The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The one thing that I don't like about Nolan's films is that it seems like he only uses realism when it suits him(I.e. every villain is a human being; no Supermen), his films really aren't that realistic (Earthquake Machines, Microwave emitters, Two-Face being fatally burned, yet walking around and drinking). Don't get me wrong, I love Nolan's films, but I actually would like to see a Batman totally grounded with reality. I'd like to see a more "comic book" adaptation first, but it's always fascinated me what Batman would actually be like in our world. I'd like to see Two-Face looking like the victim of an acid attack, I'd like to see the darker side of Gotham, and I actually would love to see Alfred characterized not as Bruce Wayne's loyal butler, but as a man teetering on the brink and wondering if his master should be given psychiatric help. There are all of these aspects that I have yet to see, and which I would love to see.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Hamm's the Man!


Seriously though, if they reboot again, I'd love to see him in the role, he's got both the playboy/double life angle down from Mad Men, and if his age is a problem, I say factor it into the story. One thing we've yet to see on screen is an older, more experienced Batman questioning how long he can do this before time defeats him. Though, if the TDKR trailers are anything to go by, it seems like that could be one of the themes of that film.

I've always said Jon Hamm would make a great Bruce Wayne. Once Noland's done with the franchise, I'd love to see him in the role. Probably won't happen, but one can hope.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The one thing that I don't like about Nolan's films is that it seems like he only uses realism when it suits him(I.e. every villain is a human being; no Supermen), his films really aren't that realistic (Earthquake Machines, Microwave emitters, Two-Face being fatally burned, yet walking around and drinking). Don't get me wrong, I love Nolan's films, but I actually would like to see a Batman totally grounded with reality.

There's a reason that should never be seen....


Dudes running around in long johns with hockey pads, pie tin hats strapped to their heads and blankets sewn to their shoulders, just don't scream "summer blockbuster" to me. :huh
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

There's a reason that should never be seen....

Dudes running around in long johns with hockey pads, pie tin hats strapped to their heads and blankets sewn to their shoulders, just don't scream "summer blockbuster" to me. :huh

well there was Kick ass...
and Defendor...

what's funny is that Nolan even addresses this in the Dark Knight with the guys trying to be Batmen LOL :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

There's a reason that should never be seen....

Dudes running around in long johns with hockey pads, pie tin hats strapped to their heads and blankets sewn to their shoulders, just don't scream "summer blockbuster" to me. :huh

Not necessarily, Bruce Wayne would still be a billionaire, and would still be able to afford tech. Hell, I saw this thing on a website the other day called the "Armstar."Apparently, these things are Kevlar lined gauntlets which house a 300,000 volt taser, a 720p camera, a flashlight, and an iPhone dock. This is real life, too. However, I'd like to see Bruce Wayne portrayed as a guy that clearly has mental issues. As, even in Nolan's films, he's portrayed as a totally normal guy who dresses up like a Bat. We know Wayne's motivation, but I'd like to see what wires crossed to make him think that dressing up like a Bat, and beating on criminals was the only thing that could help him deal with stuff.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Not necessarily, Bruce Wayne would still be a billionaire, and would still be able to afford tech. Hell, I saw this thing on a website the other day called the "Armstar."Apparently, these things are Kevlar lined gauntlets which house a 300,000 volt taser, a 720p camera, a flashlight, and an iPhone dock. This is real life, too. However, I'd like to see Bruce Wayne portrayed as a guy that clearly has mental issues. As, even in Nolan's films, he's portrayed as a totally normal guy who dresses up like a Bat. We know Wayne's motivation, but I'd like to see what wires crossed to make him think that dressing up like a Bat, and beating on criminals was the only thing that could help him deal with stuff.

You're assuming one huge factor. That's that every criminal on the planet is an idiot (let alone the advanced villains Batman deals with), and will ignore the fact that Batman's eyes and mouth are exposed - hence KD's "Billionare dressed like 'bat' shot in the face. End of movie." posted earlier. Game over. Real life Batman DOA.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You're assuming one huge factor. That's that every criminal on the planet is an idiot (let alone the advanced villains Batman deals with), and will ignore the fact that Batman's eyes and mouth are exposed - hence KD's "Billionare dressed like 'bat' shot in the face. End of movie." posted earlier. Game over. Real life Batman DOA.

