So after a day of playing it. Its a mixed bag. Its good, kind of addictive. But at the same time its very cryptic. Its more silent hill than Resident Evil. You need to find items you wernt told you needed, and you need to trigger events through trial and error. And gee the trial and error, EVERYTHING is out to kill you. Want to explore? Sure you may find XP. So whats around this corner? invisible trip wire BOOM. Hidden Bear trap, Snap! ... A Treasure chest? " hold A to open " *holds A* beep beep beepbeepbeep BOOM it was a bomb, there goes 40 minutes of gameplay. The aiming SUCKS. Its terrible. There will be an enemy so close to you its zoomed in on your screen so it nearly takes up the full image but your bullets will be flying passed its ears. Its really bad and needs refined if they ever do a sequel. Id rather sneak around than have to rely on shooting.
This is like survival horror Dark souls in some aspects. I heard the " save music " so i tried to find the area because i wanted to save and exit, i ended up trigger a cut scene, transported to silent hill demon world had to fight a horde of enemies with like 3 bullets then a surprise boss with no life or bullets. Hey, look its a race against time and you need to sprint! Lets face the camera pointing towards where you are running from so we cant see ahead.......... but set up an explosive trip wire infront of you.
Yet i still enjoy it. Ive got no clue what is what, who i am, who the guys are, what the story is. All i know is you need to work for your progression. Kinda like the upgrade system though.
And theres gagillion RE references and homages.