drop this guys,Voorhees is friendly,as long as he gets locked in a cage at night
Sorry man....![]()
It's just weird to me when people get really super violent. Personally I say things that sound gory and violent in pure humor- kind of like a "Metalpocalypse" humor. Always followed with a laugh or an "I'm totally kidding".
Guess I am just not that type of guy. If I lost my job I would sit and reflect. Maybe feel sad for a few days or a week and then try to positively spin my life around. I love change and I think we grow from it.
Call your CC companies. They will work with you and reduce your payments or freeze your accounts for a period of time. it's a much better alternative than letting your credit hit the toilet.Guys, just settle down. Everyone is going through shat right now and I'm one of them among this thread. I know where Voorhees is coming from because my fiancee is out of work and I'm barely making ends meet with my job. If I end up losing my job as well(God forbid), I would probably react the same, and rant too.
Too add, I've sold what I can from my collection so now I'm decided to just pay mortgage, bills, gas, and food. I can no longer afford to pay the credit card bills-- not even the minimum. So I guess I'll stop paying on them altogether.
So goes my credit.
Funny, I'm listening to the radio at work and a caller requested Slipknot because he just got laid off work and wanted to vent.
It's just weird to me when people get really super violent. Personally I say things that sound gory and violent in pure humor- kind of like a "Metalpocalypse" humor. Always followed with a laugh or an "I'm totally kidding".
Guess I am just not that type of guy. If I lost my job I would sit and reflect. Maybe feel sad for a few days or a week and then try to positively spin my life around. I love change and I think we grow from it.
drop this guys,Voorhees is friendly,as long as he gets locked in a cage at night
Sorry man....![]()
I guess you are assuming that is what will happen. Nice assumption.Well you also base (from what I can see) everything on assumption so I think your comments may contradict themselves one day.
^^^^ that there are other ways of raising $$$, you only need so much blood ya know! All day yesturday and today i've been contemplating beating the ^^^^ out of the guy that ^^^^ed me over but we all know where that will take me.
Seriously considering running over him with my car!
It will take you to a place with free housing, free clothes and free food.![]()
He's an ANIMAL!!
I know business has been light on my end too, I hardly get any orders anymore. And I've had to sell my Hicks figure as well as my Hulk to help pay bills. I'll probably end up selling more just to make it to February. It's crazy right now.![]()
Well... seems like I was officially fired yesterday... but nobody has said anything...
my company is going thru some major changes and i really don't know where I'll end up...
I'm sick of this ^^^^...!!
Just found out today that in January my plant will be shutting down. I'm a shipping manager for the US's largest maker of plastic auto parts and can't substain with the Big 3 going to hell. There goes $45K a year down the drain with Michigan's economy in the ^^^^ter. I don't even think I could get a job at walmart since everything is so bad. My collecting days are over!! I'll be unemployeed for the 1st time since I was 17yrs old. I don't know how my family will mange but I'm sure a fire sale will be coming. Can't pay for cars, house, utilities and food making 1/4 of what I once did and the wife even works.