Hard not to feel bad for the poor white guy who could have gotten Finn's role if it were only released 30 years ago. A tragic miscarriage of justice has occurred here, my friends 

We came up with a show that was this honestly standard thing — it wasn’t a great script. Well they said they wanted to make it and we cast the show and did it. The thing that killed me the most of all, frankly, was we wrote it without even thinking who would be in it.
“We wrote these characters but when we went to cast it, one of the things I had felt, having been to the Emmy’s a couple times — you look around that room and you see the whitest ****ing room in the history of time. Its just unbelievably white,” he said. “And I just thought, we’re casting this show and we have an opportunity to do anything we want, why not cast the show with actors of color?””
Well i must say I liked this movie but...
1) I'm not happy Harrison Ford got his wish granted - [...]
Here is the story as Abrams describes it:
— JJ Abrams
revealing how he chose actors for the color of their skin, not for who he thought were the best actors or actresses. These preferences flowed into gender as well.
That bothers me on a number of levels; but it wasn't handled as cynically as I thought it might be, back when the rumour was leaked and I thought it was unlikely.
While it drove a plasma-stake through my childhood (it's just a movie guys!) it did impart a lot of emotional weight to the story.
I agree. It was done in a good way. It's just that it was done in the first place that hurts. I think there could have been a work-a-round if they tried harder but with parallels between this movie and ANH it was inevitable that someone would have to take on the sacrificial Obi-wan role. At least it wasn't meaningless. I'm ready for Kylo Ren to get his head chopped off.
Oh man, I feel like i'm in the minority but I really don't want to see him die lol He's actually my favorite character of the new bunch, hopefully he commits fully to the dark side and starts offing the people that fail him instead of letting them walk away, which I believe was the point of Han, Kylo can now kill without remorse, like Vader did.
2) I feel as though one person (Rey) was given everything - Falcon, Force, Chewy, R2 . What I liked most about the other movies was the team. At the end of ANH we see a family-team that has come together. At the end of this movie it is one person.
Kylo WILL have to make a great sacrifice now ... to balance the Force in Episode IX. (spoiler)
Obviously it will be the first Marvel/Star Wars crossover, as he is the Collector in the Marvel films. He'll be collecting a light saber or something, and the Empire will try to get it from him. Then, Guardians of the Galaxy will get involved with Rey and friends, etc. They'll need the Force to stop Thanos.So where do you think Benicio del Toro's character will fit in with this?
Um, Anakin came back from infanticide, so he's really paved the way for Kylo doing his own death bed conversion. It's hard for me to imagine that they won't redeem Kylo given his pedigree (i.e., dies with some grand gesture/bid to save others). I don't see them going for say a Game of Thrones take where he's evil until death, though that would be refreshing, maybe.