The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

:nono I wouldn't insult the mentally challenged by lumping them in the same category. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:

Y'know, either you to are the same person using two usernames, or you're just madly in love with each other. Which is it?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Y'know, either you to are the same person using two usernames, or you're just madly in love with each other. Which is it?

Nah, me & Nam have had our fair share of differences, but we debate in a mature manor.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Nah, me & Nam have had our fair share of differences, but we debate in a mature manor.


I find that hard to believe since Nam likes to annoy people and start problems on this board.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Anywho, I'm guessing we'll see a longer trailer by April. Maybe with the release of Sherlock 2/MI 4 on Blu Ray. Maybe the prologue will be included as well. That'd be cool.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Seen that video awhile ago. Nothing real new, at first I thought the article meant it might have been some new dialogue or be a deleted scene. kinda disappointing :(
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I've seen most of that footage before, but some of it I hadn't. The article makes it out to be a lot more than it is.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I do like the long shot of the Joker in the Bus. I think it's cool for the viewer to be alone with him for a moment. Adds more depth to the character to see him thinking to himself. He should have left that in, I think.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I love that shot, saw it in the special features of the TDK Bluray, I think it's fine left out though.

What is stunning about that scene though is that they only had 1 take to do it (can't blow the hospital up twice!) and Heath NAILED it. They way he walked out and got into the bus, and then NEVER looked back is just amazing.
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