The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises


You're more than welcome to join void and I when we go see TDKR :lol

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

What a good friend, providing shade for your buddy so he doesn't get all sunburned!


Psh. :thwak :mwaha That dude is waaaaaaaaaaay too buff to be... void. :duh

void is coming, i'm outta here


:horror That's fake, right?... LOL

I mean... Yikes!!!


Your sack is as big as Void's head. :lol

I laughed outloud when I read your post, problem is that i'm at work and everyone just gave me this crazy look :monkey4

But that was some funny ____ there Flos! :rotfl
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


Everyone knows that there's only one place to go when you want to bag a classy lady - by the lake on Naboo. But watch out for sand, it gets everywhere and you may develop paranoid delusions and in some cases it may lead to genocide.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

So, no one has even assumed the "Legend" means ..."THE LEGEND OF THE DARK KNIGHT"?

That's what it means.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I've stayed out of this thread and the Avengers and Spider-Man Threads as i don't want to know what happens before seeing the film.

I just watched the Trailer, all i knew about the Film was that a few years have passed, Batman quit, Bane's a Mercenary and there is a bat-plane.

So here is my thoughts on the Trailer

1. I think Bane said "whens gotham is ashes you have my permission to die" but i'm not sure and that's not a good sign.
2. The message presented is that the film is the last one while at the same time is like it's just starting out, how can they have batman come out of retirement only to end the series?
3. Anne Hatheway is Hot
4. Why is the football field so hollow that a few bombs can level it so easily without any collaterol damage?
5. Tumblers waging war on the street? Must be wayne-tech, showing Batman has a connection to wayne-tech = exposed secret identity.
6. Alfred had a fantastic line

So i'm more concerned about the revival of Batman theme presented in a film that's gonna be the last and trying to understand the villains dialogue, but other than them HUGE concerns it looks pretty good and has got me interested for when the Blu comes out.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I reckon footy fields have a ____load of stuff underneath em mate, they don't pick the spots for modern foot grounds based on the nice paddocks.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I know Batman belongs to the world, but he was created in america. by an american... I wouldnt include a soccer game....
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