The Force Awakens - Figure discussion (with SPOILERS!)

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This thread needs to be closed or put back on track. The majority of the pages in here have nothing to do with the figures.

I would love to see a HT Jedi Luke and an old Han. Anyone else curious if the Luke would come with his green lightsaber?
For some reason Luke and the Tie pilot are the only figures I'm actually interested in getting. I'm kinda hoping he doesn't use a lightsaber at all. Almost as if he's above all that (like Yoda in the original films).

I like the idea of having this haggard old monk amongst the technology and jazz...
This thread needs to be closed or put back on track. The majority of the pages in here have nothing to do with the figures.

I would love to see a HT Jedi Luke and an old Han. Anyone else curious if the Luke would come with his green lightsaber?

I haven't seen the film yet, when he appears in the final scene, is his lightsaber visible? If it's not, I don't think that HT would include the saber if it wasn't on-screen. If it wasn't on-screen for episode 7, I really hope that it appears in the future films. Luke's green Lightsaber is absolutely my most favorite lightsaber design and color in the entire saga.

I'm sure though that they will definitely make an episode 7 Han though, they just have to!
I haven't seen the film yet, when he appears in the final scene, is his lightsaber visible? If it's not, I don't think that HT would include the saber if it wasn't on-screen. If it wasn't on-screen for episode 7, I really hope that it appears in the future films. Luke's green Lightsaber is absolutely my most favorite lightsaber design and color in the entire saga.

I'm sure though that they will definitely make an episode 7 Han though, they just have to!

I agree, Luke's lightsaber is just awesome.
if I remember correctly his lightsaber is not visible on screen, I guess it could boil down to if they actually included it in props for the movie. It would be cool to have but either way I just want a Jedi Master Luke badly haha.
Read my second last post few pages back, Ive updated the end of it with a point.

Ill re-post it below...
you had warrior princess Leia and then you had no-nonsense, I-make-my-own rules Han Solo as a counterpoint to put her in her place and challenge her. I'm not referring to the softie Return of the Jedi Han Solo but the way he was portrayed in the first 2. (Carbonite reduces T Count I'm assuming).
However, in Farce Awakens you have omnipotent social justice warrior princess Rey, and who is there to put her in her place or challenge her? Beta-ized Han Solo offers her a job, Finn kisses her ass and white knights for her the whole movie.
I can see how you could have Leia falling for Han with his ******* personality and the way he passes her **** tests, but it will make me sick if I hear they contrive some romance between beta Finn and butch Rey.

It seems that there are still a lot of people that either lack the mental faculties required or refuse to see what all this feminism is really about and who's behind it.

Really people should copy this and paste it into every comments section they can find where feminism rears it's poisonous Gorgonic head.,

The main reason that the globalist elite (The super rich nobility forming an Oligarchy that control governments and the media) have been pushing feminism is social engineering 'divide and conquer'. They need to destroy the social fabric to make it harder for familial relationships to form particularly between men and women as families provide cohesion and resistance against tyranny. So pushing women to abandon traditional nurturing female traits and to pursue male qualities creates friction as men have evolved to protect and compliment women not compete with them. Relationships have become harder to form between men and women, divorce is at an all time high, marriage at an all time low as women abandon their biological natures in favour of pursuing masculine traits, ending up with internal conflict and they are often unhappy.
Another aspect of this strategy is that broken or non-existent families leads to children with less or no parental influence, particularly fatherly influence thus kids can be practically or literally raised by the state and brainwashed with collectivist, statist propaganda with no father to teach them to think for themselves and what it means to be a man.

Another reason is the fact that men are the biggest threat to their control of the populations. In every takeover or suppression of an enemy throughout history the men were taken out first. Men are more likely to view totalitarian authority as an alpha male threat whereas women are more likely to view it as a protector (related to women liking the 'bad boys'). Men are thus more likely to challenge authority and are physically more dangerous.

They've hijacked every influential institution and control the western governments, media and Hollywood. They're reinventing every major, male formative iconic cinematic classic by infusing them with feminism and other liberal elements. Characters that embody male ideals are replaced with females. For example, Starbuck off 'Battlestar Galactica' was a womanising, cigar-smoking hotshot pilot - the swashbuckling, womanising, skilled hero, archetype replaced with a butch aggressive female, Watson and Moriarty off 'Elementary' - the male genius archetype, Thor of Marvel comics turned into a woman - The powerful warrior archetype, Ghostbusters as all women- the male genius archetypes, Mad Max, and now the Force Awakens with Rey combines the warrior and genius male archetypes. All these characters were from films that men grew up with and identified with and replacing them with women is a powerful psychological blow.

The road map was already laid out (new Mad Max movie). They both had the same PC ******** with the woman doing all of the extreme things and the men are just in the background or look like fools.