Who said he wouldn't take that into account?Not to mention, in reality, I don't think Batman's the type to take his time talking to his enemies. He'd be a quick, and efficient fighter, and, as I mentioned the taser earlier, and the whole quick and efficient thing, I don't think he'd fight fair, either. Preferring distance and long range methods to take care of enemies posing a potential threat. I wouldn't mind seeing a director like David Fincher do a Batman movie someday.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Who said he wouldn't take that into account?Not to mention, in reality, I don't think Batman's the type to take his time talking to his enemies. He'd be a quick, and efficient fighter, and, as I mentioned the taser earlier, and the whole quick and efficient thing, I don't think he'd fight fair, either. Preferring distance and long range methods to take care of enemies posing a potential threat. I wouldn't mind seeing a director like David Fincher do a Batman movie someday.

Batman with a 50 cal sniper rifle :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You're assuming one huge factor. That's that every criminal on the planet is an idiot (let alone the advanced villains Batman deals with), and will ignore the fact that Batman's eyes and mouth are exposed - hence KD's "Billionare dressed like 'bat' shot in the face. End of movie." posted earlier. Game over. Real life Batman DOA.

It wouldn't be as much of a problem if he pulled a Jason Todd Batman though.


Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Who said he wouldn't take that into account?Not to mention, in reality, I don't think Batman's the type to take his time talking to his enemies. He'd be a quick, and efficient fighter, and, as I mentioned the taser earlier, and the whole quick and efficient thing, I don't think he'd fight fair, either. Preferring distance and long range methods to take care of enemies posing a potential threat. I wouldn't mind seeing a director like David Fincher do a Batman movie someday.

As long as there are no rape scenes from Fincher in it, I'm fine with that. :):mad:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You do know that Fincher wasn't responsible for that scene? It' was in both the books and the Danish film.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You do know that Fincher wasn't responsible for that scene? It' was in both the books and the Danish film.

I know he wasn't, but I hated the living hell out of it...both of them. It made want to find any man who has done such a thing and castrate them myself.

I wish he could've worked around it and left them out, but the scenes were...:mad:..."needed".:mad::mad:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It made her revenge that much more powerful, though. Back on topic:

Fincher & Hamm for 2014!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It made her revenge that much more powerful, though. Back on topic:

Fincher & Hamm for 2014!

Uwe Boll for Batman!!!!!!


Might as well call Bolls film The Dark Knight Falls, because that's exactly what would happen to his reputation on screen :lol


let the guy who made this make it


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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Perhaps the next Batman will be more like the invincible, overpowered "I can lift guys with one hand and throw them like trash" version from Batman Arkham Asylum/City


Cool, but just too damn strong. :lol

That is one thing I liked about the Green Hornet movie, it didn't ground itself in realism. It's a comic book movie that had comic book stuff action.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm open for another Burton directed Batman.

But i'm sure WB wants Michael Bay.


You kidding? No, come on, why not to take a good director like Adrian Lyne, or Alejandro Amenábar,.. well there are good director around which fits for directing Batman... And yes, even another Burton is better than Bay.

I've always said Jon Hamm would make a great Bruce Wayne. Once Noland's done with the franchise, I'd love to see him in the role. Probably won't happen, but one can hope.

That guy looks a bit old for a reboot. I am sad because we are going to lose Bale as Batman, and the guy always said he wants to keep being batman, if nolan decide to make more batman movies .. which is not going to happen. :(
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That is one thing I liked about the Green Hornet movie, it didn't ground itself in realism. It's a comic book movie that had comic book stuff action.

Watchmen was like that too. The Normal human superheroes were extremely strong. I was fine with that, so I'll just say screw it, MAKE BATMAN A STRONG SON OF A B!+ch!
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