The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Does anyone know if Bane will have the Venom injection system? I watched the trailer to see if there was any tubing and didn't see any although there is scarring on the back of his neck.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I know the mask feeds him some sort of gas to keep a severe pain at bay. Pain which was caused by a previous injury. Whether it's venom or not I don't know!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Ironically the parts I liked are the parts we've all already seen before when they were filming during the summer (fight on the steps, Pittsburgh scenes, the Batwing in pursuit of the Tumblers etc). The only new parts that I like are the scenes that involve Alfred tearing up about how he "failed" and the fact that Selina appears to be an antagonist.

The rest is mediocre to me. I still don't feel comfortable with the whole Heinz field/Steelers crap, even after I gave it a chance with this trailer. It's not about the special effects it's just the fact that it's included.

I also dislike the "theme" of the film. It feels very liberal too me. The whole "robin hood" message that the trailer is trying to get across about how the rich are bad and the poor will rise isn't my cup of tea. When I think BATMAN I don't think anti-capitalism. I fully expect this film to be preachy and frankly, that's not something I want to see.

I was hoping this film would delve deeper into the psyche of Bruce Wayne and Batman, not focus on his need to be involved with philanthropy and "giving back to the people". Just with the end of TDK and the start of this teaser it's like they're trying to move away from Batman and make the character look like a literal bad guy. I'm all for character development for Bruce Wayne but they really are trying to shun away from Batman. This isn't what I expected after I saw Begins in 2005 and we were introduced to a fully established Batman. TDK focused on Wayne wanting to give up the cape and cowl and it seems TDKR he has given it up, only to don it again one last time before

Why can't Batman, you know, like being Batman? The character has always been obsessed with this war on crime why does Bruce Wayne constantly view it as being a burden and something that should be temporary? I thought Begins established that "Bruce Wayne" was his mask?



I not really pumpep about rises right now... and this trailer doesn't help... I know the movie will be great, but... I really have a bad feeling about it.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Intothevoid has to buy a new home for his 1/6 stadium, 1/6 prison, 1/6 batwin + Tumblers!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not as pumped either. I really hope I'm wrong and this movie brings so much more. First of all, this movie is going to be picked apart anyway, and people are going to hype it up so much. And when it doesn't live up to that hype, then it feels disappointing. Hype sometimes kills a movie, unless it really has the guts to back it up. But Dark Knight raised the bar so much, that's why it will be hard to match or top it. I hope it has alot of action and cool scenese and not alot of boring dialogue or politcal mumbo jumbo.

I hope this villain kicks ass too. I don't know much about him as I don't follow the comics as much and he is not widely know like the Joker is. So this is either going to hurt this, or be a breath of fresh air.
So far, I haven't seen anything awesome with this Bane guy. Again, I hope I am wrong. So far, all I take from it is a guy wearing a 6 inch fluffy collar like he came from the Arctic, and he hates football lol.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

From Bad Ass Digest:

I want to talk about the football scene in the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. Is that supposed to be comedic? The guy tackling the runner and then falling into a pit, the runner seemingly oblivious to the utter destruction of the field until he reaches the end zone and scores... that's way sillier than I would ever expect from a Christopher Nolan film. I'm not complaining - I'm actually pleasantly surprised - but I am wondering if it's supposed to be as goofy as it seems to me.
But you aren't here to talk about football! You're here to talk about the trailer itself. I found Bane's dialogue to be mostly incomprehensible - something about 'to die' - and I couldn't tell if the Mayor was making Gordon step or if Gordon IS the Mayor and stepping down in the spring. Probably the first, right?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

...the whole Heinz field/Steelers crap, even after I gave it a chance with this trailer. It's not about the special effects it's just the fact that it's included.

I thought the field collapsing was silly and unnecessary; my only thought is that the Batcave is under it and Bane wants to expose it, but even then, it is over the top. I think blowing a hole in Arkham was dramatic enough. My big hope is that Nolan has Bane break Batman's back ala Knightfall and the rest of Gotham is forced to "rise" to stop crime on their own.

