Who the hell watches this ____ for the story?

I suppose you read Hustler for the articles, right?
Hustler has articles? But anyways, you can have a good action movie that is more balanced. Hell, even Rambo (2008) had a better story based on a real historical "hell-hole." I read the script to TE1 and it was a much better script than the movie. I liked the movie, but there was more to the script. Ironically, except for a couple movies like The Delta Force", "Navy Seals", etc., there weren't too many 1980's "team" movies. Those kinda were even before the 80's. I think Sly was aiming for an homage to 80's style with the actors doing their own stunts and cars really blowing up, but that got contradicted with the ridiculous use of CGI. Action movies never have Oscar caliber stories, but not all action movies have such cardboard storytelling. I liked it for what it was, own it, will buy the extended cut and will see the new one.
so....Thors little bro is in this movie?
He plays 'Tool's' son, I believe
You would be 110% incorrect. At 30 years old I'm more than old enough to appreciate it for wanted to try and be. It tried to be 80's action and failed for the most part.
It had some 80's big action set pieces for sure, one liners and the actors doing their own stunts. It just wasn't as memorable as some 80's movies that folks have seen 100 times.
That's a shame. I'm a fan of the man as far as his acting career goes. I'd like to see him in this. Still, it would be cool to see Tango and Cash reunited with Russell.
I forgot Michael Biehn. He'd be awesome as well.
Russell wouldn't even talk to Sly...he had his agent talk to Sly and decline. I don't even know what Russell is doing these days....
Biehn took insult recently to Sly's comments about wanting to help out his fellow 80's action movie actors. I think he took it the wrong way, but it was all over Biehn's FB page. I like him, but he should be glad folks remember him for more than one movie.
And just FYI, i'm mostly talking about that car chase scene, and the AA12 shotgun scene, and half of the final battle.
Too much CGI. CGI Fire, CGI machete, CGI blood (ugh), CGI decapitation....ehh.
Agree 100%. No stinking CGI if you want it to be a true 80's homage!
What kind of role is Liam Hemsworth going to be playing? I hope not a big one.
Knowing why he wasn't in the first, I don't think Van Damme should've even made the poster. The guy's a douche.
Still, he had a valid late 80's/90's action movie career and should be included in the movie.