G who is a bit of a mong and that doesn't dimish the film for me one bit.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Maybe this will come at the end of the film.

I can see what people are saying about Hathaway. I'm not filled with excitement at her being in it, catwoman being in it for that matter. But TDK had Maggie G who is a bit of a mong and that doesn't dimish the film for me one bit.

Only a "bit?" :google :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

At 1:32, is that bruce?

He looks like he got his ass kicked!!

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That trailer looked pretty darn amazing to me. The inmates breaking out of prison scene was VERY Batman. Must say I'm excited for Bane after that trailer and not looking forward to Catwoman at all.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Nolan =/= "Legend" :lol Not by a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong shot. :monkey1

I love his Bat films, but I agree he's not, however, I do think WB sees his success and the fandom for his Bat films as something big and I think in this case, they're hyping up the magnitude of the trilogy to spark interest to get people to the theater.

Whether it refers to anything or is just use of pure hype words for marketing, I do feel it doesn't refer to any specific character.
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