I disagree about the theme; anger against the super rich and their profiting while the rest of America is suffering is at a peak right now and Nolan is going to play on that. Maybe the "99%" of Gotham is being overrun by crime while the rich are dancing at a posh party? :dunno

I hope this villain kicks ass too. I don't know much about him as I don't follow the comics as much and he is not widely know like the Joker is. So this is either going to hurt this, or be a breath of fresh air.
So far, I haven't seen anything awesome with this Bane guy. Again, I hope I am wrong. So far, all I take from it is a guy wearing a 6 inch fluffy collar like he came from the Arctic, and he hates football lol.
If you get the chance, get the Knightfall TPB. I have always collected Marvel comics, but way-back-when, I bought the Knightfall series and it was a good read. The Vengeance of Bane one shot is good as well.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Football scene doesn't bother me one bit :dunno

Actually, I think it looks cool with those dudes falling into the hole.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Football scene doesn't bother me one bit :dunno

Actually, I think it looks cool with those dudes falling into the hole.

me too. i really can't understand and follow what's so wrong and bad or silly to that scene. it scared me and i thought it looked like an unstoppable force, just like bane.

bane will be perfect and I'm sure, he will be much more bad-ass than heaths joker. as for catwoman, don't know, never was a fan or liked her character. and with anne it will be even more meh for me, but i hope nolan will change my thoughts :)
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

me too. i really can't understand and follow what's so wrong and bad or silly to that scene. it scared me and i thought it looked like an unstoppable force, just like bane.

bane will be perfect and I'm sure, he will be much more bad-ass than heaths joker. as for catwoman, don't know, never was a fan or liked her character. and with anne it will be even more meh for me, but i hope nolan will change my thoughts :)

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

me too. i really can't understand and follow what's so wrong and bad or silly to that scene. it scared me and i thought it looked like an unstoppable force, just like bane.

bane will be perfect and I'm sure, he will be much more bad-ass than heaths joker. as for catwoman, don't know, never was a fan or liked her character. and with anne it will be even more meh for me, but i hope nolan will change my thoughts :)

I think it's all the CG in the stadium that's looking "meh" and the inmates toting AKs looks more like a cheesy rap video vs. a summer blockbuster film. Of course, before the whining starts, I'll agree that we're viewing it out of context. But as it stands, that scene looks mostly underwhelming.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Don't see a problem with the "stadium scene" and it looks like they did a great job. :dunno

I loved the trailer. I think it's on par, if not better than TDK's (since, you know, we're comparing them :rolleyes2), but it's also going for a very different feel.

Still my most anticipated film for next year. :rock
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

While I'm sure there is much more to be seen, even as someone who is excited to see the new film, I have to admit that the trailer is slightly underwhelming when compared to the TDK trailer. The mix of music, the scenes selected, the mood, the whole tone of the trailer felt erratic, felt like the Joker character himself. Bane seems cool, calculating while still have a heavy force especially after the prologue. The trailer doesn't really envoke that, it's kind of a hodge-podge of scenes.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I thought the field collapsing was silly and unnecessary; my only thought is that the Batcave is under it and Bane wants to expose it, but even then, it is over the top. I think blowing a hole in Arkham was dramatic enough. My big hope is that Nolan has Bane break Batman's back ala Knightfall and the rest of Gotham is forced to "rise" to stop crime on their own.

I disagree about the theme; anger against the super rich and their profiting while the rest of America is suffering is at a peak right now and Nolan is going to play on that. Maybe the "99%" of Gotham is being overrun by crime while the rich are dancing at a posh party? :dunno

If you get the chance, get the Knightfall TPB. I have always collected Marvel comics, but way-back-when, I bought the Knightfall series and it was a good read. The Vengeance of Bane one shot is good as well.

You guys don't see where they're going with this?

He's not trying to 'expose the batcave' by blowing up a footy stadium, they are setting him up as the leader of the downtrodden, the criminal element, even, dare I say it because I don't agree with the occupy movement, 'the 99%'. He is blowing up the stadium as a statement - you people are decadent and weak and we are going to 'rise up' and destroy your world and replace it with our own. Bruce and what looks like a bunch of other rich people have been imprisoned.

This may be his genuine motive or it may just be as simple as him wanting to destroy Batman for his own amusement ala Joker.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

While I'm sure there is much more to be seen, even as someone who is excited to see the new film, I have to admit that the trailer is slightly underwhelming when compared to the TDK trailer. The mix of music, the scenes selected, the mood, the whole tone of the trailer felt erratic, felt like the Joker character himself. Bane seems cool, calculating while still have a heavy force especially after the prologue. The trailer doesn't really envoke that, it's kind of a hodge-podge of scenes.

I think TDK was a much easier movie to sell via a trailer.

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