The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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And WTF is he looking up at?

He's looking to the marketing gods asking why would they allow WB to poorly reuse marketing photos from the previous film.

It's crazy, how many photos of Bale and Ledger were taken against the grey backdrop for press use, and the fact they're recycling makes me think they didn't do that this time around, which seems a shame, especially being the last of Nolan's films, I'd get all the press material I could.
That's true. I think what he's supposed to be standing on is the top of this bridge

But it's way too high :lol

It not even that. It's just hovering there. :lol

I had a crazy thought. The symbol in the sky is actually made from Batman's Giant Space Bat-Lazer and it's burning Gotham to ash.
I'll bet Man of Steel has kick as marketing, WB probably figures at this point, as long as the words "Nolan" or "The Dark Knight" are on a poster, the rest could be all black and it'd work, they've probably got the B squad on TDKR and the whole A squad trying to give Superman a shot.
I'll bet Man of Steel has kick as marketing, WB probably figures at this point, as long as the words "Nolan" or "The Dark Knight" are on a poster, the rest could be all black and it'd work, they've probably got the B squad on TDKR and the whole A squad trying to give Superman a shot.

Probably true.

But they could have just thrown Messenjahmatt some $$ and used all his art. He killed it for TDKR seriously
If WB were smart, they'd have just released the 3 International Banners as the final one-sheets, rather than that ____ty PS job.
Have you guys seen this:

I've been trying to find 'The Dark Knight Manual' but it's not out in the UK yet :(

I think the possible Joker origin theories are pretty interesting, especially the circus one

New Clues to The Joker's Past and a Possible Robin Connection
Newly released book offers fresh clues to what made Ledger's clown prince tick.
by Jim Vejvoda JULY 5, 2012

A new tie-in book for The Dark Knight Rises offers fresh clues to what made Heath Ledger's Joker tick in 2008's The Dark Knight.

The Dark Knight Manual, a newly published coffee table book from Insight Editions, includes a Gotham Police Department report on the Clown Prince of Crime that's broken down into three categories: Joker's Crimes, Known and Suspected, Leading Up to His Incarceration; Identity; and Possible Motives.

The report was generated following Joker's final capture at the end of the movie as it also includes the death of Rachel Dawes. But it's the Identity section that offers the tastiest morsels about who the Joker really is, although the GCPD report says "we are still no closer to ascertaining his identity."

The report suggests that since many of Joker's henchmen were former patients of Arkham Asylum that maybe he was one, too, but they'd yet to find any record of him there.

The second theory to Joker's identity is particularly intriguing as it suggests a way for ____ Grayson to exist within Nolan's Batman universe: "The Joker does not appear to have any connections to Gotham's crime syndicates, though he knocked over a mob bank. One possible motive for this, which could also explain the clown motif, is the Haley Brothers Circus. The circus was recently in town for a two-month engagement and it was rumored their boss had connections to Sal Maroni. The Joker could be a former Haley Brothers employee with some kind of grudge against the mob."

Comics readers will know that Haly's Circus was the home to the Flying Graysons, who were killed after Sal Maroni's associate Tony Zucco sabotaged their ropes in order to send a message to the circus owners that the mob intended on using their trucks to ship drugs. (SPOILER: Speculation that Joseph Gordon-Levitt's cop character John Blake is a potential Batman successor/would-be Robin will only be fueled by the revelation in The Dark Knight Manual that Blake, like Bruce Wayne, is an orphan who "channeled his anger and pain ... into his work serving and protecting the people of Gotham.")

The GCPD report offers one other theory about the Joker's identity: "Given the Joker's access to, and relative comfort with, military-grade technology such as grapple cannons, weaponized gases, explosives, and automatic weapons, it is possible that the man is a former soldier, perhaps suffering from severe PTSD." The report later suggests "anarchy" as a possible motive for Joker's crimes, speculating: "The Joker has murdered or attempted to murder various civic officials. It is possible that he is an extremist anti-government agitator or a soldier angry with the government for sending him to war."
I like that new TDKR Poster, but it really reminds me of that Jesus statue in Brazil for some reason:lol :



...especially with the heavens being open and all.

From Bad Ass Digest: :lol

We can have our disagreements about Mr. Christopher Nolan, but I think we can all agree that this man uses IMAX like nobody's business. IMAX is the true future of exciting, immersive filmmaking - not horrible 3D - and Nolan uses the format like nobody else today._The Dark Knight Rises_contains a ton of scenes shot in native IMAX, and the reality is that IMAX is the only real way to experience this movie theatrically.

That said, the IMAX poster for_The Dark Knight Rises_certianly seems... pious. The Lord Almighty has put a Batsymbol in the sky! Below the fires of perdition boil at Batman's feet! Alternately, we can assume that in this movie Batman grows to 900 ft tall and stomps on the city of Gotham._
I will say this, though. The new poster seems like it complements the original Begins poster (alternatively known as Batman taking a pee-pee) quite nicely. :lecture
I think they got it pretty spot on with their analysis of the poster. Tell me that Batman doesn't look like some angelic Jesus figure there.
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