Too bad, in reality, it's men doing all of the dirty jobs and heavy lifting while women get the office pass (literally working in office jobs) and complaining about equal pay.

So it's all about subjugating men, making male/female relationships difficult thus eroding social cohesion and making families hard to form thus reducing resistance to the new world order tyranny encroaching more and more rapidly.

You are so wrong it is not even funny. It is clearly because of

That lightsaber is quite phallic and such a relic should come with each character that held it!
BB-8 is awesome. Thumbs up buddy! I also really liked Rey. Finn, I was really worried about, but he came out alright but not great. Po was...meh. Was surprised to see so much of Han. Yes Leia should have been a Jedi. The falcon was just a tool as opposed to its own character. I guess whoever stole it from Han got all the kinks worked out :) Apparently they're in another galaxy since I didn't recognize any of the aliens (minus Akbar and Numb). Mind you it was in 3D and everything blurred whenever the camera panned. I HATE THIS 3D CRAP! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!

After seeing this movie here's what I see happening.

EP 4 = heroes escape desert planet, join rebels on forest planet, destroy huge enemy weapon
EP 7 = Heroes escape desert planet, join resistance on forest planet, destroy huge enemy weapon (which was pretty cool BTW).

EP 5 = Empire strikes back at rebels, Luke trains with Yoda, Han gets captured
EP 8 = First order strikes back at resistance, Fey trains with Luke, ??? gets captured

EP 6 - Heroes rescue Han, Rebels destroy huge enemy weapon, Vader dies saving Luke and thus returns to the light side.
EP 9 - Heroes rescue ???, Resistance destroys huge weapon, Kylo dies saving Rey and thus returns to the light side.

Good movie!
So glad I walked out not having seen Tatooine being blown up instead of Alderaan.

14 Parsecs :lol
EP 4 = heroes escape desert planet, join rebels on forest planet, destroy huge enemy weapon
EP 7 = Heroes escape desert planet, join resistance on forest planet, destroy huge enemy weapon (which was pretty cool BTW).

EP 5 = Empire strikes back at rebels, Luke trains with Yoda, Han gets captured
EP 8 = First order strikes back at resistance, Fey trains with Luke, ??? gets captured

EP 6 - Heroes rescue Han, Rebels destroy huge enemy weapon, Vader dies saving Luke and thus returns to the light side.
EP 9 - Heroes rescue ???, Resistance destroys huge weapon, Kylo dies saving Rey and thus returns to the light side.

Finally, someone gets it.
BB-8 is awesome. Thumbs up buddy! I also really liked Rey. Finn, I was really worried about, but he came out alright but not great. Po was...meh. Was surprised to see so much of Han. Yes Leia should have been a Jedi. The falcon was just a tool as opposed to its own character. I guess whoever stole it from Han got all the kinks worked out :) Apparently they're in another galaxy since I didn't recognize any of the aliens (minus Akbar and Numb). Mind you it was in 3D and everything blurred whenever the camera panned. I HATE THIS 3D CRAP! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!!!

After seeing this movie here's what I see happening.

EP 4 = heroes escape desert planet, join rebels on forest planet, destroy huge enemy weapon
EP 7 = Heroes escape desert planet, join resistance on forest planet, destroy huge enemy weapon (which was pretty cool BTW).

EP 5 = Empire strikes back at rebels, Luke trains with Yoda, Han gets captured
EP 8 = First order strikes back at resistance, Fey trains with Luke, ??? gets captured

EP 6 - Heroes rescue Han, Rebels destroy huge enemy weapon, Vader dies saving Luke and thus returns to the light side.
EP 9 - Heroes rescue ???, Resistance destroys huge weapon, Kylo dies saving Rey and thus returns to the light side.

Good movie!
So glad I walked out not having seen Tatooine being blown up instead of Alderaan.

14 Parsecs :lol

Yeah totally xD the name really caught me by surprise

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

In the books written after the original movies, Leia and Han had a boy and named him Anak in after Vader, and had a set of Twins, Jaina their daughter and Jacen their other son. Luke was hunted by a disciple of the emperor a smuggler named Mara Jade, whom he freed from Palpatine's influence and they have a son together, Ben. Disney swore the extended universe didn't exist anymore and this whole movie is EU and revolves around it. They're mixing **** up, but doing it with lousy execution.
did I miss it or was there not a single word about the battle of Jakku?

EP 4 = Stormtroopers kill locals (Owen, Beru and Jawas) searching for a droid carrying information they want.

EP 7 = FO troopers kill locals searching for a droid carrying information they want.

As Yogi Berra said it's "Déjà vu all over again"


Sad....really sad!
EU, that's like Ultimate Star Wars. I liked Thrawn, but whatever.