The Evil Within by The Creator Of Resident Evil Shinji Mikami

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Evil Within - 4/10

It WAS going to be a 5/10 but i just played a bit of new game + with the extras you get for completing it. And i was sure they would increase my gaming experience, but it didnt. And its a shame, that was the only thing motivating me to complete it. So the 2nd time around i could breeze through enemies and know what was coming as it pertains to puzzles and cheap deaths. I got no joy out of anything in the game. At first the upgrade system was a bit exciting. But in actuality i didnt feel more empowered from the start to right at the end when the only thing i could " feel " different was my stamina was no longer stupidly short and i had a longer life bar. Story ending... when you pay full retail and 15+ hours of your life you deserve an ending.

I guess I should be thankful I wasn't in a hurry to get this.
I returned my copy. Maybe when it hits the $20 price tag I'll reconsider it.
Thats not saying much and atleast you sorta care about the characters in RE5 and 6.... this game I could care less about these characters.
It's better than RE 5 and 6, though.
Asmuch as 5 and 6 are universally panned for being too action heavy. And while they are, they dont have the letter box issue, terrible depth perception issue, framerate issue ( i cant remember what consoles are like, but on pc mine is 60 ).The characters have emotion in their voice. The games actually have an ending, and you actually get a sense that all though you are sick of killing **** that you are actually killing ****. Not a flat mundane trodge through areas and hordes of enemies that may or may not be figments of your, or somebody elses imagination. Pretty much from the get go with the revelation that its all crazy mind **** and that you have plentiful checkpoints it takes alot of the feel out of it.

Enemies in this game is 50/50. Some of the designs i really like. Aside from the bog standard Zombies ( with spikey crap sticking out of them like its supposed to make them scarier ) and the Chainsaw guy who is an obvious RE homage. And actually Safe head who is an Pyramid head ripoff. The other " bigger " enemies are great. But unlike silent hill, these big mutated enemies have no explanation for what they are and what they represent as far as i know. There may be some wiki explanation but i didnt come across it in the game. Which is a shame. Maybe they are alluded to in the newspapers, missing posters and passports? I missed half of them because i didnt want to keep returning to the hospital to upgrade as it really slows the momentum of your gameplay. And i didnt bother going back until i had a heap of brain goo or needed to save.

Didnt the original Resident Evil have like 17 zombies? When i was playing this with my friend he got a trophy for killing 400 enemies and this was still on his first time through it.

Where is the alternate game modes? I suppose theres no reason to add a raid/mercenaries mode as pretty much each level in the game has 2 or 3 of thoes
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sure does bud



Thats not saying much and atleast you sorta care about the characters in RE5 and 6.... this game I could care less about these characters.

It's funny it turned out that way, considering Mikami slammed Capcom for RE6 for the COD action... but it also couldn't of had more disinteresting characters.
In my opinion set pieces are a terrible decision for survival horror games. Just as you start to feel your surviving, wham:thud: straight to another character/ set piece!
Which totally disjoints the survival horror experience, all the build up them wham! straight to a different place. Much preferred resi 4's game structure , constantly travelling yourself to all the locations of the narrative, conserving ammo, upgrading. I dont understand why resi 6 and the evil within uses this terrible formula just to be different. If it doesnt need fixing dont fix it! Rant over, just as i have every resi and nearly all survival horror games, its a shame to see the survival horror genre come to a near end, it shouldnt be, its just the ideas and implementation is falling into the wrong hands.
Oh well, there's still REmake, arguably Mikami's best horror game. You'd be a fool not to get that.
I had a sealed copy of this and Alien:Isolation this morning.
I decided to return AI this morning to play this.
I returned AI to BB at lunch.
I read this thread and the AI thread after lunch.
I wish I would have read the two threads before lunch. :slap

Well too late now, gonna give this a play through.
I had a sealed copy of this and Alien:Isolation this morning.
I decided to return AI this morning to play this.
I returned AI to BB at lunch.
I read this thread and the AI thread after lunch.
I wish I would have read the two threads before lunch. :slap

Well too late now, gonna give this a play through.

Why do you sound like a note from Resident Evil? :lol