I was interpreting the silhouette to be a dagger from the angle it was at, a scabbard should be pointing backwards not out to the side. But it could be just from the angle or that he's holding the scabbard in his left hand having just drawn his sword.
Like I said, I recall Aragorn fighting at one point with both his dagger and sword, I could be mistaken. And I don't recall exactly what his dagger looked like.
But if you paid attention to the precedent Sideshow has set for the first figures in any line they've started with, you'll notice that they have always started with a Principal Character as the first release, not an ancillary character like Faramir.
The first for The X-Files was Mulder & Scully.
The first for the Star Wars line was Luke.
The first for Marvel 1/4 was Wolverine.
The first for Planet of the Apes was Taylor.
The only time I've seen them not start with a principal character was the Lurtz 1/4 figure they just announced, but I doubt they'll continue that trend.
It's possible that it could be Faramir but not likely, it's definitely going to be Aragorn.
And I'm also going to wager that Angel will be first for the Angel line.